Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Speech Templates 60th

Ultimamente a Torino si fa un gran parlare di zone 30, in pratica si tratta di prendere delle aree della citta e imporre un limite di velocità massimo agli autoveicoli of 30 km per hour, the aim is to make the area safer and more livable.
In Turin there is currently only one zone 30 located within the second district, the area between the course Sevastopol, Via Guido Reni, Siracusa Corso and Corso Orbassano, this is a rather small blocks of about 25 .
To turn it into area 30 have been spent a lot 'of pennies, they took a couple of traffic lights, made a round, put some flower, especially created "gaps" on the borders of the area (which are nothing more than simple shrinkage roadway).
I live on the edge of the area 30, until a few months ago on one side, now that I moved on the and my parents also, so I enter the area almost daily and I can say without any doubt, "you do not need a fucking emeritus."
is made as to the affected area even before the cars had no chance of going very fast, even with the new limit, but without the control, the idiot who was traveling over 50 km / h is still free to do so.
traffic has not declined, indeed, passages create more waiting at traffic lights because instead of 2 cars side by side there now there is only one, the parents took their children by car to the schools within the area continue to do so.
Apart from the signs with a limit of 30 km / h there is no barrier or disincentive to car use.
The bike is encouraged in the area for several years, long before the 30 zone with a few narrow path as best depicted using the sidewalk, with the result that pedestrians walk calmly over there, but the network is so small that does not allow not complete the crossing in the area, then I say if there really is the limit and the car go up the lanes were taken away and you can finally use the bike path which has its place.
As too often happens in this country (with the "p" lower case) very good idea in itself, is applied so that the end result is close to zero.


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