Thursday, January 27, 2011

Converting Washers For Coin Operation

Finish. Technical

monologo teatrale
Compagnia Ragli
Regia: Rosario Mastrota
Interpreti: Luigi Iacuzio

In questi giorni va in scena Fine, monologo teatrale della Compagnia Ragli scritto e diretto da Rosario Mastrota  e interpretato da Luigi Iacuzio. Finalista nel 2010 di numerosi premi teatrali (Dante Cappelletti, Cantieri Opera Prima del Metateatro, Controscene), lo spettacolo ha inaugurato la sua turnè il 26 Gennaio al Teatro Castrovillari and the siren will continue on 29 and 30 at the Teatro del Grillo Soverato, and 4 to 6 February at the Teatro San Carluccio of Naples. Guests of Kollatino Undergound, chill in the heart of Rome, we witnessed the dress rehearsal before the "Great Escape" on tour to the south. Check this out!

thunderous applause and hot shower. Just a moment to stifle the last cigarette and go back to reality: "My name is Gino and I'm an actor" - and there are cheers that support. It's been 30 years since Gino imitated the legendary Clint wearing the blanket as a poncho grandmother. Nothing has changed. There are stars, there is his father and he says in front of a screen. Rosario Mastrota and Luigi Yakut enact the tragicomic requiem craft-actor. They do so brilliant, Fagot pictures, collecting jokes and unmark the grumbling made in Italy. The generation of Gino is not to the past, but to those who are still waiting to leave, and never leave. To enjoy the "end" of Mastrota Yakut and we need imagination, the same one that fills the gap between art and craft, between past and present, between space and the scene. Yes, because the actor is confronted primarily with a immginario: it is thanks to the films of Clint in the passion Gino of acting and for life will try to break, enter quell'olimpo mythological where only 1-in-1000 "worth a look. Sooner or later, sooner or later we will fail to succeed because he has studied, and not suddenly like the others. The skin of Louis Yakut expands, contracts, and materializes the triangle between perverse person, company and Lacanian imaginary memory.

why Fine is brutally realistic. You will not find the obvious social critique of appearance (now a cliché double-edged sword that ends up supporting the ideology of force). Here the moral is that "between saying and Gino do ...". The drama is that the actor does, and for this reason, it feels not to be. To do this, you leave the illusion of meta-theater, and we turn instead to the Brechtian alienation and "performative discourse" (throughout the first scene, the actor says what he is about to do). Even in form, End is consistent with the content: since we can not just get us out of the system-sight (nor from that theater), the protagonist describes in detail what he prepares. On the same floor is placed a similar ideological criticism: instead of indignant and say "I do not belong to this world" bisognorebbe accept the fact that we are all part (perhaps with the role of "Nemesis") and from there, a move that critics look for a moment "from outside".

Gino's generation is not that of "never work", but the work "sooner or later" and this place forever in a non-existential. To exorcise sometimes just a laugh, sometimes not. "My name is Gino and I'm an actor" - and there are cheers that support.

Council the show to all the supporters of the blog and culture lovers underground. Powerful and never boring, End is a story to swallow like an old whiskey kenthucky. Even for those who are not accustomed stages of (or saloon).

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nash 18ltr Bait Bucket

Perfect B-boying

Techniques Perfect B-boying
National Final
January 23, 2010
Felt Club, Rome

Kids Winners: Panda Vale and Lil
Winners B & C: Rohan and Dany
winners TP: Kacy and Walrus

Who was the last Felt Club knows. Outside temperature sotto zero, dentro oltre trenta gradi e umidità alle stelle. B-boy e b-girl si sono dati battaglia per aggiudicarsi i premi messi in palio alla finale nazionale del Tecniche Perfette B-boying 2011. Marchio di garanzia nella scena Hip Hop nosrtana, il Tecniche Perfette B-boying segue lo stesso iter dell'omonimo contest di freestyle rap: selezioni regionali durante l'anno, e finale nazionale con i vincitori di ogni tappa. A differenza del contest di freestyle che prevede sfide 1vs1, il TP B-boying è un 2vs2 che ha visto fronteggiarsi ieri 8 coppie in rappresentanza di Sardegna, Sicilia, centro e nord italia. 

