Eyes open
Girare in bici in città non è la cosa più sicura da fare nella vita, e fino qui siamo tutti d'accordo, per ridurre la possibilità di farsi male è indispensabile prevedere cosa faranno gli altri utenti della strada.
Magia? Follia?
No, non servono riti strani, basta guardare.Uno dei pericoli sono le auto con 2 persone a bordo, col passeggero che gesticola, perchè di solito sta dando informazioni (a caso e all'ultimo momento) all'autista che così farà manovre brusche, senza mettere la freccia, rischiando di continuo l'incidente.
Di solito non mi piace passare sul marciapiede, ma ieri sera guardando come si muoveva il Suvvone davanti a me, al semaforo rosso invece I decided to pass up the next step and go into space for pedestrians.
And I did well because the sucker on a road to two lanes in each direction with one other car stopped at traffic lights to the right lane, before he took the left lane and then turn sharply to the right, with red, cutting road to another motorist.
I was calm and safe in track stand on the sidewalk, just as well.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Bang Brothers Free Online
March 8 - The Art of Joy
of Wisdom Goliarda
Novel, Einaudi, 2008
Women's Day says. It also says that there is still much to be done for women's rights. It is said that when women take to the streets or when they do not, however, are misplaced. So much is said and little is done. "Feminism"? For many a kind of fundamentalism. As if she were a non-man, a "well" or "as" man. The woman is an existential paradigm.
I chose this excerpt from the wonderful novel The Arts della Gioia di Goliarda Sapienza. In queste righe Modesta, la protagonista della saga, si reca poco più che ventenne nella grande Catania degli anni '10. Per la prima volta nella sua vita finalmente Modesta vede il mare, ma...
"Ma le promesse di libertà che le onde e il vento andavano ripetendo, si frantumavano lungo i muri dei palazzi fioriti di rose e pampini di lava tagliente. Non c'era libertà in quelle strade, e vicoli, e piazze ambigue, traboccanti di soli uomini con pagliette e bastoni arroganti, spiati da ombre femminili nascoste far le tendine delle finestre o nel buio dei bassi sempre socchiusi. Il palazzo di via Etnea spalancava una sequela di saloni ostili dove, due giorni dopo il nostro arrival, a procession of women dressed impeccably, with blacks or white gloves and hats with flowers, began to do so to parade in front of us fans by opening and closing and providing protection and advice.- Oh, Jesus and Mary! No! We have already talked a lot of your absence on Sunday! Of course, you were tired of traveling, of course. But please doves, Sunday Mass at noon. E 'tradition. Absolutely.- Get the coffee on their own? Oh no, cousin is inadmissible, unacceptable! ...- Sure, it's a disgrace not to have a brother, a husband!- the movies? That modern witchcraft? Oh no! We do not go himself, except on rare occasions and provided that some of our men are genuine before it is not too much of a film license ...- A film dealing with history, say, cousin? Of course not! History as a pretext to unseemly scenes, girlie scollacciate, Bacchanalia, never mind! And those of the parliament that fill the mouth with the excuse of freedom. But what can be expected with all those socialists in the government? And our Holy Father prisoner! Meanwhile, the rampant malpractice anche nelle nostre case! Ieri per poco non mi prendeva un colpo a sentire mio nipote, a soli quattordici anni, che generazoine arida di sbandati, egoisti sta venendo su!...che dicevo? Ah sì, che per poco non mi venne un colpo a sentire mio nipote che spingeva sua sorella a tagliarsi i capelli come fanno tutte quelle forsennate del Continente, le suffragette. Mio marito, che le ha viste a Milano, dice che uomini sembrano con quei capelli corti e senza busto. Ci manca solo che si mettano i pantaloni e amen! Tutto si sta sovvertendo, tutto![...]La città insegnava. Quel potere di cupole maestose, di palazzi e torri rapaci appena ingentiliti da trine di cancelli sdegnosi, sbarrava il passo al fomicolio miserabile che bled to serve you and smile, reminding everyone, rich and poor, to earn money to fight the fear of death, a word that in reality is no longer fearful of the word disease, slavery, torture. I would no longer confronted with death, with that goal that is no longer feared eternal fully enjoyed every hour. But you had to be free, and enjoying every moment, to experience every step of the walk we call life. "
Greetings to all women and all the feminist movement of inspiration (especially Feminist Film Theory !).
Monday, March 7, 2011
Cervical Radiculopathy Garlic
OT: Urban DH
Lately not put more video because posting them all, much less public stuff on Downhill MTB, but this is really scary.
Enjoy the show!
Lately not put more video because posting them all, much less public stuff on Downhill MTB, but this is really scary.
Enjoy the show!
How To Get Gold Tech Deck
Why I believe - Federico Fattinger
Cause I believe
When I go to think
When I go for a walk by the lake
I look up and see you then close them and
I feel that you are here with me
you who were and remain among the most recent and distant memories
I promise that I will be strong and not cry but suffer
already know because I think you're in my
heart in mind for my dreams will remain in my love
song will fade and not fade
not fade never fade
hold strong hands
a photo where I see that you love me
and now I guess I'll play this piece for you
because I think you're in my heart in mind in the
my dreams will remain in my love song
not fade and fade away not fade
never fade away ....
When I go to think
When I go for a walk by the lake
I look up and see you then close them and
I feel that you are here with me
you who were and remain among the most recent and distant memories
I promise that I will be strong and not cry but suffer
already know because I think you're in my
heart in mind for my dreams will remain in my love
song will fade and not fade
not fade never fade
hold strong hands
a photo where I see that you love me
and now I guess I'll play this piece for you
because I think you're in my heart in mind in the
my dreams will remain in my love song
not fade and fade away not fade
never fade away ....
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie (ova)
In 2005, the easiest way to have a fixed conversion was a racing bike, with the passage of time and the increasing spread and availability of frames and complete bikes on the market similpista track and I thought that the conversions were destined to disappear.
Instead I keep seeing more and more converts frames around, but just calculated I see in circulation, usually in the street, most of those born stationary bicycles attached.
because basically if you use the bike every day and leave her tied to a pole goes well the same, because many have approached this type of bike and just do not want to spend too much money, because all of the sets they want to build with their hands, because the solution of the recovery is more beautiful and environmentally friendly, because the conversion is the best way to save the bike that you have put in place in Contin, because the flagship track is so cool custom, he does not want to damage in everyday use or the bike polo.
I also feel that many merchants have understood the business, that some time ago, knew they had buried dust in some dark corner of the warehouse, but did not want to go and find, now offer now and maybe bump well as to convert the rumenta that otherwise would not be able to sell. Paradoxically
because basically if you use the bike every day and leave her tied to a pole goes well the same, because many have approached this type of bike and just do not want to spend too much money, because all of the sets they want to build with their hands, because the solution of the recovery is more beautiful and environmentally friendly, because the conversion is the best way to save the bike that you have put in place in Contin, because the flagship track is so cool custom, he does not want to damage in everyday use or the bike polo.
I also feel that many merchants have understood the business, that some time ago, knew they had buried dust in some dark corner of the warehouse, but did not want to go and find, now offer now and maybe bump well as to convert the rumenta that otherwise would not be able to sell. Paradoxically
old frames are easier to convert now that five years ago, but eye not to overpay just because the setting is in fashion today, Ferracci are obsolete and as such should be paid.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Acrostic Poems For Lynx
Exit Through The Gift Shop
Street Art Director: Banksy
Who, what, where, when, why is "Art"? The journalistic formula of "5W" ontological research applied to the concept of art can only lead to a tautology: art is art. "Perhaps the art is not a serious thing" - says Banksy, the "penultimate" of post-modern. It is why, despite the rumors, Exit Through The Gift Shop (recent Oscar nominee), it is a documentary celebrating the English street artist, nor his pseudo-development director Pasolini film. Banksy, criticized for having "sold" the art of the road, passing the baton to Mr. Brainwash aka Thierry Guetta. How to become artists in the 2000s? Thierry such as: an amateur video that seems straight from a novel by Chuck Pahalaniuk resumed for a few years of street artists and suddenly he becomes a millionaire streetartist. First with his cousin, Space Invaders ( read my post here, mostly), then with Banksy and Obey (the epic story of the raid at Disney Land), we'll see dozens of recording tape on the most influential street artists. of the decade. Then something changes. The objective of observed reality sinks in and gets sucked. Thierry becomes the object and the subject of his shots. Et voila: a born artist.
Where is the mess? Where is the poetry? Where is Art? Banksy is not stupid (nor rod) to think in these terms. And 'puzzled, but he goes ahead with the images. For Shepard Fairey aka Obey, the escalation of Mr.Brainwash is a "socially and anthropologically fascinating phenomenon to be analyzed and perhaps we can learn something." Or not. Or - this is fascinating - to receive the award for Best Independent Spirt Award documenario to Brainwash is the same, making melody to the cultural value of a movie that reveals its complete incompetence and ignorance of art. ( the video here)
How have we come to this? The answer is: we had always been from the beginning. Yet surprise of the director (and us viewers), even when the trick is revealed (and that is that we are dealing with a system-art devoid of content, originality, poetry, and that what matters is the sales, the fortune, the shape of) the Arts continues to exist. As is the worst nightmare Marxists, capitalism continues to regenerate using art in their favor the elements of its contradiction (ahem, politically speaking, I remember someone?). Black Cap invaded tag on a wall, Banksy entrust their trial last shot of the film - which one? - Well you just have to see it.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Laundry Detergent For Sensitive Skin
The Black Swan (Black Swan) Change
The Black Swan (Black Swan)
USA, 2010
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Starring: Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis,
Vincent Cassel, Winona Ryder
When leaving a movie about dance, dancers, dancers, and these are transformed into pseudo-movie fans. Yes, because everyone but everyone, "the dancer" I frequent, have their own version of The Black Swan . From the "take-make-you-sick" to "na-ball-is-absurd" si passa allo "sconvolgentemozionante" fino allo scontato "è-proprio-vero". Era dai tempi di The Company di Altman che il mondo della danza accademica non si adunava in gran massa ai botteghini. Nessuno ne sentiva la mancanza, fra l'altro. Eppure eccoci di nuovo qui a sognare un incubo pungente. Perchè da Il Cigno Nero in pochissimi sono usciti salvi. C'è chi dà la colpa alle scene pseudo-horror (assai più easy di quelle made in japan ); chi al faccione da Oscar di Natalie Portman; chi al tremolio nausente dell'inquadratura stretta nelle scene di danza (alterego sofisticato di quelle pugilistiche in Toro Scatenato) . Roland Barthes lo chiamava "puntcum": that fraction of the image that stings us emotionally. We do not know how, but we have points and this is a fact. Psychodrama Nina, prima ballerina of the Swan Lake, then moves into the background (for many because of its scontatezza), while Aronofsky proceeds with its visual perversions. Leave aside the lessons psychoanalysis, the maternal superego, the dissociative schizophrenia: let's focus on moving images. Sobs of Requiem for a Dream , the stroke of The Wrestler , down to the Swan dark digital vaults. White. Black Red. And yet white.
Finally, we return to the movies with regularity. The key word is: discretion. The darkness of the room, shadow puppetry, chips. Signal to all the comedy Into Paradise, standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival and I think one of the most valuable of the Italian landscape. And then, a lot of surprises coming: March is gonna blow!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Dicontinued Wrestling Shoes
One of the main problems of using the bike in the city are clearly theft.
Although not steal the whole bike because the lock is rather the risk of being swept quanlche component such as wheels or seat is quite high unless lock wire with each additional piece.
The first step is to remove from a chariot every town and replace it with quick release and allen bolts to remove a front wheel with quick release just a few seconds, if it is bolted and the keys are a bit 'longer.
