Thursday, December 4, 2008

Best Floor For Small Kitchen

time to time

Give it some time: take a break, stop and think, or just wait for a chain of events started to follow its course. This, in my opinion, the meaning of a place so common as to be granted. However, proprio il suo essere scontato non dà la misura esatta di quanto sia in realtà disatteso: chi ha tempo, ormai, di attendere? Chi sa, conosce ed applica questa antica massima con cognizione di causa? Il luogo comune più contrapposto a questo è che tutti andiamo di fretta, ma anche qui i pareri sono discordi.
Saper attendere, come saper correre, la pazienza associata all'adrenalina, il cambiare stato con un semplice atto di volontà: in una parola, il controllo delle proprie emozioni e delle proprie reazioni è uno dei punti centrali del "conosci te stesso", ed è, non a caso, uno dei cardini di tutte le filosofie orientali. I admired so much in the West. Without, of course, understand a fig tree.
Still, some indication of the way from Asia we have known how to make and to implement systems for us to understand more: just think of that wonderful manual of survival is "Zen and the 'Art of Motorcycle Maintenance "(which, damn it, I just lost in the library), where the most common practice in the industrialized West and related materials, maintenance of a mechanical means, meet all the techniques and the art of control of emotions typical of Zen and many other disciplines.
Here. The detachment from emotions, their control does not mean they do not necessarily want them, despise them or wishing to depart from them. It means, to me, having so many as to require a way to make a profit, not to be overwhelmed, to appreciate the right of each flavor, and having deep knowledge.

Someone calls it simply patience.


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