Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Which Actress Has Smelly Feet


Everything flows ... continuity is a characteristic of the time, at least as we know it and without going into too much sophistry of physics. It simply means that tomorrow the sun will rise again, and it will not be too different from today. Forse noi saremo differenti, la coscienza del tempo che passa lascia sempre il suo segno, una tacca in più, un istante in più, un altro po' più avanti. La chiave è il segno "più" che viene comunemente incaricato di indicare l'avanzare del tempo: è come se ricordassimo a noi stessi che andare avanti è comunque sinonimo di crescere, di aggiungere, di guardare in alto. Tornare indietro è concesso raramente, e mai in termini assoluti: tornare sui propri passi è comunque un movimento in avanti nel tempo, perciò non ti bagnerai mai nelle stesse acque di un fiume... esso scorre, per l'appunto.
Why, then, to celebrate the anniversaries? What actually occurs in a system where everything is constantly changing? Why include the "keyframes" in the unstoppable flow of things, buoys immediately abandon the current, to which we can not even ever again? What makes a date, a symbol does not exist in nature, something that gives us a sense of the cycle of repetition, of finding a known point, to come back to hang on for not having the anxiety of being scattered into the unknown ? True, there is a cycle of seasons, the Earth revolves around the sun in a closed orbit, and so forth, but in fact even the cycle of seasons, including the orbit of the Earth are never exactly equal to themselves: the sun, tomorrow will be different. So? Why leave a trace that can never be followed?

Well, I can think of one thing: for two points passes one and only one straight line. What are guesses? Let me explain. The living creatures on our planet, they all, more or less, a feature that distinguishes them from inanimate objects: memory. From that instinctive, dare I say planned, insects and single-celled creatures to that of dolphins, elephants, and humans. The memory is where those "keyframes" acquire meaning, where, looking back in time, you can see strada che hai fatto, le svolte, le incertezze e le direzioni che hai preso, fino ad arrivare dove sei ora, in questo preciso istante. Guardare indietro, però, non può essere fine a se stesso: sarebbe come voler guidare in retromarcia, osservando la strada solo dagli specchietti. E comunque andando indietro... io credo che il significato sia un altro. Per due punti passa una ed una sola retta. Che punti? Beh, i più ovvi: il tuo stato presente e l'ultimo ricordo che ti interessa ricordare, l'ultimo "keyframe" che vuoi prendere in considerazione. E la retta a cosa serve? Ad indicarti la strada.

Certo, espresso così può sembrare semplicistico, troppo lineare (Linear? Look well ...), a kind of determinism led to excess. But I am convinced that is exactly what happens. Although more than you could straight talk instead of curves, cones of probability of trajectories ... that can often seem intricate and absurd as the sticks of Shanghai. And, just as often, require the same patience and a steady hand to be brought to reason. All, however, passes through a single point: now. Now, at this very moment, as I write, while you read, both while we move through time and space.

No ònfalomane (from the greek "omphalos" navel), not I think that I, or anyone else, is the center of the universe, in fact I am convinced that the universe exists because of the relationships between all points, thanks to the very existence of these points, which create the plot of this 'Now, moving all together, some in one direction, some in another. But everyone forward. Everyone's on. Some of the same ahead. Other opposing forwards. Will continue.

So let us mark with another mark midnight on December 31 of this duemilaeotto and go forward.

Happy New Year to all.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Microsoft Track Licence


È tempo di bilanci, il nuovo anno ha già suonato il campanello, tra poco entrerà in casa, sarà nostro ospite per un anno intero, bisogna preparare la stanza. Chi ci lascia, invece, sta presentando il conto: partita doppia, dare ed avere, col conguaglio di fine anno. E quest'anno, mi sa, siamo andati pesantemente in rosso. Investimenti sbagliati, speculazioni azzardate, economia creativa, molto creativa, quasi cretina, un vortice di cifre da capogiro che si sono volatilizzate, svanite nel nulla, un castello di carte che è miseramente crollato al primo soffio di vento. La piramide era rovesciata ed ha perso l'equilibrio. E pensare che la fantascienza l'aveva previsto, almeno... Dunno, I do not remember, but I think not less than twenty years ago. It was an old Urania, the title was "snowball" effect, and assuming the collapse of the global economy, which, after frantic search, he stated he had left by not buying a fridge ... Part science fiction was that all off again after the government (U.S., needless to say) with the last remaining liquid money in cash, financed that purchase, and the chain miraculously left the matter up. Pure fiction, of course.