Chi è stato ieri a Roma lo sà. Oltre al main event che saw in the jury Lamine (Vagabonds, France), Nathan (Second To None, UK) and Cima (Rapid Moves Soul / Bandits), there was a battle 2vs2 Kids and the eagerly awaited Bonnie & Clyde, always a 2vs2 where each pair consists of a b-boy and b-girl (hence the quote to the two notorious criminals). For the Kids, the victory (a little 'obvious) is Pandah and Lil Vale, while the B & C take home the trophy the "veterans" Rohan and Danny in the final against Al-Sick and Lady Di (Livin Dead Army ). Meanwhile many circles and a showbattle: Dalshim (Livin Dead Army) vs Maiko (Flavour Kingz), which encourages the public as a match in a glacier.

Chi è stato ieri al Tecniche Perfette lo sà. Il clima, quello atmosferico, non ha certo aiutato i nostri b-boy e b-girl, alle prese con spazi angusti e anidride carbonica stile miniera di carbone. Ma è nello spirito del b-boying l'arte di "arrangiarsi", di sfruttare al meglio le avversità del contesto, di tirare la maglietta del vicino lamentoso e dire:"shut up and dance!". In questo, Carmen "Leva57" e Simone "Serio", organizzatori dell'evento, ci azzeccano in pieno e portano al giusto climax un percorso che li ha visti impegnati per più di un anno (la selezione romana risale al Dicembre 2009). 

Chi è was to last until one knows. Despite the shift compared to the initial schedule, with 23 on the event ended on time with the victory of Kacy and Walrus (De Klan) in the semifinals on Yaio and Boogie (Ormus Force, Sardinia), then the final on Nagasaki and Ash (SEBP, Brescia). In their first perfect technical history of B-boying. Then in a hurry to disassemble all, there is of you picking up sweaty towels and cuffs. The district will be flooded by refugees from b-boy waiting to place their ta Roman evening. Who was on San Lorenzo knows.

To close, I spend a few words about rumors that preceded and accompanied the event with regard to the cost of entering (10 € for participants and non). While the costs to host a national / international b-boying without sponsors require the minimum duty of € 10, the other an advantage against outsiders (parents, carers, curious) might be a good way to amortize the cost and increase the number of spectators. The problem arises in defining this kind of audience for defining the criteria for the reduction of ticket (not enough to say, "only to look within"). I remember that "our" environment is still the most Spartan of dance-system, where in some cases, the entry for a contest of choreography "Hip Pop" also comes to 25 € + entrance fee per participant for parents who remains on the 10 €. It does not hold, as has happened, not even accuse the organization to sell the supposed "authenticity" of Hip Hop: art and quality entertainment at a cost that must be covered and even EPMD (not really say the commercialoni) they named their album "Business is Business". At least as long as there is capitalism. You know what I mean?

The Pope said: "In the search for sharing of 'friendship' we find ourselves faced with the challenge of being
authentic and true to themselves, without giving the illusion of manufacturing their own 'profile' of the public. "His" public profile "but there seems to be" true to himself? "I mean, who goes around with a golden cloaks and pointed hat seems light years away from the "garment-Sandalwood Annozero" of his predecessor. Boh, is that for me the beauty of "virtual" is just to stage a part of who we are and in our lives "authentic" it is to be prevented. As Zizek says: "We need the excuse of fiction, to stage what we truly are." These are, holy words.

Master Cue M7 Pyragon

Traditional Turin in February

This year Valentine's Day falls on a Monday, so you're free to go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend for a romantic seratina, on the other hand free to hold on Saturday, February 19 that there will be riding ... just start to study the map.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ice Skate Party Favor

Communication Conversion service

E 'for more than a week that do not place anything, the fact is that last Tuesday I was a little' the world fell on him, nothing irreconcilable, but the problem is really tough and I must now devote all my energies to more important things than this blog. So stay tuned
that as soon as possible, and I hope as soon as possible, he recovered.
Keep on riding.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ultrasonic 24 Khz Transducers

International Bboy Games 2011 - Results

Bboy International Games 2011
January 15 to 16, Piombino

Winners :
Vlad and Artiom (BMT / Russia)
Vlad and Artiom (BMT / Russia) vs. Jamal and Sandwich (Predatorz / Russia).;
Tuc and Cali (USA) vs. Jamal and Sandwich;
Pocket - Issue (Korea) vs Artiom and Vlad (Russia).