Not being able to pay each component to the frame because sooner or later you will need to remove them to adjust / replace and maintenance, without a doubt the best solution is to replace all the allen screws with the relatively little-used, Torx, whose head has a recess to form of six-pointed star.
In this way there is no problem to work on the bike in the workshop or on the street, but the average thief certainly has not, even better than Resistorx like in the picture so it becomes impossible to even groped break them with a Allen normal or a screwdriver.
One of the main problems of using the bike in the city are clearly theft.
Although not steal the whole bike because the lock is rather the risk of being swept quanlche component such as wheels or seat is quite high unless lock wire with each additional piece.
The first step is to remove from a chariot every town and replace it with quick release and allen bolts to remove a front wheel with quick release just a few seconds, if it is bolted and the keys are a bit 'longer.
Not being able to pay each component to the frame because sooner or later you will need to remove them to adjust / replace and maintenance, without a doubt the best solution is to replace all the allen screws with the relatively little-used, Torx, whose head has a recess to form of six-pointed star.
In this way there is no problem to work on the bike in the workshop or on the street, but the average thief certainly has not, even better than Resistorx like in the picture so it becomes impossible to even groped break them with a Allen normal or a screwdriver.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Does Jcpenney Sell Straighteners?
Francesco Beltram - Gianni Nazzi
2002 - Giunti Editore
Necklace - Proverbs of Italy
168 pages with illustrations
Per chi non conosce la lingua friulana forse sarà difficile capire a fondo tutti i proverbi qui immessi, che sono alle volte costruiti sul doppio senso o con un gioco di parole....
* * *
Par pierdi il cjâf… bisugne vêlu
Per perdere la testa… bisogna averla
Francesco Beltram - Gianni Nazzi
2002 - Giunti Editore
Necklace - Proverbs of Italy
168 pages with illustrations
* This volume, part of the series "Proverbs of Italy", proposes the a new edition and graphic design a collection of proverbs and popular representative of the soul of Friuli, Friuli also reported in several variations. An authoritative introduction precedes the collection of proverbs, divided by theme ("love", "Woman," "marriage" and so on), and enriched by some beautiful antique engravings and color plates outside the text * .
Per chi non conosce la lingua friulana forse sarà difficile capire a fondo tutti i proverbi qui immessi, che sono alle volte costruiti sul doppio senso o con un gioco di parole....
* * *
Par pierdi il cjâf… bisugne vêlu
Per perdere la testa… bisogna averla
Potrebbe sembrare una pura battuta di spirito, quasi senza senso, tanto appare gratuita: dire che bisogna avere una cosa e possederla per poterla perdere, è una tautologia.
Ma il friulano non e così ingenuo: c'è tanta gente che dimostra di aver subito una sciagura, una calamità, una perdita e l'attribuisce a fattori estranei, a cause altrui e, quando non può trovare diretti responsabili, ad uno strano destino malvagio.
La realtà è molto più prosaica e semplice, da esperienze terra terra: quando non si è in grado di arrivare ad un traguardo, quando mancano le capacità, quando non si ha il coraggio di riconoscere che non si è in grado di farcela, ci si da arie da sconfitta.
Molto più onesto sarebbe confessare le proprie mancanze, siano esse di materia grigia o di forza muscolare, senza accusare di "aver perduto la testa", perchè questa non c era nemmeno.
Un salutare guardarsi nello specchio per misurare quello che si può fare, would give each greater dignity.
Mai tais are no, no you never leis!
there never cut, never binds us.
is reported above the love between man and woman, both of the spouses and lovers who would like to say, with the experience of a series often true, even if not always believable as a general theory, that as long as there it hurts, until you are confronted on a few things of everyday life for verification of themselves, not only understands the interpersonal relationship.
That has a good deal of truth: comparing hard and contentious, the contrast shown in common fabric, where everyone, even bitterly, must be held to have something just for the sake of, it should almost always wanting to know more and more comfortable.
As long as everything remains to some extent.
Of Ju ... duc banks 'sans' and Judin
down the shore ... all the saints help you
(When things are going well ... it's like all of you helped )
Frequent adventure, this, to make sure you do as you have to take things: there are moments in life, seasons at work and in business, where everything is going very well, as a fall without grane, un andare (e il detto va collocato in quel tempo mitico della fatica esclusivamente manuale) in discesa senza quasi muovere un dito.
Ma sono momenti, anche quando possono sembrare lunghi e durare come un'abitudine.
In realtà, la vita è fatta di tante altre salite dove si prova la forza e la concretezza di una personalità che sa affidarsi alle proprie forze: e i tanti, che sembravano spingere come un vento di poppa, non ci sono più.
E' allora che emerge la saggezza di un uomo che non ha mai creduto alla facilità del vivere: ed è il segreto di chi mesce a vivere superando tante difficoltà.
* * *
Cjacarâ senze pensâ… al è Trai presences as smicjâ
Speaking without thinking is like shooting in the dark ...
For how many people the approach is always judged to be of few words, indeed sparagnina speeches especially with strangers, to risk being jack mountain or at least unfriendly, a saying like this might seem superfluous.
and perhaps it is because usually not the Friulano is a lot of words with anyone, not even at home with his wife, but precisely for this assumes a particular value, said with a wonderful imagination and an image suggestive of allusion.
The soldier or the hunter who knows his target to aim at becoming a caricature of itself, a kind of sticker to make the chickens laugh: that is, in reality our people, is the one who throws the words, keep up or build a discourse without questioning them.
So it becomes almost impossible, for this land, the windbag of the profession, the seller of smoking on improvised stages in the Piazza, and is hardly bearable, the priest at Mass on Sunday.
But that is a few words too!
Picjâz Claut tun up ... but face!
Hanging from a nail ... but at least alive!
may be judged by someone just a condition, if not unacceptable, but in the end there so bad. The live
little, the contentment of conditions but certainly not exciting but not contemptible, as they enable to continue its existence.
On this content with little real grasp on this on a nail, hung almost to a single prominent position just to get by, someone thinks there is the memory of old miseries suffered so much poverty, so many misfortunes endured.
Although there was all this ancestral heritage of the unconscious level, it remains true that, just to get by, it's worth sticking with even a nail.
Robe robe fas fas ... miseries miseries
stuff does stuff ... misery is misery
A strange rule, it knows that the Friulian (but that is as good as an economic law of market without borders) is well known that the poor, not the landowner, the property is not without has high hopes of going far. Most
, starting from scratch, you can build a certain guarantee for their lives.
The departure of anyone who wants to get to great fortune, the accumulation of real wealth and has merit, with very few exceptions, need not start from scratch.
Vale almost always the principle that we do not start from nothing to a big proportions goal dr.
may be that sometimes the only talented enough, individual's ability or even luck, but remain isolated cases. Having
, in any sense, it is nevertheless the benefit to an increase which multiplies ... almost like an automatic, the failure still remains a difficult take-off for everyone.
Quanche the cjaveli Blanchini to the tire, weary, and the females tachi vin
When hair turns gray, leaving the woman and attacked the wine
usually old age, in a society like that of the last two decades inhuman, is merciless with the elderly: marginalizes them as if they were useless baggage of a fabric that is no longer needed.
Friulian is a model of life that, despite having lost many values \u200b\u200bof its tradition, maintained a certain respect for the elderly, for the old.
And luckily, it still feels like a shame to put the fact in an elderly nursing home: it does not detach from the family, where he grew up and where he has given so much.
There is limited, with a wise, good-naturedly gave it a board of serene detachment from certain things, not to start drinking, almost forgotten, but a familiarity that keeps him even closer to home.
I prins in protest ... 'and the masses are passuz
The first to complain ... I'm the fed too
definitely is part of an historically marked by difficulties and people from poverty, hunger, and at times almost always a difficult experience: those who have met these conditions, those who have worn on their own skin, knows first to complain about something that you must have known so many other things.
But the sentence must be understood this well meaning and wanted to point out that often those who complain, who raises his voice, those who have something to laugh is no longer the poor, but precisely those who have already had a lot and should be satisfied. Case
certainly not uncommon among people who are united by a collective experience: you will always find their own protest to those who would meno diritto.
* * *
Ancje il mus al si dispose par fâ un cjant a la morose
Anche un asino si sgola per cantare alla "morosa"
Non è di tutti saper comporre poesie d'amore o scrivere lettere appassionate per una persona che si ama: e spesso, proprio nei poeti e nei grandi scrittori valgono più gli scritti che i veri sentimenti.
Così ha ragione il proverbio quando afferma che ove esista vero amore tra due persone, c'è sempre ragione di esprimere quello che, se pure con parole povere, può dirsi una manifestazione di bene che esiste e vuol farsi sentire.
Per dirla con la gente, tutti sono capaci di dimostrare beloved that you love.
It does even a donkey with his "braying 'particular: let alone between two people who want to tell each other how much good there.
On bez Nol tampieste
On Money no storm
The eternal experience of those who have money and those who do not: if you can spare the fear of hail as one of the drought, so are a thousand cards retain their value.
E 'those who do not that has to worry about every breath of wind and weather any change, because a hailstorm or a summer without water burn crops and do not grow by a thousand cards and do not fall, Why are not there.
Magro, but also just compensation, the fact remains that if the money does not hail, we do not have enough money you saved us from evil, pain and death.
money have value if accompanied by health: Unfortunately, for those who do not, health can still be beaten by hail.
Galantòms it is ... no nos devente
Galantuomini is born ... not made
The statement, at first glance may seem pessimistic, as if to say that there ' remedy is to be born a good or bad, as if nature were to take men as they are.
In fact, there is something more subtle: not the determinism as a theory but an acute observation that every man carries a bag that is all his own and with difficulty, during its existence, will radically change himself.
realize that there becomes aware of one fact: it can also change the character of something or may change behavior, but remains in the bottom of what mother nature has given.
This does not mean that education can and will very much: but it is always a sacrifice.
And the conventional wisdom often does not believe these changes.
Puare that Suris that sun à une buse
that mice in which there is only one exit
obviously refers to a hole or one output can be used to escape, that if a poor rat is being forced for the one hole, it can be said to be already finished.
But it does not take long to adapt this situation to the life, human existence may be better to say: there are always difficulties and can not ever be a surprise, because the days, if they have something good, offer always accompanied by obstacles that must pass the time.
But to get out without paying too dear a price of survival, it is necessary to provide alternative solutions. Not
you can trust, let alone adapt to a remedy only happens when an evil for having an alternative probability of success is required, a road different from that expected or believed to be too easy.
One output is a risk too high to count on the possibility of salvation.
Every day should be no cuss
Every day does not go so
is another intuition, confirmed by the experience of looking at healthy living conditions.
are positive or negative, every day of every human life has its own trends are to be expected if you want to avoid the risk of optimism without reasoned justification or pessimism almost marked by fate.
Life is a kind of mixture of composite result where there are good and evil where it is difficult to drive it like you want.
It remains true that the days have their appearance almost always different: the qualities that every man should have is the security and hope, as a remedy for the evil they can get and for the very best that you can expect from tomorrow.
Pizzulis grandis or lis ... patatis no àn ues
Small or big boned ... potatoes are
It will not hold anything, bone, even if they were blessed to grow potatoes of any size: in fact, are available for just this characteristic that makes them adaptable to any use.
But when we want to draw their morbidity to resist any teeth, and when they are small and when there are great, there clearly refers to certain people who may well be of robust physical and bodily proportions, but always without spine. These types
without will, without character, without firmness, without resistance, at the mercy of all, may well be compared to the potatoes (no contempt for the latter!) Not containing bone.
