Monday, January 24, 2011

Nash 18ltr Bait Bucket

Perfect B-boying

Techniques Perfect B-boying
National Final
January 23, 2010
Felt Club, Rome

Kids Winners: Panda Vale and Lil
Winners B & C: Rohan and Dany
winners TP: Kacy and Walrus

Who was the last Felt Club knows. Outside temperature sotto zero, dentro oltre trenta gradi e umidità alle stelle. B-boy e b-girl si sono dati battaglia per aggiudicarsi i premi messi in palio alla finale nazionale del Tecniche Perfette B-boying 2011. Marchio di garanzia nella scena Hip Hop nosrtana, il Tecniche Perfette B-boying segue lo stesso iter dell'omonimo contest di freestyle rap: selezioni regionali durante l'anno, e finale nazionale con i vincitori di ogni tappa. A differenza del contest di freestyle che prevede sfide 1vs1, il TP B-boying è un 2vs2 che ha visto fronteggiarsi ieri 8 coppie in rappresentanza di Sardegna, Sicilia, centro e nord italia. 

Chi è stato ieri a Roma lo sà. Oltre al main event che saw in the jury Lamine (Vagabonds, France), Nathan (Second To None, UK) and Cima (Rapid Moves Soul / Bandits), there was a battle 2vs2 Kids and the eagerly awaited Bonnie & Clyde, always a 2vs2 where each pair consists of a b-boy and b-girl (hence the quote to the two notorious criminals). For the Kids, the victory (a little 'obvious) is Pandah and Lil Vale, while the B & C take home the trophy the "veterans" Rohan and Danny in the final against Al-Sick and Lady Di (Livin Dead Army ). Meanwhile many circles and a showbattle: Dalshim (Livin Dead Army) vs Maiko (Flavour Kingz), which encourages the public as a match in a glacier.

Chi è stato ieri al Tecniche Perfette lo sà. Il clima, quello atmosferico, non ha certo aiutato i nostri b-boy e b-girl, alle prese con spazi angusti e anidride carbonica stile miniera di carbone. Ma è nello spirito del b-boying l'arte di "arrangiarsi", di sfruttare al meglio le avversità del contesto, di tirare la maglietta del vicino lamentoso e dire:"shut up and dance!". In questo, Carmen "Leva57" e Simone "Serio", organizzatori dell'evento, ci azzeccano in pieno e portano al giusto climax un percorso che li ha visti impegnati per più di un anno (la selezione romana risale al Dicembre 2009). 

Chi è was to last until one knows. Despite the shift compared to the initial schedule, with 23 on the event ended on time with the victory of Kacy and Walrus (De Klan) in the semifinals on Yaio and Boogie (Ormus Force, Sardinia), then the final on Nagasaki and Ash (SEBP, Brescia). In their first perfect technical history of B-boying. Then in a hurry to disassemble all, there is of you picking up sweaty towels and cuffs. The district will be flooded by refugees from b-boy waiting to place their ta Roman evening. Who was on San Lorenzo knows.

To close, I spend a few words about rumors that preceded and accompanied the event with regard to the cost of entering (10 € for participants and non). While the costs to host a national / international b-boying without sponsors require the minimum duty of € 10, the other an advantage against outsiders (parents, carers, curious) might be a good way to amortize the cost and increase the number of spectators. The problem arises in defining this kind of audience for defining the criteria for the reduction of ticket (not enough to say, "only to look within"). I remember that "our" environment is still the most Spartan of dance-system, where in some cases, the entry for a contest of choreography "Hip Pop" also comes to 25 € + entrance fee per participant for parents who remains on the 10 €. It does not hold, as has happened, not even accuse the organization to sell the supposed "authenticity" of Hip Hop: art and quality entertainment at a cost that must be covered and even EPMD (not really say the commercialoni) they named their album "Business is Business". At least as long as there is capitalism. You know what I mean?

The Pope said: "In the search for sharing of 'friendship' we find ourselves faced with the challenge of being
authentic and true to themselves, without giving the illusion of manufacturing their own 'profile' of the public. "His" public profile "but there seems to be" true to himself? "I mean, who goes around with a golden cloaks and pointed hat seems light years away from the "garment-Sandalwood Annozero" of his predecessor. Boh, is that for me the beauty of "virtual" is just to stage a part of who we are and in our lives "authentic" it is to be prevented. As Zizek says: "We need the excuse of fiction, to stage what we truly are." These are, holy words.


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