Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Left 4 Dead - Hitchcock would be a NERD

After I shot in the vein of the recent global cult The Walking Dead, the ammazzazombie in me went further, launching postepay with my new Left 4 Dead . This shooter game produced by Valve and distributed on the Steam online platform , is now the Resident Evil of the 2000s. The story is always the same: "to cure the zombies ... one bullet at a time." To make the company four losers of the middle-class American, a mechanic, a journalist, a football coach ... well, street people we like. Characters quite ugly, but extremely cool . Because in a standard shooter tends to take the most powerful and precise, but in Left 4 Dead taste to exterminate the zombies with a frying pan or food Bruce Willies of the katana, or machete Danny Trejo is unparalleled. There is no realism, except that the slasher and grindhouse cinema of Quentin Tarantino re-enactment. And here is the first indication of the ideological game: if you do not take this post-modern film culture references, you are out (from the real game, I mean). Each campaign is divided into stages, as the cinema, and introduced by a poster Hollywood-style action movie with lots of subtitle. There Fever Swamp (Swamp Fever) where "the only cure is to die," or where the Centre for Death "Prices Are not the only things getting slashed" (prices will not be the only things to be cut). And then there's "Director", the artificial intelligence is to create a genuine " procedural narrative." This is a new system rapidly spread in games where the AI \u200b\u200banalyzes the stress of players (hit points, equipment, scoring, etc..) And add / drops items and monsters to increase the suspense and twists of the game . Hitchcock would be a NERD.

Second, the Zombie. It has been nearly 200 years since Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, conceived the idea after a night in the house of the beloved Lord Byron in Geneva. Frankenstein, the dead man walking. Then Dracula feeds on dead and finally, poetic touch, "the horror" of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness , where the natives of the jungle were ... well, let's talk directly Conrad:

"The earth seemed unearthly here. We are accustomed to see the shape of a monster chained overwhelmed, but there - there you could see something monstrous and free. It was terrifying and had uomoni ... No, they were not inhuman. Well you know that this is the first the worst thing - the suspicion that they were not inhuman faces little by little. "

resides here the charm of zombies: not tanto il sentimento sublime di scontrarsi con qualcosa di incontrollato e misterioso, quanto il sospetto che fra noi e loro ci sia un'oscuro legame genetico. Come fa notare Zizek nel suo ultimo libro Living in the end of the Times (2010), è forse il caso di pervertire la nostra interpretazione delle storie di zombie seguendo l'indicazione del romanzo originale di Io sono leggenda (Richard Matheson, 1954). Nella versione cinematografica Will Smith "diventa leggenda" poichè sacrifica la sua vita per consegnare l'antidoto dell'epidemia alla colonia di superstiti e rilanciare così un new cursus dell'umanità (come un certo tizio con la barba 2011 anni fà). Lo stesso titolo, nel romanzo originale, acquista un significato completamente diverso: il protagonista Neville, "diventa leggenda" non per gli um ani (è l'unico uomo superstite) bensì per la nuova razza di vampiri che hanno preso il posto dell'umanità dopo l'ultimo conflitto mondiale. Per loro, noi umani siamo "la leggenda", esseri straordinari da annientare per garantire la sopravvivenza della specie. Anche in Left 4 Dead la catarsi cinematografica e la parziale identificazione con gli eroi, ci  fa scordare che in effetti sono gli zombie la maggioranza etnica. 

In chiave parapsicologica, entriamo nel campo dell'Altro. Così, nel celebre Lacan's essay " The stage of mirror as a trainer of the function of 'I " indicates that the French psychoanalyst to perceive ourselves as "I" we have to deal with 'other-that I see in the mirror. Only in this way we can "to alienate ourselves, and create the imaginary, symbolic and real. Some abstruse terms for non-Lacanian, but effective to interpret our tarantinesco shooter. What is the zombie but our double mirrored in the reflection of death, non-being? One dimension, that of the undead, which is completely different from "Resurrected" these are not the dead back to life (which could well para-religious interpretation of history) but the so-called living dead, those living while retaining their status deaths. It does not take a sociologist to understand that our zombie, those of everyday life, are now immigrants, foreigners and why not, even the "fundamentalists." It does not take even a political scientist to understand what the motto of the games (Kill Them All "), remember the final note of Kurtz (" Nuke Them All ") in Apocalypse Now ( film adaptation of Heart of Darkness ). existing ideology (liberal-populist-style) is that face each other (now majority) the only thing to do is survive, barricades, and escape any kind of contact. Yet those, the zombies, the others were like us or maybe even worse, we were like them. The proposed policy Zizek is to embrace and accept the absolute otherness and from there go to a real multicultural policy, which does not exploit this definition in order to claim the privilege to wrap yourself in your happy island (fictional island and never really alone: \u200b\u200bread The Masque of the Red Death E. Allan Poe to believe).

The final challenge of the Slovenian philosopher you say "yes" to the burqa. Groped to remove it, does not mean defending the civil rights of Muslim women coerce male ideology, but rather, in psychoanalytic terms, to attempt to deprive the other of its diversity, to subject our own. The real encounter with the other - says Zizek - it will be when we start to tell him dirty jokes.

I know, I'm neglecting the blog. I know, I often change the subject. I know I should talk more about b-boying and less of info-media-serial-crap. And yet ...


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