There's too many people who measure their own body, but non si rende conto che questo, grande o piccolo che sia, non ha un minimo di quella forza morale che si chiama dignità: allora il confronto con le patate ha un vero significato.
* * *
Par taponâ une buse… 'e baste une rose
Per nascondere una buca… basta soltanto un fiore
Se qualcuno non capisce che "rose" in lingua friulana ha il significato di fiore in genere e non di rosa (per la quale c'è il termine di garoful), rischia di non capire a tutto fondo il significato di questa espressione: che è di una delicata quanto realistica e sapiente verità.
Vuol insegnare che un atto o un segno o una parola delicacy, courtesy of an invitation offered in a humane and sincere may cancel, even those that seem unforgivable offenses.
E 'echo of that ancient universal tradition that teaches to overcome evil with good. Why
remains true that respond with a new Rudeness is not only deepen the wound.
A smile, a gesture of beauty, with miraculous power to convince people to reconciliation.
The Vieri love you ... no fas Ruzin
... True love does not become rusty
(Love grows old without rust)
beautiful expression, carica di umanità quanto di valore morale: forse non c'è esaltazione popolare dell'autentico amore tra due persone come questo detto, diffuso soprattutto per dar contenuto al rapporto familiare.
L’usura di un amore coniugale non conosce il logoramento se è fondata su valori di reale umanità, di disinteresse, di reciproca stima e rispetto.
E queste sono le motivazioni del vero amore: che gli anni non consumano, che le stagioni non corrodono, che non conosce tramonto.
Questo è anche quel particolare amore che fonda l'amicizia tra due persone, non legate da interesse ne da sentimentalismo contingenti.
* * *
Masse umiltât… masse supiarbie
who is too humble ... and too proud
Very true: and he can be found in all people who are on the road.
The demonstration of exaggerated humility, modesty of exaggerated, almost a zero in front of others, even if they are on par or worse if they are subject, of course hides a highly charged personality of pride and selfishness. When you see
authority down from his chair and establish itself as almost equal to you, available in all, ostensibly to make you feel weightless, there is always beware: that this is not true, indeed, his attitude of deference, altruism, disinterestedness, hiding something that is very close to exasperation want to count more than it is. The real low
can give the right measure of himself and has no fear to discover their ability to recognize that he also knows his limits.
To be humble is to recognize the truth of what is, without inflating their own talents.
in Pasco and Nadal ... at every screening basoal
At Easter and Christmas ... everyone dresses in new
is directly called into question the stupid exhibitionism of those who wish to be noticed as able, sometimes, and always out of time, overdoing it, to get new clothes, to show the fashion, to appear elegant to say that "can do".
It is also a call option, to be able to live in respectful fair to those who are traveling companion. For the Friuli
do not like surprises made only of appearance, luster striking: there, at the bottom of each of their pattern of behavior, a vein of confidentiality that is not modesty nor shame.
It 's a re able to bring things - just like the clothes - with a delicate reserve, with a delicacy that knows how to take account of the moments and people that are close, as not to offend anyone or anything.
S'an fos, s'an Ves s'an Sares are three ... and that no sanz Judin
If there was, if I, if there are saints who ... would not help
The Friulian language plays on "s'an" which is also working, at least phonetically "San" to say the saint.
But the game is terribly serious for the underlying meaning as ruthless rejection of assumptions that are often made in the conditional or subjunctive: things are either there or they are based and the reasoning or deductions or worse decisions on perhaps the likely, as an adaptation to a series unproven.
Friulano is a people is not readily available to the uncertainty and loves keep our feet on the ground and let it be said with all the respect that is given to them, is that relies too much even for the protection of the saints are true: imagine if you let go of the chance hypothesis.
It is naive if he does not deserve consideration in public opinion: "if there was a" non-compliance is common in the subject of our people who love a lot more certainty.
Mior pass â par stupiz masses ... which seems svelz
Better pass for stupid .. too smart for that
may seem like a joke of doubtful value, indeed it can, a prima vista pensare che è vero esattamente il contrario.
E invece, questo atteggiamento suggerito dal detto popolare rileva per intero la sua validità.
Se è vero che il popolo friulano e dotato di un sano ed equilibrato realismo, questo preferire essere creduti degli ingenui (che quasi sempre coincide con l'essere creduti stupidi) è molto più "produttivo" che il presentarsi come troppo furbi o troppo intelligenti o troppo esperti. In questo secondo caso è molto facile che ci si confronta con gente che si accorga immediatamente dei propri limiti che ogni uomo si porta dietro: ed è molto meglio che uno si ricreda in positivo sul giudizio di una persona, piuttosto che subisca una delusione sul tipo di uomo che si trova ad encounter.
Beat chel that the bit of russasi Bessolo
Blessed are those who can only scrape by
Again quell'inconscio behavior comes out of the Friuli, difficult to define if positive or negative, which explains more of its own strengths and reveals an atavistic distrust of solidarity of the group. Despite the obvious
civilization and abused the "village", the sense of community in a country which, they say, was deeply rooted in a consciousness of common feelings and evil and the good, the man of Friuli has often these expressions want to repeat a finding of fact and perhaps too often paid the hard way: if you need someone, you're glad if you can attend to yourself.
If it was true once, today, even m this land is becoming more and more a daily experience.
The omp is the cognossût three Robis: that sugar, this marriage, this test
Man is known for three things in the game, in marriage, will
You can not joke when he called to define a final assessment of a man: the Friuli knows how to play cards with scientific rigor ... the family has a concept almost sacred and inviolable, however: its measurement inheritance with a seriously disturbing and jealous.
So, when you want to give the size of a gentleman in this land, which has always been skilled people a thousand times, you will have to look at, first and foremost, how to play with other friends, as he leads the his home and treats his wife and children and how he managed to compose his will, to settle all his before he died. How
yardstick against three very valid: certainly not subject to seasonal trends.
Quan'ch'a 'nd'è parons masses ... is that there is little ul
When there are a lot of owners ... can fare quello che si vuole
È la precisa definizione, se si preferisce chiamarla anche filosofia, che il friulano dà all'anarchia.
Forse questo ruolo di potere che la parola italiana indica, le genti del Friuli non l'hanno mai conosciuto: che anzi, non uno solo, di poteri, ma molti e contemporaneamente si sono susseguiti su paesi e sui campi della "piccola patria".
Anche quando pareva che ci fosse uno soltanto a comandare, patriarcale o veneziano che fosse, in realtà la povera gente, quella che fa da sorgente ai proverbi e ai modi di dire, ha sempre avuto più padroni e tanti padrini.
Proprio da questa contesa di vertici, da questa ininterrotta disputa di competenze padronali, la gente comune has learned that there was an advantage to be exploited: if the upper argued, there was no time to look after those who were down and he could, and I was feeling more free to do his accounts, without reporting.
Al cjaldîr Bonehead ... That it is the chel vueit
The bucket creaking ... is empty
to say when one talks too much, always intervenes in any occasion or any subject ... when you are dealing with someone who can only criticize or complain, and when the talk is nonsense, no substance
and without real motivation, you can be sure that you have in front of a head empty.
In everyday life, in the many contacts you have on any subject, those who waste the words, who does not think and reflect before expressing his opinions, shows that he had nothing in his rational capacity.
A man that contained ideas and knowledge is increasingly prudent nell'esporsi for a decision or an opinion. The image of the empty bucket
creaking at every breath of wind is striking in its simplicity.
Quan'che 'and the Cjase cjape fuc ... no bisugne scjaldâsi
When the house catches fire ... should not warm
(Se la casa va a fuoco… non c'è tempo per scaldarsi)
È un intelligente modo di dire che può essere interpretato con doppio senso: ovvio che se hai il fuoco che ti distrugge la casa sarebbe da sciocco goderne per il calore che ne ricavi.
Il bilancio che si trova non ha logica.
Ma c'è un significato più sottile ed è che quando ti capita una disgrazia, una disavventura e soprattutto una delusione, sono e risultano inutili tutte le agitazioni scoordinate, lo "scaldarsi" appunto, il protestare a vuoto, il tanto facile mettersi contro come in una guerra personale o lo scagliarsi contro il destino.
C'è una sola reazione che diventa positiva ed è quel so much blood that allows cold logic, reflection, if you wish to tight deadlines, but still needed to measure the conditions of a fact and the solutions that best suits him.
"Scjaldasi" is useless, indeed, is the only way to make the problem worse.
'And I'm Tanc' that mus Semein
There are so many donkeys that resemble
To say that gold is not everything that looks like, so many facts that are not equal look identical, you can not make simplistic comparisons to situations that appear to have the same characteristics.
Words have their particular weight when you want to put it next experiences and people who, at first glance, have the same face as you look more carefully turn out completely different.
More subtle yet the meaning does refer to the goodness of some appearances by masking that then, the chips are down, have a completely different content.
As things about people from Friuli, the most humble things - the donkeys! almost by an underline of rustic home - can also teach a lot to those who believe themselves able to judge lightly the situations of others, without having direct knowledge or just stopping at the surface of things.
These things are never as simple as they may appear.
* * *
If the Lord ... to send the fruit to the cations ancje pagnut
If God sends us a child ... we also sends the sandwich
(If God gives a child also gives you ... to raise it)
Without going into details of a typical rural culture, where a pair of arms as the work was always a blessing, because they needed labor in the fields, should note two points of a moving beauty.
There once was a comforting trust in Providence, understood as a deep sense of family in relation to God: and this was an invaluable support for the life that he did not become never despair.
And there's that beautiful name in the Friulian language is used to indicate the child: it is called the fruit "from the Latin fructus," just as he called it when the angel announced the birth of the Son of God
" fruit "is a word to indicate the sweet fruit of love between a man and a woman.
Pluf ... If it not the cheeks
If its not raining ... there's at least one drop
is said to situations in which a particular narrowness can be: not much convenience, not probable, however easy or short-term hopes that things will improve.
And when you find yourself having Tarar on with shortness of breath, and another to have a minimum of survival, the other is not able to count on anything.
If there is at least a drop continues, although it is minimal, there is the possibility of a step, broken as it wants, but translated into a future life.
bad captain m periods alternating with all the experience: wise is he who, in the absence of the rain itself, because it is content with a few drops enough to stand up.
As he says, otherwise another saying ours is the alc alc, nuje to nuje is - anything is something, nothing is nothing -.
Lis van simpre quais no par chel agar
quail do not always go to the same furrow
It's easy, and it happens quite often that you get used to a certain condition of life that can be positive and then one forget the downside of that is at least different, but can be painful too long and then creates pessimism, and sometimes despair. Who is good
easily forget the bad, even if he has known: those who are ill may fall into a liability that becomes fatal.
Instead, both attitudes are wrong: or if you want to say another word, it is not realistic to act as if things do not change.
life, the ancients said, is a species of scale: there are those who go down there and who goes.
The truth is that the deliberate indifference to whether or not conditions for life is always an unproductive attitude: things change, have their own dynamics.
But most of the time depends on what we usually use to call "fate."
We are the protagonists.
I will ô rs: Amis and lontans
Rich: Friends and far
These five words have the thickness of a genuine piece of sociology: deep-seated m realism universal and you can also add over all boundaries of time.
Rich: anywhere and in any event are a social class that you can not fall out with, because it is never predictable condition in which you can find, even though today you may not have a direct interest in or otherwise close.
Not only that, you also have to be so wise to stay away potertene, without losing the tracks or, if possible, the friendship.
In other words, the rich are the kind of people should always keep a distance but with some cordiality: why you can count on them as material aid (and tienteli good, then), but you can not let you know in your real needs human and your feelings (And then, you might as well get away!).