The bottom line, however, was absolutely guessed: the intrinsic fragility of the western economy, changeable as the weather, and with the same probability of being planned or scheduled. Meteorologists, however, depart with the knowledge that their work can be undermined by the beating of wings of a butterfly, and the complexity of the weather itself is far from fully understood. Parties, mainly, by the knowledge that there is a "world system" which includes and encompasses any single molecule present on our dear old ball of mud, then nothing, absolutely nothing, is irrelevant, or secondary, or irrelevant. Alone, we can not understand everything, we can not create a system that can understand everything, then we start with a heavy handicap of knowledge, planning, capacity action.

A rational person, on average, with this in mind, certainly not cease to act, it's stupid to stay paralyzed by fear of failing, but it certainly would act with more humility, knowing that the error, always there is a direct result of human actions: the presence of at least a Plan B is absolutely essential in any situation. The reversibility of their actions is still advisable to go back and take another route is not a stigma, and the humility to admit mistakes is a prerequisite of intelligence. The other is to learn from mistakes. You the only way to grow.

But this year's budget is in red on this side: I have not heard a word of humility, quietly, and I see a tendency to learn noteworthy. Yet, mistakes are macroscopic, almost gigantic, and have left visible traces of their origin ... the feeling is that people desperately clinging to their seats, not to lose even an ounce of power, control, wealth, which also denies the evidence, at the expense of everyone else. I do not know you, I'm starting to piss me off, people like that.

All in all, therefore, the budget this year I could still define a substantial unknown: what we see? As we learn? We are poised between the arrogant complacency of too many in their thirties and the stubborn stupidity of many, too many sixties. The first, to compensate for the absolute lack of security, seek, create the key points that anchor, the latter to cover the absolute idiocy of certain choices, forcing the system to remain standing, without understanding that never sticks to the produced more milk a cow.

In the middle, between a rock and a hard place, there are those like me. The children of the economic boom of the twenties eighties, those who have seen the rise and fall too small to do something, and are now too old to take bold initiatives. Those who have waited in vain to make decisions, who have been ripped off in parts, which has lost pace, and has skipped a generation. It is not a general jeremiad, but the knowledge that through our being between a rock and a hard place has lost its meaning, simply in order to transform a shapeless buffer between an irresistible force and immovable object. In fact, to put it to Forrest Gump, I feel a bit 'bruised ...

But like the old blades, Japanese, or Arab ones, od un semplice coltello da cucina, l'essere tra l'incudine e il martello vuole dire forgiarsi, temprarsi, diventare più forti, taglienti, flessibili e resistenti... alla fine della fiera, quelli della mia generazione sanno di poter affrontare qualunque cosa, e di fatto lo fanno tutti i giorni, sanno essere pazienti, sanno mantenere la calma... però il proverbio recita "guardati dall'ira del paziente": dunque, forse, è ora di farsi girare un po' le palle. Tanto per mettere i puntini sulle "i".

Per adesso, però, mi siederò sulla riva del fiume, ad aspettare. Il tempo, si sa, risolve molte cose, chissà che non risolva anche questa. In If you like, give him a hand ... my way.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What Does Herpes Look Like On A Mans Balls

Dear Santa ...

could not miss the "letter" ...
Although I have little time, about half an hour for lunch is part of the family, I have to leave two two lines, reflecting a Christmas in times of crisis.

