I was too young to understand, I was too young even to remember, but memories of forty years ago were read and reread, and revised many times because I can not remember that, somehow, I was there.
The influence of "year" was so great, so confused, so visionary that forty years later still there (my first) who does not has understood nothing.
Oh, do not think I'm the only one, and the proof I had today, for caso. Ascoltavo la radio, in macchina, i due stralunati di Caterpillar, e le loro telefonate al popolo dei manifestanti, quei manifestanti della scuola, dell'università e della ricerca che oggi si sono presi (almeno a Roma) un bell'acquazzone addosso pur di manifestare il loro disagio e la loro rivolta contro le riforme dell'attuale ministro della pubblica istruzione e i tagli del caro vecchio Tremonti alle strutture pubbliche.
Ragazzi, e non ragazzi, e gli echi del '77 (quello sì, che l'ho vissuto) erano evanescenti come fantasmi stanchi. Figurarsi quelli di quarant'anni fa. Eppure, dovevano essere veramente tanti, a Roma, Milano, Venezia, Verona, Torino, and many other cities do not remember. Stuff to bring down governments. An urban myth (by now) tells of a government that Andreotti in Rome fell because it went down a million metalworkers in protest ... other times, of course.
Today, it is as if nothing had happened.
not a news media, not an echo, albeit faint, in the speeches of my colleagues at work ... and yes that is a subject much more meaningful or misadventures of the last game of the diva. Only small "beep" return, dry air of a mother because her daughter did not go to school. It is enough.
It's a little 'sad to see reduced in this way the only ones who can and should still hope to change the world. It's a little 'angry to realize that we were finally tamed, anesthetized, clipped. It's a little 'still too disgusted to hear that you no longer feel the adrenaline flow and give you the strength to react.
It is a little 'pain to think that, deep down, even when you have not flowed since changed much.
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