Cul cjalt by linzui not you cite the fas boluses
the heat sheets do not boil the pot
A fun boost of flavor authentically peasant invokes those up early labor fields, in an era of agriculture in pretecnica, when there were no cars and you had to leave several hours before the sun makes it impossible to stay on the curved plates.
The laziness of those who preferred to stay at home, between the sheets, was looked upon as one of the biggest flaws of a man and a woman: the warmth of the bed was unproductive, indeed it was the enemy that we must overcome, with that being at home because you could not expect to get anything.
distant memory but has the most tasty and popular, of the Pauline said: who does not work, does not eat.
Here is a complaint made: If you do not work, can not do it to eat.
muârs After an hour no one campestris
Once there is an hour of dead time
Just to say how much realism with the mentality of a people watching the events that do not belong to his will and even less prospects that can be expected.
But someone seemed to good citizenship and is instead only a margin of inheritance wisdom with which you have to look at the things which then become carriers of sound ironic to those who can grasp in their substance.
You have accumulated over a lifetime and you do not realize the time you will be cut by a robber unknown but certainly around the corner from home.
And then, when it happens, there is not even a minute to think again: do what you had to do and that until that belongs to you, you know how.
Or else you're a fool.
Fruz I 'and I'm like a baccalà:
Pluie Pluie boins bat and you ju' and deventin
Children are like cod:
più si é duri con loro e più buoni diventano
Contro ogni pedagogia moderna, contro ogni paura di creare complessi o traumi nell'età delicata in cm i figli dovrebbero, secondo la nuova psicologia, essere lasciati liberi, la tradizionale saggezza della gente friulana conserva la convinzione di una certa durezza che bisogna usare con un'educazione severa e, alle volte, anche impietosa.
Non è certo una regola dogmatica, quella di picchiare i bambini perchè "imparino" a crescere forti e corretti.
Ma non sarà mutile ricordare che la troppa permissivita - non frequente tra i friulani - ha dimostrato di non essere buona seminatrice di raccolti positivi.
Non certo "battere" il figlio, che maybe it's useless, but even to let himself is not a domestic pet?
Son pi ê boris s lis that the flame
are worse than the flame the embers
It's easy to believe in a sudden burst of flame that blows a kind of storm inside: it happens to everyone to burst into a scene, in a fit of rage that you can not hold back.
But then everything is back to calm and there is also time to repent of having exceeded.
happens sometimes so severe and the flame means a burn that m, in the end, willing, with good sense.
Much more damaging, for the purposes of an evil that most of the time is not provided, the embers are: red-hot as they are not easily identifiable in their apparent and smoky be harmless, they are able to last much more than a flame, to hit and turn burns much longer.
Without saying that the so-called covered coals, are even more dangerous: you never know if you hurt or if they are innocent. And do irony on a "fire blanket is easy: it is less easy to be able to avoid the damage that can not be predicted.
S'al eras un bon ... s'al tignivin the sacrament Predis
sacrament If it was good ... if you would have kept the priests
Realism without being disrespectful, but also told a joke with a certain recurrence conditions for life that always knows the Friuli measure, refers to the popular belief that marriage takes as serious, sure, but leads to think of a situation as not excellent.
E 'repeated often when it comes to priests, without malice, with uri apparent envy for their freedom.
But that's outburst, more vivid than convinced, some difficult moments of married life: if you look at the facts, the family is still Friulian its privileged situation in a serious marriage, strictly conceived as a rule of life, such as space affective ideal for the continuation of its history.
The Bausi 'and taste but no dinners
Lie lunch but not dinner
beautiful expression of immediate effect, even for those who have had bad experiences with liars.
are a category that no one likes and does not need words to say why: a lie is always an offense to those who it is said, even before being an "untruth."
And if this is not enough, perhaps too much is not the impression of superficiality, it must be said with great consistency, that the lies never pay even though, apparently can make a first advantage is that only a scam: you give a drink to anyone once, if you have just a bit 'of that cunning which is common to all.
But there is no greater disappointment to discover that having allowed themselves to cheat a liar.
What he has not given you will probably never get it back but it is certain that he does not give you anything again.
As the popular opinion: has worked for lunch, but dinner will not get it for sure.
ancje the sister in the à lis sos maglis
Even the sun has its spots
observation experiences that every man can tell of his life and the other always leads to a finding of realism, on balance, positive because it corresponds to the truth: perfection is utopia, the good is almost always a dream, not the maximum is reached ever.
If it is true, as they are also increasingly evident to scientists that the sun has points blacks in his most brilliant splendor of noon, it is also true that men, even those you use to define models have some defects. But the intrigues
observation made simply to underline a fact: it is said to be convinced that the search for perfectionism as a method is a disadvantage that a good quality.
trying to improve the standard of living as a social good without doubt, will at all costs to get to the absolute cleanliness and discipline harder it becomes almost inhuman.
Mior a vedul that nancje fregula
Better a widower that not even a hint
Jokingly referring to girls aged risky for finding a husband.
And popular opinion gives the woman a high enough dose of desire for marriage, much to believe that we can adapt to the acceptance of a widower (already on in years!) Rather than the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying an old maid. An opinion
that now seems decidedly anachronistic, with the libertarian minded girls, grown on a life of self-managed model: in fact, far from the "choose to let", when it became certain that more than ever the choice we always think that she and her decide on the type to be tied to its existence.
But even the common folk beliefs die hard and continue to believe that girls want the wedding at all costs.
And it is false, if you just look at how they live their relationships with men.
Cun t'un len is not only fas fuc
With only a wood fire does not The
have learned above all the generations of our ancestors, in their long history and in all areas of private and collective life: alone, with one effort detached from others, combines a little and there is an illusion only to achieve certain objectives.
should get together, we must join forces, it is necessary that 'commitment is common and as participatory as possible if you want to reach certain goals.
Unity is strength, may be the precise answer to this popular saying: if there is to be built and when it comes to defense.
Alone there is documented risk of succumbing to the first attempt.
Cul mangjà si vîf… cul zunâ si va in paradîs
Con il mangiare si vive… con il digiunare si muore
Apparentemente può presentarsi come uno scherzo, se qualcuno si lascia ingannare dalla facilità con cui si parla di cibo e di paradiso: a mangiare si vive e a digiunare si va in paradiso.
Ma la lingua friulana quando intende parlare di morte usa il sinonimo di un viaggio nell'aldilà con il termine paradiso quasi fosse sottinteso suggerire nella storia di un popolo sempre in difficoltà con la natura della sua magra e faticosa terra, attenzione a queI pezzo di pane che ti puoi procurare.
Se lo perdi, se ti tocca "zunâ" (digiunare), non you just have to die and there is, undeniably, in the bottom of these words almost a hint of cynical realism, since it does not pose even the chance of aid can ironically called "paradise" that you can not avoid going to die if not eat.
Femine zovine and vin vecjo
Women young and old wine
is an ancient knowledge that is rooted in a materialistic look at that side of life which is becoming more immediate and more interested.
And who would not want a woman as young and beautiful and always a healthy wine as tradition says that to happen in the barrels of wine?
And 'this, said a source that does not seem Friuli, because these people have delicate feelings and above all confidential.
But, so much so, even traveling between our countries: a joke is not the triumph of a character, how come only one swallow make a summer.
the rest is easy and completely understandable that people talk about these moments of materiality has also completely human. After all, the feeling of certain realities can not have boundaries when it belongs to the very nature of man, then that is the same everywhere.
San Bastian cu violets in the man
San Sebastian has the viola in hand
would be of great interest for students of anthropology, check with proper inspection, adherence to specific idioms of a culture in a changing reality: It may even be useful for a more exact knowledge of mutation rates and adaptation of a people to the innovations and changes that time inevitably produce.
Like this tie a purple flower with a friendly hand of a saint: a proverb or appointment, fixed or expected, it remains in the memory of a generation at sunset and a few archaic corner of the village of Friuli.
But that sense it could imagine a reaction in a young man of our time?
What do you know, this youthful, coincidence seasonal with the domestic life of our countryside?
So, the score is even a proverb among the memories of a lost time.
Bessoi is not well in paradise nancje
Alone is not good even in Paradise
is a confession that, on the mouth of the Friulian always reserved and often seemingly curmudgeons, takes on particular significance usual realism: even Friulian, as an individual and as a people, understood the value of a human communion that must inspire the relationships between individuals and between groups.
And then the loneliness of life on this condition, the statement that is not accepted even in paradise there to reflect, to get acceptance of a necessary solidarity in joy and in sorrow, in work and fatigue as the feast of joy and time.
"Bessoi" Friulians seem contrary to some assertions, or do not want to stay on earth or in heaven.
santitât ... and Bez from the metatarsal metatarsals
Money and sanctity half ... half
would be good to learn by heart and always remember this rule, especially when you meet with someone for the first time: if they came out fabulous riches stories of exceptional ability, secrets magic, boasting exaggerated, some kind of experience or earned great merit, take care, deep down there is the serious doubt of being in front of the braggart, a seller of smoke.
Or worse, a crook who wants to hit the good faith of any gentleman, worse if it is faced with a simple or naive or gullible.
Never trust people who "spreads" the handful of its merits or its possibilities: the risk of bumping m almost always a villain and a cheat.
the No more there is to many of the bon nuje
There is no one so busy that the good for nothing
You notes every day and in every round of company that you frequent that you always find that it gives the impression of having time even to say hello, always load of heavy duty, emergencies that do not admit of delay appointments c increasingly important responsibility of booms.
The classic indispensable for the most demanding small: and then you realize that does nothing, that beyond the words do not even have a shadow of a job.
Nay, this is the guy who is not able to take a moment of fatigue or obligation "of nuje bon" in the Friulian language says much more than simply incapable: it defines the type that works in vacuum, which loses time when effort and work, which is only confusion and is the worst item that you may have a companion.
A maridasi is a very mes ... purcit the COPA is also a well
A marriage is a good month to kill the pig a year
to return ' Archaic material culture of an ancient agricultural society, where the main problem was not the conquest of a utopian happiness but the daily anxiety of survival, to the limits with hunger.
It was contempt for love and even less for the wedding was the realistic view that the food of the future, not easy to foresee, had enough to be the subject of serious concern and good jokes, though heavy as this.
But it is about serious things that mess, not those that set up there is nothing to say.
The combination of marriage and the "Copa purcit the" there is nothing irreverent in the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Friulian culture: it is to take things with a good sense of irony that does not prevent the problems.
Cui bez no'l tampieste
With money no storm ever
The ancient history of experience that the poor - not miserable! - Can you tell us about your skin and is typical of a civiltà contadina, agricola che può contare soltanto sui raccolti, su quanto può mettere da parte di grano o di patate, nel fienile o sul tavolame di un'aia.
Perchè tutta la ricchezza sta m quei campi dove, si sono consumate le stagioni, sempre esposte ai pericoli di una tempesta troppo frequente dai cicli di un Friuli di brutte estati e di pericolose nuvolaglie.
Il contadino sa fin troppo bene che c'è un solo posto dove la tempesta, anche se cade grossa come nocciole, non può far male: ed è la banca o il cassetto dei soldi.
Purtroppo, tutto quello che esce dalle sue mani di contadino rischia di essere rovinato: il "bêc” non ha paura di venire colpito ed è su questo, sembra di dover concludere, you can put trust.
Even if it comes from all work that has cost a life of sacrifice!
curt lunch or a stick ... is the folkloric baston
Long or short it is always a stick ... stick
To say that no one may judge the "quality" or "made" a bad thing when a person touches, in a kind of comparison to say that this is worse and that's minor.