Click here to see the first video

Unfortunately in those days I was busy in the role of squirrels in the Grand Theatre. But do not worry, thanks to my robotic seguigi I'm picking up more info as possible and a Wikileaks will publish in the coming hours with all the rumors about this international battle made in Italy. Keep in touch!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Adidas Y3 Store Kombo

The new website is online

is the new online site

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Birthday Cardfor 18 Year Olds

NexusTube Vol.3

NexusTube This edition will air in short form "to meet your mental capacity." It is why, when you spend the whole week to interpret bontempone a squirrel, and when you do it in a dark theater crammed with children stoned a Big Mac, when you close eyes, opened them again and it's time to get on a new pair of pants and go on stage, the time to write on the blog is truly a tight. The only thing to do is ... to travel. With the mind of course. It's called the "astral travel", the separation between consciousness and Mavala body ...! I hope I do not believe it really, otherwise the rogue in this video could seriously start tirarsela.
Ah, you're a dirty materialist! - You might say. Precisely for that my upper lip trembles in horror at the vision of material and ideological porn like this. This is not about to leave the mind, but to enter even more in the system. Whether the answer to our questions are in the X-Files of Wikileaks, is hidden in the shelves of our jelly spiritual Ego, the reason that drives us to find it still seems to be pathological. "We are made of the same stuff of which dreams are made" closed its Al Pacino movie about Richard III, quoting Shakespeare, of course. The stuff of dreams, or what Zizek calls "the Real of the form itself." In dance, as in acting, is what we call the character : what is revealed only when we re played someone who is not us. The superhero costume, what Dexter Morgan called "dark passenger (the passenger dark). Finally, Mr. Wolf is right, of the risolviproblemi Pulp Fiction. After completing the task of concealing the remains of a black car smashed into the crack, it responds to its friends in the junkyard, "Be a Character, Does not Mean That You Have Character." Being and having, in a typical bourgeois morality that sees the first of the second most important quality, collide in an exquisite tipping oppositional. No matter what you are (or think you can be): as important as you (how much "stuff" you have to put on your dreams). Do not be yourself! "Be yourself" is the biggest bullshit I can tell you to continue to sleep happy ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

émuler Un Dongle Safenet

The Cape
NBC, USA - 2011

So you were not tired of all these superheroes? From the classic Batman, Superman, Spiderman and the dream factory we bombed with the various Daredevil, The Spirit and finally Megamind! Well what it seems even the recent invasion of zombies and vampires have slowed the rise of superhero dramas. Everyone seems stoned sugar and Coke jubilation "We want heroes!" (Not the TV series nor the eponymous group of bboy Ostia). Toc Toc! The first zombie you ate the neocortex? The stuff heroes are gone, or rather, nell'accezione culinary term, re-passed in the pan. Heroes, Misfits , No Ordinary Family who are unaccounted for? The TV is awash with super powers so much that I should not wonder in a new mariafilippata called "Superman & Superwoman - subtitle - if God did not esisistesse, Nietzsche would turn in his grave."

Anyway here you The Cape , freshly baked from the tombs NBC. It 's the story of guy who bla bla bla becomes a superhero to defeat the bad guys. Fine. Let us be clear: if we follow the superheroes for the originality of the plot, well ... I just say only one name: Adam West . I know, I know some of you have already exclaimed: "But to me Spiderman learned me a lot of things, like that great powers derive great responsabbilità. Me too, and that's why I started writing this blog after being bitten by a radioactive boar. Superheroes (contemporary version of the epic heroes) as I said in mio articolo su Romanzo Criminale 2 , svolgono un ruolo fondamentale per il nostro immaginario, nonostante non siano un esempio di vita. Nessuno (spero) si vestirà da uomo-pantegana per imbrutture qualche brutto ceffo di Tor Bella, nè si fingerà morto per intraprendere in incognito una guerra contro il super-cattivo di turno (nel nostro caso, Ignazio La Russa).  L'eroe è il pane su cui farcire il nostro immaginario: può essere duro, sofisticato, decaffeinato o semplicemente gustoso. Non ci incarniamo in lui, ci nutriamo di lui e come ogni buon panino che si rispetti, quando è terminato, ci sentiamo sazi e "bella così".

