Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do I Reprogram My Ademco Lynxr-en

Loplop HAS A GIRL (Loplop Introduces a Young Girl) - Max Ernst

Loplop HAS A GIRL (1930)
Max Ernst (1891-1976) German painter
Nationl Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris
Wood and various materials cm 195 x 89 x 10

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In line with the Freudian theories that made their way at the beginning of the century and were a point of reference of the surrealist artists, was born as a metaphor for Loplop flight ... in fact it is a symbolic creature whose name, invented by Ernst himself, recalls the flapping wings of a bird in flight.
Loplop reveals as a sort of alter ego for having the freedom to act and nonconformity that he wants to have.
The fantastic animal was born by chance, during one of the many trials of Ernst by adding another layer of lime, is transformed from an old door into disuse object into a work of art ... but gradually, thanks in this unusual case, a monstrous being modeled in which the artist identifies himself.
The figure is made with great ease, turn to a table made from worn items (hair, a rock, metal and various objects), which are vehicles of a clear message: the painting is not superior to other human activities.
As for forests, Loplop also became one of the favorite themes of Ernst, who joined him at times to the flowers, sometimes to the seasons.

The Surrealist collages are compositions produced by the juxtaposition of images and everyday objects, in this re lose their practical function and aesthetic ..., the same procedure we find him in Cubist papier colles but are conceptually different because they respond only to a new and diverse art than formal academic research.

Still Life on the chair "(1912) - Pablo Picasso - Picasso Museum in Paris

If we compare this work of Ernst with "Still Life on the chair" (1912) by Picasso, it is clear that the assembly of objects is designed to create new images and the title, which, unlike those surrealists remains very descriptive, does not suggest any association of ideas.

This work was purchased by the state in 1982, relatives of the artist in exchange for the rights of succession.
is currently stored at the Centre George Pompidou in Paris, which hosts a large number of works by this artist ... among many remember the charming "Chimera" ... in 1928, collage done in the last period of his activity, “Giardino della Francia” del 1962…, e infine un esempio della sua attività scultorea, “Il Capricorno” del 1948.


Vita e opere di PABLO PICASSO



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