Evil, what with an expressive image, mene called "the stick", as in the name of an ancestral memory of servitude, punishment, sacrifice suffered unjustly, evil is always a wound, a mortification: and that is big or small it is difficult to know, because it depends on the person who suffers and who lives, rather than the causes from which or the seriousness with which it arrives. A
pain may be nothing for a man accustomed to hard work and tough, but it can also be an almost unbearable for a person physically or psychologically fragile already undermined by other negative components.
San Matie the vuit you send
pipit migrates to the San Mattia
useless, does not migrate anything from Friuli this poisoned by pesticides, herbicides e desertificato dai riordini selvaggi, di una migliore produttività agricola - che è diritto sacrosanto! - pagata ad un prezzo troppo cara: non ci sono pispole che a San Mattia, in settembre, un tempo se ne andavano in luoghi più temperati.
E sono sparite non soltanto le pispole, ma quasi tutti gli altri uccelli…, sono rimasti i passeri di campagna e i merli si sono rifugiati nei protetti giardini delle case e delle ville di città.
Al loro posto sono arrivati - anche loro in fuga da spiagge inquinate - i 'cocài' (gabbiani) che corrono sui solchi appena aperti dai trattori.
Che cosa e rimasto?
* * *
Quan'ch'e sune l’Avemarie… Cjase franchises in the baronies
dell'Avemaria ... At the sound at home the whole company
was customary, as the code of social behavior of past generations of our people, when the community life of the country had the rhythm of deadlines' shadows and sounds of the bell tower.
One day it opened in the morning with the bells and closed the evening, with the chimes that said to go home at night.
The Hail Mary play for all the "barons", as was said once the group of friends, relations between adults and young people, and it was customary for the sound of evening warned a retreat in the home that nobody heard to object .
One way of saying that reports models of coexistence of small centers closed in on themselves, they were all our countries of Friuli 50 years ago, almost yesterday.
St. Marc's evening bon TIMP hopefully
A San Marco, in the evening a good time hopefully
The rainbow, in Friuli, was also called "San Marco" and is difficult to explain why such a name tied to a specific name: perhaps it was not the Friulano hard enough to say "Red sky at night", one must be near, as a guarantee, the name of a saint.
And the rainbow becomes a good omen of good weather, much more than just red (but it is simplistic explanation, obviously).
But what remains constant in popular culture as a range of Friuli, this wire is a year-round or a day devoted to the names of saints from the calendar.
And the people of our countries, our poor houses of just half a century ago, were full of these annotations: starting from the naive paintings on doors to get to the altar-pieces at the crossroads of streets and even in those saints who did not feel out place when placed inside the barn door of the poor.
A life of fairy tales, fables, but lived a long time!
Cui no'l who know, do know ... no'l nancje commands
Who does not know fare… non sa nemmeno comandare
E’ l'insegnamento filtrato di ogni autentica esperienza di vita e di ognì responsabilità di cui si è sopportato il peso: obbedire, da figli, da dipendenti, da uomini, richiede sempre un concreto esempio di chi comanda.
E se chi comanda dimostra una sua incapacità per certe cose che invece vuole siano fatte dagli altri, certamente non otterrà mai quello che desidera.
E per dire agli altri di fare, bisogna saper fare: non è possibile chiedere nulla a nessuno se prima non si è dimostrato di sapere e di saper fare quanto si esige.
* * *
La femine 'e fâs l'omp, opûr lu disfe
La donna costruisce l'uomo o lo distrugge
Può darsi che ci siano altrove espressioni di questo stesso contenuto, ma nel Friuli di un'antica e non morta civiltà contadina, questa valorizzazione della donna, nel suo ruolo di moglie, ma anche di madre, di fidanzata, di compagna di lavoro, ha una sua radicata certezza.
Fino al punto di colpevolizzare, più o meno giustamente, il comportamento femminile come elemento determinante nelle deviazioni, negli insuccessi, nei disorientamenti dell'uomo.
La mentalità del popolo friulano esprime stima per la donna e per il suo ruolo sociale, attribuendo alle qualità femminili una fondamentale importanza negli avvenimenti sia family members of an entire village community.
And his relationship with man is always seen as an essential part of social life in all situations.
Nancje cjan to the intrigues of the code Bant
Not even the dog moves at all
is naive - and it must be said with a streak of pessimism that is not to be distrust total realism but only to be kept without weakness - and it's surface from an excessive belief in free selflessness, generosity without reason, solidarity does not offer as clear and pure participation.
almost always true that every action is apparently non toccata da interessi o da risvolti personali, nasconde una sana giustificazione precisa e ha, come secondo fine, un tornaconto che può essere anche accettabile.
Quello che vale è non cadere nell'illusione di trovare la bontà all'angolo di casa o appena usciti con il primo che si trova: all'altruismo perfetto.
E ogni gesto, ogni espressione, ogni segno di benevolenza e perfino di amicizia ha un suo prezzo. Per quanto triste possa sembrare, rimane purtroppo vero.
* * *
No l'è nissun matrimoni che no 'l jentri il demoni
Non c'è nessun matrimonio che non vi entri il demonio
Risultato di un'esperienza who can truly be said to be inherited from generation to generation, this age-old proverb can also be found in other cultures and peoples. But in Friuli
should turn particularly to the all-encompassing symbiosis that has always linked the daily life of a family with the timing of a religion practiced more in terms of gestures and statements and facts of the case of chemical formulas.
And in the house where the wedding takes place and grows in the union of the two protagonists, of course there is always some disagreement disagreement, tense moment, and sometimes even entire days of silence, silence and bad incommunicative.
"Demons" is this: the bad as opposed the good, the defect and the lack of completeness as a negative sign that should prevail.
The expression of the "demons" wants to give everything I can not pragmatic in terms of religious root.
Chel ... it not there on a never fat cun debiz Nô
What is above us ... never made debts with us
Sano realism of a people, deeply religious and far from child fatalism to what they imagine to be a Providence that children should think for all as if man enough "to believe", here we want to draw the right amount of faith that is, of course, knowing how to ask help to those who can do everything, but is also convinced that the fate of a future good or bad, for a bountiful harvest or thin it should not be claiming to God
There are elements of a work that can go evil or good, but will never be useful to recall that it is not possible to assign rights and much less demand from those who have given to the nature of all the skills for a man who knows how to exploit them. Call other
concerned, almost one in charge of rain or drought, it means to have forgotten that "the above" has no debt with us and we will not boast possimo claims against him.
at Val pluie a cent to do that in controls
Vale più uno a fare che cento a comandare
Per una gente che ha sempre guadagnato tutto, fino all'ultimo centesimo, con il lavoro delle proprie mani, senza aspettare che qualcosa venisse dall'alto, perchè, tanto, non era mai successo a memoria d'uomo; per una serie di generazioni che si son visti cambiare padrone e amministrazioni pubbliche ogni quaranta o cinquant'anni, l'affermazione vale quel notissimo slogan che, qua, bisogna sempre e comunque rimboccarsi le maniche e lavorare: in molti o m pochi, da soli in compagnia, non è il capo che conta, ma sempre quel paio di mani che sanno costruire.
Allora e comprensibile quella diffidenza verso "chi comanda" anche se è capace, verso Who has the "power" in the sense of government even though it may benefit from consideration.
What produces, seems to be saying goes, is not the be on top, to give orders, which can be many, but also because only one able to operate with his will, knowing where it will arrive.
Uèlin classified ago in walls
It takes stones to build a wall
seems a repetition of the previous year, but has a hard concrete that is repeated in other proverbs Friulian This and even entered into villotta of a people who are centuries behind us and uninterrupted time for comparison with the reality of a context where material i was able to build their homes and give birth to their own countries.
In this comparison, is always difficult as a kind of struggle to win a margin of more space and horizon, the inhabitants of Friuli has understood that there is nothing that is given without a price and without finding what Nagare 'exact element that helps give shape to his will.
To make a stone wall we want: easy to say, but will try someone groped any adventure without getting so calculated. Friulian has too many experiences groped for these risks.
Quan'che the gjâl Pizzul cjante ... to grant to the ZA cjantàt
When the small cock sings great ... has already sung
may have many senses, until you reach a kind of clarity most foul-mouthed, but is especially true for those who believe they have discovered some kind of novelty in many things in everyday life of our people have already been made and tested.
happen, particularly r young that one day they realize for the first time and we can prove them: and the euphoria of being born first, as if there had been previous efforts in these or those joys.
But just a little 'good to see that realism, from time allegedly never did, and others are always many have already tried the same thing, even better: but it is not pessimistic warning: it is only to say that is always difficult to do something really original.
St. Catherine ... FRET par every Aine
St. Catherine ... the cold for each knuckle
To hear older generations, those who today are in good health the most distant witness of our long lost civilization, the seasons are actually changing, and this saying it would be a test. For
Santa Caterina - November 25 - was once so cold as to paralyze his fingers in every "Aine" (it is the knuckle of the finger).
Today un po’ diverso: anzi, decisamente diverso se appena ci si affaccia in Giardin Grande a Udine, per tutto il mese di novembre.
La gente che affolla la piazza, non sembra particolarmente impaurita dal freddo che, stando agli ultimi decenni, con rare eccezioni, colpisce molto meno di un tempo.
O forse quel leggendario "frêt" (ed è spiegazione più razionale e fondata) si sentiva tanto perchè non c'era il facile cappotto o il maglione di marca, nè tanto meno guanti di protezioni: e mancavano le proteine alimentari anche per le mani!
* * *
Ta che lum che no à ueli… no covente meti pavêr
In una lampada Oil-free ... no need to wick
There are, unfortunately, situations of human life, determined by economic conditions or contingencies of moral character, which can not be correct: there are some things, but more importantly, the main missing and there is no way to have it.
then it is useless to waste even the smallest effort: you have to give up what they could create.
It 's a pessimistic finding, or perhaps better bitter and our people has experienced, noting with enough courage.
It is not resignation, and even less of weakness, but sometimes you have to admit that all the alternatives prove to be unnecessary, despite appearances can bring to life the hopes that, ultimately, are nothing but illusions. A
"Paver" is a simple and commonplace that string, to become light, it needs oil, if this fails, even a whole ball of string is unnecessary.
It 's a sound rule of conduct to avoid disappointment always suffered the most.
to Your Excellency the moros 'and JE une cros; to Velu no' and son dos
Having your boyfriend is a cross not to have there two
Maybe the girls of today, by a cunning reversal of customs that have radically changed a life model, did not give importance to this sort of philosophy throughout the material.
But the substance remains intact: a girl and uninhibited, as they say, modern open to all experience, will eventually see that if a boyfriend is a limit to their freedom, because it is always a reference to the value of responsible true love ourselves, not having to always be available for all or none, is, after all, a newspaper that selfishness will not give any result.
Each day through Friday Gnote
Every day is followed by night
obvious, so they seem childish, but if people use its own vocabulary to express some beliefs, it means that it is not so obvious comparison of a given reality.
say that each day follows night, is all too easy and almost superfluous, but to understand the fate of a persecuted victim who thinks he's some kind of malignancy of fate, show him the night after the sun returns, which at Everything has an end and that only death - so to speak! - Has no cure, is anything but easy, and often becomes a difficult task, if not impossible.
fatigue following rest: yes, but if such a s'intestardisce not believe it is as if he were convinced that the night never comes. And we groped to try reasoning with this type of mentality.
It 's like beating my head against a wall and often and wasted effort.
Cui, who to him not to Crot sanz ... who at the Croda meracui
who does not believe the saints ... at least believe in miracles
We are used to thinking that accentuates the of a people unwilling to give his confidence and to believe at first sight: the Friuli cry very important thing at all, much less a miracle and are willing to accept a faith in "holy (but it's all too easy for things to be taken seriously).
Yet there is something that he places himself as an incontrovertible fact: if it is not a miracle, it has all the cards in order to be seen and observed and studied.