The Cape Metropolitan is a hero, no super powers, but quite similar to Mephisto Spawn, the comic book hero created by Todd McFarlane in 1992. In the list of super-cousins \u200b\u200bcan add The Hood, neo-house Marvel supervillain, the old fantaillusionista Mysterio and seeds unknown Cloak of which have nothing to comment on. Everyone thought he was dead (and symbolically it is) why should icarnarsi into something else, superhuman entity and identity hidden. Is called the superego in psychoanalysis. Vince Faraday (the name of the protagonist of the series) becomes The Cape, the comic I loved to read together with his son before going to bed. The father dies and only then becomes the hero of the child as to who becomes a superhero Spawn not just lose it all (a cliché in almost all superhero stories).

The special feature of The Cape is to get his family alive, Victor is forced to pretend to be dead (it is not allowed, a vice versa). Formally well-designed and full of fact, the first episodes of the series is a carnival for the eyes and a funeral for half the story (sautéed too quickly). In short: the first taste we like. Be careful not to indigestion but ...

Boys Saturday and Sunday are on the scene in the musical The Butterfly Lily (the one you posted on the Roman meters) Role: squirrel! Do not miss ... (sigh!)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Clymidia In The Mouth

the dawn of the movement of the sets did not exist on any complete bike catalog, wanted a fixed?
had 2 options: find something old on a bike trail or convert born not fixed.
find an old track bike has never been particularly easy because the velodrome in Italy have always been few, a lot like the Motovelodromo Turin or Milan Vigorelli closed for years, and the bike here were in the end who knows what they have done.
much easier to retrieve one of thousands of old steel road bike with horizontal dropouts still around and convert it to fixed.
What then often these bikes were already in use with a fixed time for winter training.
But why convert an old bike?
The main reason should be because you want a fixed at any cost, but because we have at hand an old bike, damaged, incomplete, failing that, back in original condition, is too expensive or not practical.
Take a bike ride the 80 or 90 used, but used veramente, dove sia necessario sostituire tutte le parti soggetta ed usura: cavi e guaine, freni, catena, corone e pignoni, tubolari, nastro manubrio, buttarla non ha senso, spesso il telaio è ancora in ottime condizioni, i pezzo originali per un restauro come si deve però non si trovano, a mettere roba nuova ha poco senso e costa.
Allestire un vecchio telaio con una componentistica recente e comprare una bici moderna nuova montata di serie nello stesso modo spesso costa uguale.
Invece eliminando l'eliminabile, montando una ruota fissa e recuperando il recuperabile pescando dai componenti obsoleti che non vuole più nessuno si ottiene una bici perfettamente funzionante a prezzi decisamente bassi.
Tutte le bici si possono fissare?
Tutte le bici coi forcellini più o meno orizzontali si possono fissare, quelli coi forcellini verticali richiedono un mozzo eccentrico oppure impazzire a regolare la tensione della catena, ma tutto si può fissare, ma ha un senso fissare proprio tutto tutto?
Premesso che per giocare al meccanico si può fissare di tutto, dalla MTB alla graziella, ma non è detto che il risultato sia sensato, sia come operazione che come risultato.
Secondo me fissare una bici col cambio perfettamente funzionante non ha senso, perchè togliere qualcosa che funziona, quando il mondo è pieno di telai che aspettano solo di essere montati?
Che senso ha prendere bici da passeggio freewheeling and fix just to have a fixed, slow and heavy with too relaxed geometry and bottom bracket too low, which has nothing to do with a track bike?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Funeral Thank You Note Samples