So, dear Santa, do your duty to see, and bring some 'of hope, a bit' of serenity to all those who really need it. Today the sky is gray, damp cold permeates this strange Christmas spirit, but I know that beyond the clouds the sun continues to shine. Maybe a little 'indifferent to human affairs, but shining. So go ahead, anyway, and try to enjoy today, because as a wise saying of the cartoons, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is unknown, but today is a gift ... that's why is called the present. "

Well, today is the twenty-fifth of December duemilaeotto, then:
Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Best Floor For Small Kitchen

time to time

Give it some time: take a break, stop and think, or just wait for a chain of events started to follow its course. This, in my opinion, the meaning of a place so common as to be granted. However, proprio il suo essere scontato non dà la misura esatta di quanto sia in realtà disatteso: chi ha tempo, ormai, di attendere? Chi sa, conosce ed applica questa antica massima con cognizione di causa? Il luogo comune più contrapposto a questo è che tutti andiamo di fretta, ma anche qui i pareri sono discordi.
Saper attendere, come saper correre, la pazienza associata all'adrenalina, il cambiare stato con un semplice atto di volontà: in una parola, il controllo delle proprie emozioni e delle proprie reazioni è uno dei punti centrali del "conosci te stesso", ed è, non a caso, uno dei cardini di tutte le filosofie orientali. I admired so much in the West. Without, of course, understand a fig tree.
Still, some indication of the way from Asia we have known how to make and to implement systems for us to understand more: just think of that wonderful manual of survival is "Zen and the 'Art of Motorcycle Maintenance "(which, damn it, I just lost in the library), where the most common practice in the industrialized West and related materials, maintenance of a mechanical means, meet all the techniques and the art of control of emotions typical of Zen and many other disciplines.
Here. The detachment from emotions, their control does not mean they do not necessarily want them, despise them or wishing to depart from them. It means, to me, having so many as to require a way to make a profit, not to be overwhelmed, to appreciate the right of each flavor, and having deep knowledge.

Someone calls it simply patience.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Does A Purple Shag


The first face cold and the days get shorter. The sky, if and when it is quiet, takes the intense blue of the mountains, which are sharp and clear the background of the postcard that I see from my balcony, farthest, the highest, from the first snow already greyed.
The north wind sweeps the clouds, the sky cleans, brings oxygen and vital cold which invites you to breathe deeply. I love this feeling, the cold wind that pushes you and supporting you, cutting his face, but warms the soul and urges us to think. The crystal pushes the sky looked away, trying to hide the stars, a crescent moon unexpected surprises you, diaphanous, remember, to confirm that there is much more besides.

Tramontana... intirizzito, ma con una quieta adrenalina che ti sostiene, assapori il vento che ti passa tra i capelli, rombo bassissimo e ineguale nelle orecchie, un messaggio? Cosa mi vuole dire? Come faccio a rispondere? Mi rilasso nel tepore della giacca pesante, le mani in tasca, leggere, lascio che gli spifferi entrino dal collo, facciano respirare tutto il mio corpo, e non sento più freddo, né fatica.
Ovindoli, tanti anni fa. Era una giornata così, e camminando mi sono sporto per caso oltre il crinale: una raffica violenta e gelida mi ha quasi fatto cadere. Sono salito ancora, il vento era teso, gelido, sotto me into a narrow valley that ran in the north which had stuck to spring up, violent, tsunamis air. I was long on that ridge, suspended in time and space, the pressure was strong enough to make me believe I could leave, I could soar, off the ground, from everything and everyone, that you forget the weight rests on the chest. And fly.

But now I'm the north wind.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cruising In Baton Rouge

yet it moves ...

I do not have to explain (I hope) and because of who was given this very well known phrase. Never before, however, it seems appropriate to situation. Vulgar against obscurantism, against radicalism fanatical counter-against, against it, It moves ...
that something moves now you can imagine, the wave propagates, and a thin puff of hope refreshes sweaty brows with fatigue and fear. The Wave, and I speak not only of students is widening, concentric circles placid depart from the many dips of the rocks in stagnant water. Placidi, not dominant: you do not need a tsunami to change things at times. Just be consistent, coherent, implacably firm in their beliefs, but adaptable as water.
Just look around ... in fact do not need a telescope to see the reality around you, indeed. Use your eyes, your head, without mediators media, live without the intermediary of the CRT is the most natural thing in the world. And it's free. And it is why they want to privatize?
Well, trying not to privatize the brain. In the end, the locked room where we see the world is the only thing that we still have left. And the only one where nobody can enter.