Then there is the possibility of rejection: do not believe what you say?
You must still bend to the things that you show up before my eyes and you can be put in his hands.
You can not be blind to what happened even if you do not want to hear the explanation.
We are made like this: reach out and touch a "meracul" to accept.
Each MES fas ... the moons of each one strives to
Every month the moon .... every day we learn a
(The moon returns every month and every day we learn to live)
old wisdom that has the flavor of an authentic philosophy of life against all presumed to have arrived to conquer the full knowledge, he had nothing more to learn.
people say and shows a shocking realism of intuitions, possible only to the accumulation of collective memory, which is never finished his apprenticeship to the knowledge of the small and big world that is like the sea for those who live in it. Every day, while remaining true that everything is repeated, there is something to learn, not because it is new or original, but for what it is for a man.
who may commit one serious deficiency in the assessment of things to know everything and always.
It 's too always too short and closed its horizon to claim to have seen and known everything.
There is always something for him, you will find new.
San Valentin ... to the cjante odulìn
For Valentine sings ... Lodoletta
Month after month, perhaps I should say every season, every peasant culture had marked deadlines by the saints of the calendar and these images and simply drew from these names and make appointments with the eternal cycles of farming, animal life, the passage of time and its fixed returns.
Today, the industrialization of the countryside - and God only knows how much there was no need - he humanized the strain of the sub-human world, but the loss of an age-old, have fallen phrases, references and all expressions of wisdom that were passed down from generation to generation.
And with them have gone even larks.
that Ta lum with Ueli that no ... no covent methyl Paver
In that light that has no oil ... no need to put the wick
(do not add oil when there is insufficient wick)
Vale for many: for those who do not have sufficient quality. to give the desired results. We make
only one case but can be used for so many others today, all parents want their children to far exceed the level of compulsory schooling try to be there at the end of academic courses. Doctors
everyone and experience to understand.
But all that can help throw the money and put a lot of concern, to acknowledge the inability of teachers if the child does not have that oil that is indispensable to make a light that always wants more light and instead appears more and more unable to burn?
To achieve certain goals not just the will: we need good quality if there is no "oil" (which is essential to intelligence or other) it is useless to waste so much wealth.
Mai Pluie tant zovins
No more so young
Perhaps, in these few words, there is all the soul of the people of Friuli: free speech, but without unnecessary duplication above all, with typical terseness of the Friulian language, you can hear all the flavor of life in its exploration of resignation to the desperate Spring and sunsets.
may seem obvious, when it is translated into Italian, but said that, with a finding that smacks of bitterness conscious and lucid life experience, that beats the harshness with each passing moment that will never come back together and even the folly and ignorance of those who do not think.
Not the "carpe diem" hedonism that would steal every day life, much less a call to the effort to stop the passing hour.
E 'recommendation, an invitation, a kind of heartfelt learning to live with intelligence and wealth, for everyone who wants to be wise.
Ma il friulano non e così ingenuo: c'è tanta gente che dimostra di aver subito una sciagura, una calamità, una perdita e l'attribuisce a fattori estranei, a cause altrui e, quando non può trovare diretti responsabili, ad uno strano destino malvagio.
La realtà è molto più prosaica e semplice, da esperienze terra terra: quando non si è in grado di arrivare ad un traguardo, quando mancano le capacità, quando non si ha il coraggio di riconoscere che non si è in grado di farcela, ci si da arie da sconfitta.
Molto più onesto sarebbe confessare le proprie mancanze, siano esse di materia grigia o di forza muscolare, senza accusare di "aver perduto la testa", perchè questa non c era nemmeno.
Un salutare guardarsi nello specchio per misurare quello che si può fare, would give each greater dignity.
Mai tais are no, no you never leis!
there never cut, never binds us.
is reported above the love between man and woman, both of the spouses and lovers who would like to say, with the experience of a series often true, even if not always believable as a general theory, that as long as there it hurts, until you are confronted on a few things of everyday life for verification of themselves, not only understands the interpersonal relationship.
That has a good deal of truth: comparing hard and contentious, the contrast shown in common fabric, where everyone, even bitterly, must be held to have something just for the sake of, it should almost always wanting to know more and more comfortable.
As long as everything remains to some extent.
Of Ju ... duc banks 'sans' and Judin
down the shore ... all the saints help you
(When things are going well ... it's like all of you helped )
Frequent adventure, this, to make sure you do as you have to take things: there are moments in life, seasons at work and in business, where everything is going very well, as a fall without grane, un andare (e il detto va collocato in quel tempo mitico della fatica esclusivamente manuale) in discesa senza quasi muovere un dito.
Ma sono momenti, anche quando possono sembrare lunghi e durare come un'abitudine.
In realtà, la vita è fatta di tante altre salite dove si prova la forza e la concretezza di una personalità che sa affidarsi alle proprie forze: e i tanti, che sembravano spingere come un vento di poppa, non ci sono più.
E' allora che emerge la saggezza di un uomo che non ha mai creduto alla facilità del vivere: ed è il segreto di chi mesce a vivere superando tante difficoltà.
* * *
Cjacarâ senze pensâ… al è Trai presences as smicjâ
Speaking without thinking is like shooting in the dark ...
For how many people the approach is always judged to be of few words, indeed sparagnina speeches especially with strangers, to risk being jack mountain or at least unfriendly, a saying like this might seem superfluous.
and perhaps it is because usually not the Friulano is a lot of words with anyone, not even at home with his wife, but precisely for this assumes a particular value, said with a wonderful imagination and an image suggestive of allusion.
The soldier or the hunter who knows his target to aim at becoming a caricature of itself, a kind of sticker to make the chickens laugh: that is, in reality our people, is the one who throws the words, keep up or build a discourse without questioning them.
So it becomes almost impossible, for this land, the windbag of the profession, the seller of smoking on improvised stages in the Piazza, and is hardly bearable, the priest at Mass on Sunday.
But that is a few words too!
Picjâz Claut tun up ... but face!
Hanging from a nail ... but at least alive!
may be judged by someone just a condition, if not unacceptable, but in the end there so bad. The live
little, the contentment of conditions but certainly not exciting but not contemptible, as they enable to continue its existence.
On this content with little real grasp on this on a nail, hung almost to a single prominent position just to get by, someone thinks there is the memory of old miseries suffered so much poverty, so many misfortunes endured.
Although there was all this ancestral heritage of the unconscious level, it remains true that, just to get by, it's worth sticking with even a nail.
Robe robe fas fas ... miseries miseries
stuff does stuff ... misery is misery
A strange rule, it knows that the Friulian (but that is as good as an economic law of market without borders) is well known that the poor, not the landowner, the property is not without has high hopes of going far. Most
, starting from scratch, you can build a certain guarantee for their lives.
The departure of anyone who wants to get to great fortune, the accumulation of real wealth and has merit, with very few exceptions, need not start from scratch.
Vale almost always the principle that we do not start from nothing to a big proportions goal dr.
may be that sometimes the only talented enough, individual's ability or even luck, but remain isolated cases. Having
, in any sense, it is nevertheless the benefit to an increase which multiplies ... almost like an automatic, the failure still remains a difficult take-off for everyone.
Quanche the cjaveli Blanchini to the tire, weary, and the females tachi vin
When hair turns gray, leaving the woman and attacked the wine
usually old age, in a society like that of the last two decades inhuman, is merciless with the elderly: marginalizes them as if they were useless baggage of a fabric that is no longer needed.
Friulian is a model of life that, despite having lost many values \u200b\u200bof its tradition, maintained a certain respect for the elderly, for the old.
And luckily, it still feels like a shame to put the fact in an elderly nursing home: it does not detach from the family, where he grew up and where he has given so much.
There is limited, with a wise, good-naturedly gave it a board of serene detachment from certain things, not to start drinking, almost forgotten, but a familiarity that keeps him even closer to home.
I prins in protest ... 'and the masses are passuz
The first to complain ... I'm the fed too
definitely is part of an historically marked by difficulties and people from poverty, hunger, and at times almost always a difficult experience: those who have met these conditions, those who have worn on their own skin, knows first to complain about something that you must have known so many other things.
But the sentence must be understood this well meaning and wanted to point out that often those who complain, who raises his voice, those who have something to laugh is no longer the poor, but precisely those who have already had a lot and should be satisfied. Case
certainly not uncommon among people who are united by a collective experience: you will always find their own protest to those who would meno diritto.
* * *
Ancje il mus al si dispose par fâ un cjant a la morose
Anche un asino si sgola per cantare alla "morosa"
Non è di tutti saper comporre poesie d'amore o scrivere lettere appassionate per una persona che si ama: e spesso, proprio nei poeti e nei grandi scrittori valgono più gli scritti che i veri sentimenti.
Così ha ragione il proverbio quando afferma che ove esista vero amore tra due persone, c'è sempre ragione di esprimere quello che, se pure con parole povere, può dirsi una manifestazione di bene che esiste e vuol farsi sentire.
Per dirla con la gente, tutti sono capaci di dimostrare beloved that you love.
It does even a donkey with his "braying 'particular: let alone between two people who want to tell each other how much good there.
On bez Nol tampieste
On Money no storm
The eternal experience of those who have money and those who do not: if you can spare the fear of hail as one of the drought, so are a thousand cards retain their value.
E 'those who do not that has to worry about every breath of wind and weather any change, because a hailstorm or a summer without water burn crops and do not grow by a thousand cards and do not fall, Why are not there.
Magro, but also just compensation, the fact remains that if the money does not hail, we do not have enough money you saved us from evil, pain and death.
money have value if accompanied by health: Unfortunately, for those who do not, health can still be beaten by hail.
Galantòms it is ... no nos devente
Galantuomini is born ... not made
The statement, at first glance may seem pessimistic, as if to say that there ' remedy is to be born a good or bad, as if nature were to take men as they are.
In fact, there is something more subtle: not the determinism as a theory but an acute observation that every man carries a bag that is all his own and with difficulty, during its existence, will radically change himself.
realize that there becomes aware of one fact: it can also change the character of something or may change behavior, but remains in the bottom of what mother nature has given.
This does not mean that education can and will very much: but it is always a sacrifice.
And the conventional wisdom often does not believe these changes.
Puare that Suris that sun à une buse
that mice in which there is only one exit
obviously refers to a hole or one output can be used to escape, that if a poor rat is being forced for the one hole, it can be said to be already finished.
But it does not take long to adapt this situation to the life, human existence may be better to say: there are always difficulties and can not ever be a surprise, because the days, if they have something good, offer always accompanied by obstacles that must pass the time.
But to get out without paying too dear a price of survival, it is necessary to provide alternative solutions. Not
you can trust, let alone adapt to a remedy only happens when an evil for having an alternative probability of success is required, a road different from that expected or believed to be too easy.
One output is a risk too high to count on the possibility of salvation.
Every day should be no cuss
Every day does not go so
is another intuition, confirmed by the experience of looking at healthy living conditions.
are positive or negative, every day of every human life has its own trends are to be expected if you want to avoid the risk of optimism without reasoned justification or pessimism almost marked by fate.
Life is a kind of mixture of composite result where there are good and evil where it is difficult to drive it like you want.
It remains true that the days have their appearance almost always different: the qualities that every man should have is the security and hope, as a remedy for the evil they can get and for the very best that you can expect from tomorrow.
Pizzulis grandis or lis ... patatis no àn ues
Small or big boned ... potatoes are
It will not hold anything, bone, even if they were blessed to grow potatoes of any size: in fact, are available for just this characteristic that makes them adaptable to any use.