Bboy The Cape Diary - January 2011

Bboy Dear Diary lucky that you're there to comfort me. Life is like that of bboy grated cheese in the refrigerator cementified useless even for grating. Our hands have indigestion of scratches, bruises, sprains and all these streets, our palm is smooth like the back of turtles. Yet we are always galvanized, electrified, excited, when we get back from training and there riuniamo intorno a un tavolo come i mangiatori di patate di vangoghiana memoria. Alle patate alcuni affiancano una Moretti, qualche colpo di pipa e ancora troppa tanta musica d'accompagnamento. Alle serate, come quella di ieri sera all'Angelo Mai, non ci andiamo con le scarpe bianche, nè con quelle troppo nuove, perchè se siamo là è per una sola ragione: fiutare il groove e catturarlo.

Sgrano gli occhi alle 6:40 del mattino, esattamente 35 minuti prima dell'orario pattuito con la sveglia e la mia coscienza. Oltre a pensare alla situazione in cui versa la sinistra europea, fra le prime cose che faccio appena mi sveglio, è il calcolo delle ore di sonno: meno di 4. Serata magra quella last night. Arrived at 23 and before the two fled to avoid the heel elevator. Too bad the ATAC (acronym of late arrival at home) made us pay for the violation of curfew (as you know after 24, drivers who dare to drive a bus in less than one hour away on the other, is to snipe 'moments) with as many as 1 hour odyssey through the streets of the capital.

So, I'm ready to leave at 7:30 and at the same time part of the "veterans" of that evening. Bella - Bella: we give the change in time to music, and let them browse the catalogs of shoes on ebay and I walk away with my good old Zizek in his hands. While I sparaflasho the issue in English thesis of my favorite philosopher (now talks about how multiculturalism is a practice used by the hegemonic culture to spread anti-Semitism ... just waking up!) I realize that my train is beautiful party. I will wait for the inferno.

Now, the question arises: why the hell you had to catch a train at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning? Testing, testing, proveee - is the answer as a kind of mantra that I'd scream if I was on top of a Tibetan temple. In short, the show debuts on 15, 15 missing in the last test, now make up the time lost to ... 15 hours of tests (not true, I exaggerated, but I had to close the triad of 15!). I do not lose heart. Chiamo i miei colleghi per farmi venire a prende perchè il prossimo treno è fra 2 ore e mezzo. Non rispondono. Riceveranno il mio sms in tempo e mi diranno dove aspettarli - penso fra me e il barbone alla stazione termini che rigurgita al mio fianco tutto il Tavernello rosso con cui ha fatto colazione. Dopo 2 ore e mezzo prendo il treno, da solo. 

Piiiiii - stacco la spina perchè almeno, voglio recuperare un pò di sonno e togliermi dalla testa l'idea di sfregiarmi gli angoli della bocca tipo Joker per abbozzare l'unico possibile sorriso della giornata. Vagone, finestrino, scarpe, passi, stazione: c'è scritto Togliatti. Togliatti?! - mi dico - ma io abito a Togliatti! Poi realizzo: non solo ho aspettato per quasi tre ore fra barboni e jingle pubblicitari, ma avrei potuto benissimo farlo a pochi passi da casa via Togliatti. Dio maledica la breakdance!  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is A Male Brizlian Wax The Same As A Females

