Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bang Brothers Free Online

March 8 - The Art of Joy

The Art of Joy
of Wisdom Goliarda
Novel, Einaudi, 2008

Women's Day says. It also says that there is still much to be done for women's rights. It is said that when women take to the streets or when they do not, however, are misplaced. So much is said and little is done. "Feminism"? For many a kind of fundamentalism. As if she were a non-man, a "well" or "as" man. The woman is an existential paradigm.
I chose this excerpt from the wonderful novel The Arts della Gioia di Goliarda Sapienza. In queste righe Modesta, la protagonista della saga, si reca poco più che ventenne nella grande Catania degli anni '10. Per la prima volta nella sua vita finalmente Modesta vede il mare, ma...

"Ma le promesse di libertà che le onde e il vento andavano ripetendo, si frantumavano lungo i muri dei palazzi fioriti di rose e pampini di lava tagliente. Non c'era libertà in quelle strade, e vicoli, e piazze ambigue, traboccanti di soli uomini con pagliette e bastoni arroganti, spiati da ombre femminili nascoste far le tendine delle finestre o nel buio dei bassi sempre socchiusi. Il palazzo di via Etnea spalancava una sequela di saloni ostili dove, due giorni dopo il nostro arrival, a procession of women dressed impeccably, with blacks or white gloves and hats with flowers, began to do so to parade in front of us fans by opening and closing and providing protection and advice.
- Oh, Jesus and Mary! No! We have already talked a lot of your absence on Sunday! Of course, you were tired of traveling, of course. But please doves, Sunday Mass at noon. E 'tradition. Absolutely.
- Get the coffee on their own? Oh no, cousin is inadmissible, unacceptable! ...
- Sure, it's a disgrace not to have a brother, a husband!
- the movies? That modern witchcraft? Oh no! We do not go himself, except on rare occasions and provided that some of our men are genuine before it is not too much of a film license ...
- A film dealing with history, say, cousin? Of course not! History as a pretext to unseemly scenes, girlie scollacciate, Bacchanalia, never mind! And those of the parliament that fill the mouth with the excuse of freedom. But what can be expected with all those socialists in the government? And our Holy Father prisoner! Meanwhile, the rampant malpractice anche nelle nostre case! Ieri per poco non mi prendeva un colpo a sentire mio nipote, a soli quattordici anni, che generazoine arida di sbandati, egoisti sta venendo su!...che dicevo? Ah sì, che per poco non mi venne un colpo a sentire mio nipote che spingeva sua sorella a tagliarsi i capelli come fanno tutte quelle forsennate del Continente, le suffragette. Mio marito, che le ha viste a Milano, dice che uomini sembrano con quei capelli corti e senza busto. Ci manca solo che si mettano i pantaloni e amen! Tutto si sta sovvertendo, tutto!
La città insegnava. Quel potere di cupole maestose, di palazzi e torri rapaci appena ingentiliti da trine di cancelli sdegnosi, sbarrava il passo al fomicolio miserabile che bled to serve you and smile, reminding everyone, rich and poor, to earn money to fight the fear of death, a word that in reality is no longer fearful of the word disease, slavery, torture. I would no longer confronted with death, with that goal that is no longer feared eternal fully enjoyed every hour. But you had to be free, and enjoying every moment, to experience every step of the walk we call life. "

Greetings to all women and all the feminist movement of inspiration (especially Feminist Film Theory !).


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