But when we want to draw their morbidity to resist any teeth, and when they are small and when there are great, there clearly refers to certain people who may well be of robust physical and bodily proportions, but always without spine. These types
without will, without character, without firmness, without resistance, at the mercy of all, may well be compared to the potatoes (no contempt for the latter!) Not containing bone.
There's too many people who measure their own body, but non si rende conto che questo, grande o piccolo che sia, non ha un minimo di quella forza morale che si chiama dignità: allora il confronto con le patate ha un vero significato.
* * *
Par taponâ une buse… 'e baste une rose
Per nascondere una buca… basta soltanto un fiore
Se qualcuno non capisce che "rose" in lingua friulana ha il significato di fiore in genere e non di rosa (per la quale c'è il termine di garoful), rischia di non capire a tutto fondo il significato di questa espressione: che è di una delicata quanto realistica e sapiente verità.
Vuol insegnare che un atto o un segno o una parola delicacy, courtesy of an invitation offered in a humane and sincere may cancel, even those that seem unforgivable offenses.
E 'echo of that ancient universal tradition that teaches to overcome evil with good. Why
remains true that respond with a new Rudeness is not only deepen the wound.
A smile, a gesture of beauty, with miraculous power to convince people to reconciliation.
The Vieri love you ... no fas Ruzin
... True love does not become rusty
(Love grows old without rust)
beautiful expression, carica di umanità quanto di valore morale: forse non c'è esaltazione popolare dell'autentico amore tra due persone come questo detto, diffuso soprattutto per dar contenuto al rapporto familiare.
L’usura di un amore coniugale non conosce il logoramento se è fondata su valori di reale umanità, di disinteresse, di reciproca stima e rispetto.
E queste sono le motivazioni del vero amore: che gli anni non consumano, che le stagioni non corrodono, che non conosce tramonto.
Questo è anche quel particolare amore che fonda l'amicizia tra due persone, non legate da interesse ne da sentimentalismo contingenti.
* * *
Masse umiltât… masse supiarbie
who is too humble ... and too proud
Very true: and he can be found in all people who are on the road.
The demonstration of exaggerated humility, modesty of exaggerated, almost a zero in front of others, even if they are on par or worse if they are subject, of course hides a highly charged personality of pride and selfishness. When you see
authority down from his chair and establish itself as almost equal to you, available in all, ostensibly to make you feel weightless, there is always beware: that this is not true, indeed, his attitude of deference, altruism, disinterestedness, hiding something that is very close to exasperation want to count more than it is. The real low
can give the right measure of himself and has no fear to discover their ability to recognize that he also knows his limits.
To be humble is to recognize the truth of what is, without inflating their own talents.
in Pasco and Nadal ... at every screening basoal
At Easter and Christmas ... everyone dresses in new
is directly called into question the stupid exhibitionism of those who wish to be noticed as able, sometimes, and always out of time, overdoing it, to get new clothes, to show the fashion, to appear elegant to say that "can do".
It is also a call option, to be able to live in respectful fair to those who are traveling companion. For the Friuli
do not like surprises made only of appearance, luster striking: there, at the bottom of each of their pattern of behavior, a vein of confidentiality that is not modesty nor shame.
It 's a re able to bring things - just like the clothes - with a delicate reserve, with a delicacy that knows how to take account of the moments and people that are close, as not to offend anyone or anything.
S'an fos, s'an Ves s'an Sares are three ... and that no sanz Judin
If there was, if I, if there are saints who ... would not help
The Friulian language plays on "s'an" which is also working, at least phonetically "San" to say the saint.
But the game is terribly serious for the underlying meaning as ruthless rejection of assumptions that are often made in the conditional or subjunctive: things are either there or they are based and the reasoning or deductions or worse decisions on perhaps the likely, as an adaptation to a series unproven.
Friulano is a people is not readily available to the uncertainty and loves keep our feet on the ground and let it be said with all the respect that is given to them, is that relies too much even for the protection of the saints are true: imagine if you let go of the chance hypothesis.
It is naive if he does not deserve consideration in public opinion: "if there was a" non-compliance is common in the subject of our people who love a lot more certainty.
Mior pass â par stupiz masses ... which seems svelz
Better pass for stupid .. too smart for that
may seem like a joke of doubtful value, indeed it can, a prima vista pensare che è vero esattamente il contrario.
E invece, questo atteggiamento suggerito dal detto popolare rileva per intero la sua validità.
Se è vero che il popolo friulano e dotato di un sano ed equilibrato realismo, questo preferire essere creduti degli ingenui (che quasi sempre coincide con l'essere creduti stupidi) è molto più "produttivo" che il presentarsi come troppo furbi o troppo intelligenti o troppo esperti. In questo secondo caso è molto facile che ci si confronta con gente che si accorga immediatamente dei propri limiti che ogni uomo si porta dietro: ed è molto meglio che uno si ricreda in positivo sul giudizio di una persona, piuttosto che subisca una delusione sul tipo di uomo che si trova ad encounter.
Beat chel that the bit of russasi Bessolo
Blessed are those who can only scrape by
Again quell'inconscio behavior comes out of the Friuli, difficult to define if positive or negative, which explains more of its own strengths and reveals an atavistic distrust of solidarity of the group. Despite the obvious
civilization and abused the "village", the sense of community in a country which, they say, was deeply rooted in a consciousness of common feelings and evil and the good, the man of Friuli has often these expressions want to repeat a finding of fact and perhaps too often paid the hard way: if you need someone, you're glad if you can attend to yourself.
If it was true once, today, even m this land is becoming more and more a daily experience.
The omp is the cognossût three Robis: that sugar, this marriage, this test
Man is known for three things in the game, in marriage, will
You can not joke when he called to define a final assessment of a man: the Friuli knows how to play cards with scientific rigor ... the family has a concept almost sacred and inviolable, however: its measurement inheritance with a seriously disturbing and jealous.
So, when you want to give the size of a gentleman in this land, which has always been skilled people a thousand times, you will have to look at, first and foremost, how to play with other friends, as he leads the his home and treats his wife and children and how he managed to compose his will, to settle all his before he died. How
yardstick against three very valid: certainly not subject to seasonal trends.
Quan'ch'a 'nd'è parons masses ... is that there is little ul
When there are a lot of owners ... can fare quello che si vuole
È la precisa definizione, se si preferisce chiamarla anche filosofia, che il friulano dà all'anarchia.
Forse questo ruolo di potere che la parola italiana indica, le genti del Friuli non l'hanno mai conosciuto: che anzi, non uno solo, di poteri, ma molti e contemporaneamente si sono susseguiti su paesi e sui campi della "piccola patria".
Anche quando pareva che ci fosse uno soltanto a comandare, patriarcale o veneziano che fosse, in realtà la povera gente, quella che fa da sorgente ai proverbi e ai modi di dire, ha sempre avuto più padroni e tanti padrini.
Proprio da questa contesa di vertici, da questa ininterrotta disputa di competenze padronali, la gente comune has learned that there was an advantage to be exploited: if the upper argued, there was no time to look after those who were down and he could, and I was feeling more free to do his accounts, without reporting.
Al cjaldîr Bonehead ... That it is the chel vueit
The bucket creaking ... is empty
to say when one talks too much, always intervenes in any occasion or any subject ... when you are dealing with someone who can only criticize or complain, and when the talk is nonsense, no substance
and without real motivation, you can be sure that you have in front of a head empty.
In everyday life, in the many contacts you have on any subject, those who waste the words, who does not think and reflect before expressing his opinions, shows that he had nothing in his rational capacity.
A man that contained ideas and knowledge is increasingly prudent nell'esporsi for a decision or an opinion. The image of the empty bucket
creaking at every breath of wind is striking in its simplicity.
Quan'che 'and the Cjase cjape fuc ... no bisugne scjaldâsi
When the house catches fire ... should not warm
(Se la casa va a fuoco… non c'è tempo per scaldarsi)
È un intelligente modo di dire che può essere interpretato con doppio senso: ovvio che se hai il fuoco che ti distrugge la casa sarebbe da sciocco goderne per il calore che ne ricavi.
Il bilancio che si trova non ha logica.
Ma c'è un significato più sottile ed è che quando ti capita una disgrazia, una disavventura e soprattutto una delusione, sono e risultano inutili tutte le agitazioni scoordinate, lo "scaldarsi" appunto, il protestare a vuoto, il tanto facile mettersi contro come in una guerra personale o lo scagliarsi contro il destino.
C'è una sola reazione che diventa positiva ed è quel so much blood that allows cold logic, reflection, if you wish to tight deadlines, but still needed to measure the conditions of a fact and the solutions that best suits him.
"Scjaldasi" is useless, indeed, is the only way to make the problem worse.
'And I'm Tanc' that mus Semein
There are so many donkeys that resemble
To say that gold is not everything that looks like, so many facts that are not equal look identical, you can not make simplistic comparisons to situations that appear to have the same characteristics.
Words have their particular weight when you want to put it next experiences and people who, at first glance, have the same face as you look more carefully turn out completely different.
More subtle yet the meaning does refer to the goodness of some appearances by masking that then, the chips are down, have a completely different content.
As things about people from Friuli, the most humble things - the donkeys! almost by an underline of rustic home - can also teach a lot to those who believe themselves able to judge lightly the situations of others, without having direct knowledge or just stopping at the surface of things.
These things are never as simple as they may appear.
* * *
If the Lord ... to send the fruit to the cations ancje pagnut
If God sends us a child ... we also sends the sandwich
(If God gives a child also gives you ... to raise it)
Without going into details of a typical rural culture, where a pair of arms as the work was always a blessing, because they needed labor in the fields, should note two points of a moving beauty.
There once was a comforting trust in Providence, understood as a deep sense of family in relation to God: and this was an invaluable support for the life that he did not become never despair.
And there's that beautiful name in the Friulian language is used to indicate the child: it is called the fruit "from the Latin fructus," just as he called it when the angel announced the birth of the Son of God
" fruit "is a word to indicate the sweet fruit of love between a man and a woman.
Pluf ... If it not the cheeks
If its not raining ... there's at least one drop
is said to situations in which a particular narrowness can be: not much convenience, not probable, however easy or short-term hopes that things will improve.
And when you find yourself having Tarar on with shortness of breath, and another to have a minimum of survival, the other is not able to count on anything.
If there is at least a drop continues, although it is minimal, there is the possibility of a step, broken as it wants, but translated into a future life.
bad captain m periods alternating with all the experience: wise is he who, in the absence of the rain itself, because it is content with a few drops enough to stand up.
As he says, otherwise another saying ours is the alc alc, nuje to nuje is - anything is something, nothing is nothing -.
Lis van simpre quais no par chel agar
quail do not always go to the same furrow
It's easy, and it happens quite often that you get used to a certain condition of life that can be positive and then one forget the downside of that is at least different, but can be painful too long and then creates pessimism, and sometimes despair. Who is good
easily forget the bad, even if he has known: those who are ill may fall into a liability that becomes fatal.
Instead, both attitudes are wrong: or if you want to say another word, it is not realistic to act as if things do not change.
life, the ancients said, is a species of scale: there are those who go down there and who goes.
The truth is that the deliberate indifference to whether or not conditions for life is always an unproductive attitude: things change, have their own dynamics.
But most of the time depends on what we usually use to call "fate."
We are the protagonists.
I will ô rs: Amis and lontans
Rich: Friends and far
These five words have the thickness of a genuine piece of sociology: deep-seated m realism universal and you can also add over all boundaries of time.
Rich: anywhere and in any event are a social class that you can not fall out with, because it is never predictable condition in which you can find, even though today you may not have a direct interest in or otherwise close.
Not only that, you also have to be so wise to stay away potertene, without losing the tracks or, if possible, the friendship.
