È tempo di bilanci, il nuovo anno ha già suonato il campanello, tra poco entrerà in casa, sarà nostro ospite per un anno intero, bisogna preparare la stanza. Chi ci lascia, invece, sta presentando il conto: partita doppia, dare ed avere, col conguaglio di fine anno. E quest'anno, mi sa, siamo andati pesantemente in rosso. Investimenti sbagliati, speculazioni azzardate, economia creativa, molto creativa, quasi cretina, un vortice di cifre da capogiro che si sono volatilizzate, svanite nel nulla, un castello di carte che è miseramente crollato al primo soffio di vento. La piramide era rovesciata ed ha perso l'equilibrio. E pensare che la fantascienza l'aveva previsto, almeno... Dunno, I do not remember, but I think not less than twenty years ago. It was an old Urania, the title was "snowball" effect, and assuming the collapse of the global economy, which, after frantic search, he stated he had left by not buying a fridge ... Part science fiction was that all off again after the government (U.S., needless to say) with the last remaining liquid money in cash, financed that purchase, and the chain miraculously left the matter up. Pure fiction, of course.
The bottom line, however, was absolutely guessed: the intrinsic fragility of the western economy, changeable as the weather, and with the same probability of being planned or scheduled. Meteorologists, however, depart with the knowledge that their work can be undermined by the beating of wings of a butterfly, and the complexity of the weather itself is far from fully understood. Parties, mainly, by the knowledge that there is a "world system" which includes and encompasses any single molecule present on our dear old ball of mud, then nothing, absolutely nothing, is irrelevant, or secondary, or irrelevant. Alone, we can not understand everything, we can not create a system that can understand everything, then we start with a heavy handicap of knowledge, planning, capacity action.
A rational person, on average, with this in mind, certainly not cease to act, it's stupid to stay paralyzed by fear of failing, but it certainly would act with more humility, knowing that the error, always there is a direct result of human actions: the presence of at least a Plan B is absolutely essential in any situation. The reversibility of their actions is still advisable to go back and take another route is not a stigma, and the humility to admit mistakes is a prerequisite of intelligence. The other is to learn from mistakes. You the only way to grow.
But this year's budget is in red on this side: I have not heard a word of humility, quietly, and I see a tendency to learn noteworthy. Yet, mistakes are macroscopic, almost gigantic, and have left visible traces of their origin ... the feeling is that people desperately clinging to their seats, not to lose even an ounce of power, control, wealth, which also denies the evidence, at the expense of everyone else. I do not know you, I'm starting to piss me off, people like that.
All in all, therefore, the budget this year I could still define a substantial unknown: what we see? As we learn? We are poised between the arrogant complacency of too many in their thirties and the stubborn stupidity of many, too many sixties. The first, to compensate for the absolute lack of security, seek, create the key points that anchor, the latter to cover the absolute idiocy of certain choices, forcing the system to remain standing, without understanding that never sticks to the produced more milk a cow.
In the middle, between a rock and a hard place, there are those like me. The children of the economic boom of the twenties eighties, those who have seen the rise and fall too small to do something, and are now too old to take bold initiatives. Those who have waited in vain to make decisions, who have been ripped off in parts, which has lost pace, and has skipped a generation. It is not a general jeremiad, but the knowledge that through our being between a rock and a hard place has lost its meaning, simply in order to transform a shapeless buffer between an irresistible force and immovable object. In fact, to put it to Forrest Gump, I feel a bit 'bruised ...
But like the old blades, Japanese, or Arab ones, od un semplice coltello da cucina, l'essere tra l'incudine e il martello vuole dire forgiarsi, temprarsi, diventare più forti, taglienti, flessibili e resistenti... alla fine della fiera, quelli della mia generazione sanno di poter affrontare qualunque cosa, e di fatto lo fanno tutti i giorni, sanno essere pazienti, sanno mantenere la calma... però il proverbio recita "guardati dall'ira del paziente": dunque, forse, è ora di farsi girare un po' le palle. Tanto per mettere i puntini sulle "i".
Per adesso, però, mi siederò sulla riva del fiume, ad aspettare. Il tempo, si sa, risolve molte cose, chissà che non risolva anche questa. In If you like, give him a hand ... my way.
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