The gust rises ... is crisp, almost sharp, but refreshed. It brings peace.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Free Fire Sprinkler Clipart

Other days, other eyes

was the title of a novel uranium so many years ago. I borrowed, with almost no connection with the plot, why send me a sense of straniazione that is very similar to what I feel today.
can no longer ignore: the situation is getting serious, and will not be enough tons of garbage spilled in the media to bury it, to transform the virtual into reality. We are the fruit. It would be wise to admit it, saying the mea culpa and groped to go in another direction. Why is it now clear the wall where we're going to crash, and is not halted and groped idiot to avoid it.

Unless, of course, not being already more on that bus.
Other days, other eyes ... is like saying that every morning when you wake up, you're another person, that your view of the world is different from yesterday, because even if you feel the same, is the world that is different ... Today is already another day, and you have to look at. Now. With all due respect to Scarlett O'Hara.

Something must be done now, right now, and delay is neither possible nor acceptable. You just need to figure out what. And there's no time to understand, there is no time to reflect, to plan, to quell their anxieties and fears, we must appeal, as if they were the only weapons we have, and move on, lump in throat and dagger between his teeth ... but are not "all" that we must fight this time.

has happened many times, many times in history occurred under the same conditions, were often committed the same mistakes, and much, much blood it cost to not understand certain lezioni. L'errore più grande è commettere due volte lo stesso sbaglio. Allora, forse, fermarsi un attimo, non partire a testa bassa ed occhi chiusi, guardarsi intorno, forse parlare, di certo pensare, comunque gettare ponti tra le diversità, stringersi all'altro, all'alieno, all'estraneo, è meglio, è molto meglio che non distruggerlo. Potresti accorgerti che stai davanti allo specchio, e ti sei appena sparato addosso.

L'economia... è paradossale che da una parte abbia il significato di "risparmio", "ottimizzazione", "razionalizzazione", e dall'altro quello di "ricchezza", "consumo", "sovrabbondanza". Tutto ruota intorno ad essa, perlomeno nel mondo occidentale, ma le due facce della medaglia si inseguono senza sosta, come una moneta che, gettata in aria, non abbia ancora deciso per il testa o croce. Dove "testa" sta per l'uso della ragione, e "croce"... fate un po' voi.

"Homo Homini Lupus", l'uomo è il predatore di se stesso. Il cannibalismo non è dunque mai morto? Anche se non si servono piatti di portata, continuiamo a sbranarci gli uni con gli altri? Uh... il vecchio Neanderthal cammina ancora insieme a noi, dunque (non credo che i Neanderthal praticassero il cannibalismo, e comunque non discendiamo da loro, ma avete capito il senso, n.d.A.). La predazione as I understand the instinct to survive, though now I do not think much needed, but for the sake of predation predation is a form of mental deviance that should be treated as a minimum. So the question is, but what the fuck you need all that money? What type of mental deviation messianic makes you want to decide the fate of all others? Why do you want power, command and control? Why spend effort and sweat and blood (of others) to get something that did not satisfy you, because you'll want more and more, so why want to be unhappy? And most importantly, WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME UNHAPPY TOO? You decide who you want to ask these questions ... i soggetti non mancano di certo.
Bene, credo di aver trovato la risposta, alla fine. La forma più grande di ribellione, di rivolta, di sommossa, di disobbedienza civile. La cosa più devastante che si possa immaginare, quello che spunta tutte le armi del mondo, che determina sempre e comunque la fine di tutti i conflitti.
Contro tutte le aspettative, a dispetto di tutte le crisi, nonostante le pestate di calli, gli sberleffi, gli insulti, le pugnalate e chi più ne ha più ne metta...

io, e lo decido io, sono felice lo itself.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Strep Throat And Bronchitis

Forty years after

I was too young to understand, I was too young even to remember, but memories of forty years ago were read and reread, and revised many times because I can not remember that, somehow, I was there.
The influence of "year" was so great, so confused, so visionary that forty years later still there (my first) who does not has understood nothing.
Oh, do not think I'm the only one, and the proof I had today, for caso. Ascoltavo la radio, in macchina, i due stralunati di Caterpillar, e le loro telefonate al popolo dei manifestanti, quei manifestanti della scuola, dell'università e della ricerca che oggi si sono presi (almeno a Roma) un bell'acquazzone addosso pur di manifestare il loro disagio e la loro rivolta contro le riforme dell'attuale ministro della pubblica istruzione e i tagli del caro vecchio Tremonti alle strutture pubbliche.