The Beauty of Donkey

La Bellezza del Somaro
Italia, 2010
regia: Sergio Castellitto

Qualche risata me la sono fatta. Quando alla scena dello schiaffo, gli scurrili gemelli due file avanti a me, hanno gridato all'unisono - "Si, così impara sta sgallettata!" - qualche risata me la sono fatta. La coppia Mazzantini (scrittrice) and Castellitto (actor / director) back on stage after the success of Do not Move (2004), with no repeat. Still, some have made me laugh. When Christmas is once again the formula of the film Parenti Serpenti , alchemy comedy always works. And the themes of the so-called "new" Italian cinema: the generational confrontation, the social crisis, the encounter with the Other and love, love, love. Some have made me laugh anyway, peppered with references to Lacanian psychoanalysis that ( anticipating your comment ) affected only me and a handful of post-structuralist fanatics of the Great Other.
is, in short, what is works in this film? - Not working shape. Example: Choose PIMP. of 50 Cents as a soundtrack to match the scenes of confrontation of generations (which obviously shows the black boy, just to subsidize the good old stereotype of "the hippopparo nigga"). Well, as you know, 50 Cents Only is in no way a pop star's reference pseudo-leftist culture that is associated with the young star of the film, but the song in question dates back to 2003 ... eight years ago! It is certainly not an expert in sociology to know that now the generations and trends related change every 2-3 years and that the choice of a soundtrack like that shows a failed upgrade of the authors with codes that generation called "digital born" (born under the sign of the digital). But some have made me laugh the same: Scazzi family, the pungent wisdom senile, the sexy Italian-gag. A microcosm of caricatures rather sketchy Berlusconi of Italy, in a rustic setting reminiscent of Stealing Beauty Bertolucci (without the naive sensuality Liv Tayler alas). Isomma, a film whose motto reminds Luttazzi - "Italy is a country of assholes: I know because I'm one of them" - there will be whining out of our cinema because it is not formally credible. But the few laughs I've made.

I leave the room puzzled why everyone laughs at the scene of the pie in the face and no one to joke about Bergman's The Seventh Seal? It 's true I am becoming a sociopath arthouse and nobody has the courage to tell me. But maybe it's better that way, like Nanni Moretti said, I will always feel comfortable in minoranze.Poi, dangling from a lamppost and the other, we go home, hand in hand.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Design Designs On Jelly Bracelets

Crime Novel 2 - Review Vol 2

Romanzo Criminale 2
TV Series
Sky Cinema - Italy, 2010
Read my review here

think you want to get rid of me so easily during the holidays? Never! Fresh keyboard, here's my full review Romanzo Criminale 2. Mums pissed, kid excited and "seriefili" clogging up facebook with all sorts of nonsense. But Romanzo Criminale is not a series, is a media phenomenon of which I have suggested in the interpretation above. (See to re-think!). Cold, Dandi, Lebanon and Buffalo are the Italian anti-heroes of these post-cathode 2000 and to Rome as one who loves me, nothing better. For all lovers of the underground, the novel is a must not be missed and with Boris, one of the gems of our fiction. What? Do you want more? Sorry, the band closed its doors, but if the spaghetti strand gangsta left you in the mouth with the aquiline, the cinema Vallanzasca Sutomore - The angels of death (how? What? Ah yes, I've already seen 3 months antepvima ago in Venice and the cast is also one of my attovi covto metvaggio Sevie the BCE ... "pija sti stands out!")

NEXUSQUIZ: what the actor appears in the film Vallanzasca and is present in the short film matter of attitude Giuseppe Gatti Nexus? (tic tac tic tac ..)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cube Field Iphone App

a 5-year fixed

January 1, 2005 The Fit the pinion drive for the first time, in the meantime many things have changed five years ago, I was calm and happy waiting for my first son, now the children are two beautiful and challenging, the problem leading up to 01.01.2005 disposed of was the aftermath of the MIA hangover beginning of the year, this year was to clean the vomit, not mine, but the other members of the family who took the intestinal flu.
In 2010 I worked on my little bike, fortunately we have enough in the last Paciocco years to get to near perfection for me to neglect them a bit 'and know that they always work when I need.
The main advantage of a bike with a few bells and whistles is that there are even a few pieces that break, to regulate, control, replace and even fewer pieces of fashion to change and why the model was released in 2011.
Because if he fixes it in fact the same technology of a century ago also Xtracycle (geared only the family) with the change in 8velocità vbrake is pure and prehistory.
But the good thing is this.
Why now than a few years ago, is far better to spend time with his family to traffic in that workshop.
Everything has its time and above what are put aside in a moment of your life does not mean that it can not be resumed with even greater stimulus to another, a bit 'as has happened this summer when I dug the stuff to stop climbing for several years to return to my son to climb.
Council for the new year: If you are looking for the ultimate buy your bike stuff, first of all, it works everywhere, even in a few years, you will not regret.
(PS: The advice applies to anything, not just for bikes)