Ragazzi, e non ragazzi, e gli echi del '77 (quello sì, che l'ho vissuto) erano evanescenti come fantasmi stanchi. Figurarsi quelli di quarant'anni fa. Eppure, dovevano essere veramente tanti, a Roma, Milano, Venezia, Verona, Torino, and many other cities do not remember. Stuff to bring down governments. An urban myth (by now) tells of a government that Andreotti in Rome fell because it went down a million metalworkers in protest ... other times, of course.

Today, it is as if nothing had happened.

not a news media, not an echo, albeit faint, in the speeches of my colleagues at work ... and yes that is a subject much more meaningful or misadventures of the last game of the diva. Only small "beep" return, dry air of a mother because her daughter did not go to school. It is enough.

It's a little 'sad to see reduced in this way the only ones who can and should still hope to change the world. It's a little 'angry to realize that we were finally tamed, anesthetized, clipped. It's a little 'still too disgusted to hear that you no longer feel the adrenaline flow and give you the strength to react.

It is a little 'pain to think that, deep down, even when you have not flowed since changed much.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Serendipity Bible Question Online

Autopsy for a printer

Maybe it was crazy, but I decided to conduct an autopsy of the printer, died cause ignote qualche mese fa. Tanto, mi sono detto, sta solo prendendo polvere sullo scaffale, in attesa che trovi il coraggio di smontarla, o la vigliaccheria di buttarla senza neanche averci provato. E poi, sin da bambino ho avuto la curiosità di sapere come funzionavano le cose... ho "ucciso" una quantità sorprendente di mangiadischi, quando avevo quattro anni, prima di capire come fare per smontarli senza distruggerli... (nota per le giovani generazioni: il mangiadischi è il bis-bis-bis-bisnonno degli attuali iPod, e funzionava con degli antiquati dischi di vinile a 45 giri... chi ha meno di quarant'anni non credo se lo possa ricordare) ma da allora mi affido ad un principio: se qualcuno l'ha montato, io lo posso smontare. Il che ha fatto magnified out of proportion to my collection of tools (and my ego) if you need to remove something, I must have.

The autopsy started at the fifteenth of October 12: tools at hand, a newspaper on the table, latex gloves (the ink stain) and held summer by painter (knee cut jeans and t-shirt) ... and go hunting for the first screw to disassemble.

anathema to all the engineers and designers! May they suffer the suffering of those who try to dismantle parts of their sick minds ... to remove the top cover only eighteen I had to unscrew screws ... hidden with intent perverse angles impossible to find.

However, my innate stubbornness had once again prevailed, and after about an hour I was in uncovering the print head, the primary objective of my dissection. I can pull it out, and after an initial rough cleaning, individual behavior, or the cause of death: myocardial infarction.
There is no doubt that the tape is peeled and broken electrical contacts, and all around the plastic is melted and deformed ... A short circuit has devastated the delicate together, decreeing the "de profundis" for the glorious Epson.
Above, the cover of the print head bent, and below, the contacts shorted.
Why? The investigations have followed two routes: mechanical defect as a result of "clogging" of the nozzles, or a result of an attempt to unblock the same with appropriate means little. I have not found confirmation for either hypothesis, but I greatly fear that it may have been the second, the substantial amount of fluid injected and ejected from the head in an attempt to "uncork" the nozzles. The seal was not very efficient, and the liquid came into contact with l'apparato elettrico... con le inevitabili conseguenze.

In sintesi: l'ho annegata, e mi merito tutta la colpa.

La cosa mi ha infastidito non poco, quindi sono andato alla ricerca di parti di ricambio.... che ho scoperto praticamente non esistere, per questa classe di stampanti. È come se ti dicessero "visto quello che l'hai pagata, ti conviene ricomprarla nuova". Tipico ragionamento che mi fa imbestialire. Durante la ricerca, mi sono imbattuto (in realtà ho cercato) in un'offerta speciale nel megastore più vicino a casa... la nipote di primo grado della mia stampante ad un prezzo, tre anni later, two-thirds less than what I had paid. Damn.

I jumped in the car and I went to buy it.