In other words, the rich are the kind of people should always keep a distance but with some cordiality: why you can count on them as material aid (and tienteli good, then), but you can not let you know in your real needs human and your feelings (And then, you might as well get away!).
Cul cjalt by linzui not you cite the fas boluses
the heat sheets do not boil the pot
A fun boost of flavor authentically peasant invokes those up early labor fields, in an era of agriculture in pretecnica, when there were no cars and you had to leave several hours before the sun makes it impossible to stay on the curved plates.
The laziness of those who preferred to stay at home, between the sheets, was looked upon as one of the biggest flaws of a man and a woman: the warmth of the bed was unproductive, indeed it was the enemy that we must overcome, with that being at home because you could not expect to get anything.
distant memory but has the most tasty and popular, of the Pauline said: who does not work, does not eat.
Here is a complaint made: If you do not work, can not do it to eat.
muârs After an hour no one campestris
Once there is an hour of dead time
Just to say how much realism with the mentality of a people watching the events that do not belong to his will and even less prospects that can be expected.
But someone seemed to good citizenship and is instead only a margin of inheritance wisdom with which you have to look at the things which then become carriers of sound ironic to those who can grasp in their substance.
You have accumulated over a lifetime and you do not realize the time you will be cut by a robber unknown but certainly around the corner from home.
And then, when it happens, there is not even a minute to think again: do what you had to do and that until that belongs to you, you know how.
Or else you're a fool.
Fruz I 'and I'm like a baccalà:
Pluie Pluie boins bat and you ju' and deventin
Children are like cod:
più si é duri con loro e più buoni diventano
Contro ogni pedagogia moderna, contro ogni paura di creare complessi o traumi nell'età delicata in cm i figli dovrebbero, secondo la nuova psicologia, essere lasciati liberi, la tradizionale saggezza della gente friulana conserva la convinzione di una certa durezza che bisogna usare con un'educazione severa e, alle volte, anche impietosa.
Non è certo una regola dogmatica, quella di picchiare i bambini perchè "imparino" a crescere forti e corretti.
Ma non sarà mutile ricordare che la troppa permissivita - non frequente tra i friulani - ha dimostrato di non essere buona seminatrice di raccolti positivi.
Non certo "battere" il figlio, che maybe it's useless, but even to let himself is not a domestic pet?
Son pi ê boris s lis that the flame
are worse than the flame the embers
It's easy to believe in a sudden burst of flame that blows a kind of storm inside: it happens to everyone to burst into a scene, in a fit of rage that you can not hold back.
But then everything is back to calm and there is also time to repent of having exceeded.
happens sometimes so severe and the flame means a burn that m, in the end, willing, with good sense.
Much more damaging, for the purposes of an evil that most of the time is not provided, the embers are: red-hot as they are not easily identifiable in their apparent and smoky be harmless, they are able to last much more than a flame, to hit and turn burns much longer.
Without saying that the so-called covered coals, are even more dangerous: you never know if you hurt or if they are innocent. And do irony on a "fire blanket is easy: it is less easy to be able to avoid the damage that can not be predicted.
S'al eras un bon ... s'al tignivin the sacrament Predis
sacrament If it was good ... if you would have kept the priests
Realism without being disrespectful, but also told a joke with a certain recurrence conditions for life that always knows the Friuli measure, refers to the popular belief that marriage takes as serious, sure, but leads to think of a situation as not excellent.
E 'repeated often when it comes to priests, without malice, with uri apparent envy for their freedom.
But that's outburst, more vivid than convinced, some difficult moments of married life: if you look at the facts, the family is still Friulian its privileged situation in a serious marriage, strictly conceived as a rule of life, such as space affective ideal for the continuation of its history.
The Bausi 'and taste but no dinners
Lie lunch but not dinner
beautiful expression of immediate effect, even for those who have had bad experiences with liars.
are a category that no one likes and does not need words to say why: a lie is always an offense to those who it is said, even before being an "untruth."
And if this is not enough, perhaps too much is not the impression of superficiality, it must be said with great consistency, that the lies never pay even though, apparently can make a first advantage is that only a scam: you give a drink to anyone once, if you have just a bit 'of that cunning which is common to all.
But there is no greater disappointment to discover that having allowed themselves to cheat a liar.
What he has not given you will probably never get it back but it is certain that he does not give you anything again.
As the popular opinion: has worked for lunch, but dinner will not get it for sure.
ancje the sister in the à lis sos maglis
Even the sun has its spots
observation experiences that every man can tell of his life and the other always leads to a finding of realism, on balance, positive because it corresponds to the truth: perfection is utopia, the good is almost always a dream, not the maximum is reached ever.
If it is true, as they are also increasingly evident to scientists that the sun has points blacks in his most brilliant splendor of noon, it is also true that men, even those you use to define models have some defects. But the intrigues
observation made simply to underline a fact: it is said to be convinced that the search for perfectionism as a method is a disadvantage that a good quality.
trying to improve the standard of living as a social good without doubt, will at all costs to get to the absolute cleanliness and discipline harder it becomes almost inhuman.
Mior a vedul that nancje fregula
Better a widower that not even a hint
Jokingly referring to girls aged risky for finding a husband.
And popular opinion gives the woman a high enough dose of desire for marriage, much to believe that we can adapt to the acceptance of a widower (already on in years!) Rather than the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying an old maid. An opinion
that now seems decidedly anachronistic, with the libertarian minded girls, grown on a life of self-managed model: in fact, far from the "choose to let", when it became certain that more than ever the choice we always think that she and her decide on the type to be tied to its existence.
But even the common folk beliefs die hard and continue to believe that girls want the wedding at all costs.
And it is false, if you just look at how they live their relationships with men.
Cun t'un len is not only fas fuc
With only a wood fire does not The
have learned above all the generations of our ancestors, in their long history and in all areas of private and collective life: alone, with one effort detached from others, combines a little and there is an illusion only to achieve certain objectives.
should get together, we must join forces, it is necessary that 'commitment is common and as participatory as possible if you want to reach certain goals.
Unity is strength, may be the precise answer to this popular saying: if there is to be built and when it comes to defense.
Alone there is documented risk of succumbing to the first attempt.
Cul mangjà si vîf… cul zunâ si va in paradîs
Con il mangiare si vive… con il digiunare si muore
Apparentemente può presentarsi come uno scherzo, se qualcuno si lascia ingannare dalla facilità con cui si parla di cibo e di paradiso: a mangiare si vive e a digiunare si va in paradiso.
Ma la lingua friulana quando intende parlare di morte usa il sinonimo di un viaggio nell'aldilà con il termine paradiso quasi fosse sottinteso suggerire nella storia di un popolo sempre in difficoltà con la natura della sua magra e faticosa terra, attenzione a queI pezzo di pane che ti puoi procurare.
Se lo perdi, se ti tocca "zunâ" (digiunare), non you just have to die and there is, undeniably, in the bottom of these words almost a hint of cynical realism, since it does not pose even the chance of aid can ironically called "paradise" that you can not avoid going to die if not eat.
Femine zovine and vin vecjo
Women young and old wine
is an ancient knowledge that is rooted in a materialistic look at that side of life which is becoming more immediate and more interested.
And who would not want a woman as young and beautiful and always a healthy wine as tradition says that to happen in the barrels of wine?
And 'this, said a source that does not seem Friuli, because these people have delicate feelings and above all confidential.
But, so much so, even traveling between our countries: a joke is not the triumph of a character, how come only one swallow make a summer.
the rest is easy and completely understandable that people talk about these moments of materiality has also completely human. After all, the feeling of certain realities can not have boundaries when it belongs to the very nature of man, then that is the same everywhere.
San Bastian cu violets in the man
San Sebastian has the viola in hand
would be of great interest for students of anthropology, check with proper inspection, adherence to specific idioms of a culture in a changing reality: It may even be useful for a more exact knowledge of mutation rates and adaptation of a people to the innovations and changes that time inevitably produce.
Like this tie a purple flower with a friendly hand of a saint: a proverb or appointment, fixed or expected, it remains in the memory of a generation at sunset and a few archaic corner of the village of Friuli.
But that sense it could imagine a reaction in a young man of our time?
What do you know, this youthful, coincidence seasonal with the domestic life of our countryside?
So, the score is even a proverb among the memories of a lost time.
Bessoi is not well in paradise nancje
Alone is not good even in Paradise
is a confession that, on the mouth of the Friulian always reserved and often seemingly curmudgeons, takes on particular significance usual realism: even Friulian, as an individual and as a people, understood the value of a human communion that must inspire the relationships between individuals and between groups.
And then the loneliness of life on this condition, the statement that is not accepted even in paradise there to reflect, to get acceptance of a necessary solidarity in joy and in sorrow, in work and fatigue as the feast of joy and time.
"Bessoi" Friulians seem contrary to some assertions, or do not want to stay on earth or in heaven.
santitât ... and Bez from the metatarsal metatarsals
Money and sanctity half ... half
would be good to learn by heart and always remember this rule, especially when you meet with someone for the first time: if they came out fabulous riches stories of exceptional ability, secrets magic, boasting exaggerated, some kind of experience or earned great merit, take care, deep down there is the serious doubt of being in front of the braggart, a seller of smoke.
Or worse, a crook who wants to hit the good faith of any gentleman, worse if it is faced with a simple or naive or gullible.
Never trust people who "spreads" the handful of its merits or its possibilities: the risk of bumping m almost always a villain and a cheat.
the No more there is to many of the bon nuje
There is no one so busy that the good for nothing
You notes every day and in every round of company that you frequent that you always find that it gives the impression of having time even to say hello, always load of heavy duty, emergencies that do not admit of delay appointments c increasingly important responsibility of booms.
The classic indispensable for the most demanding small: and then you realize that does nothing, that beyond the words do not even have a shadow of a job.
Nay, this is the guy who is not able to take a moment of fatigue or obligation "of nuje bon" in the Friulian language says much more than simply incapable: it defines the type that works in vacuum, which loses time when effort and work, which is only confusion and is the worst item that you may have a companion.
A maridasi is a very mes ... purcit the COPA is also a well
A marriage is a good month to kill the pig a year
to return ' Archaic material culture of an ancient agricultural society, where the main problem was not the conquest of a utopian happiness but the daily anxiety of survival, to the limits with hunger.
It was contempt for love and even less for the wedding was the realistic view that the food of the future, not easy to foresee, had enough to be the subject of serious concern and good jokes, though heavy as this.
But it is about serious things that mess, not those that set up there is nothing to say.
The combination of marriage and the "Copa purcit the" there is nothing irreverent in the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Friulian culture: it is to take things with a good sense of irony that does not prevent the problems.
Cui bez no'l tampieste
With money no storm ever
The ancient history of experience that the poor - not miserable! - Can you tell us about your skin and is typical of a civiltà contadina, agricola che può contare soltanto sui raccolti, su quanto può mettere da parte di grano o di patate, nel fienile o sul tavolame di un'aia.
Perchè tutta la ricchezza sta m quei campi dove, si sono consumate le stagioni, sempre esposte ai pericoli di una tempesta troppo frequente dai cicli di un Friuli di brutte estati e di pericolose nuvolaglie.
Il contadino sa fin troppo bene che c'è un solo posto dove la tempesta, anche se cade grossa come nocciole, non può far male: ed è la banca o il cassetto dei soldi.
Purtroppo, tutto quello che esce dalle sue mani di contadino rischia di essere rovinato: il "bêc” non ha paura di venire colpito ed è su questo, sembra di dover concludere, you can put trust.
Even if it comes from all work that has cost a life of sacrifice!
curt lunch or a stick ... is the folkloric baston
Long or short it is always a stick ... stick
To say that no one may judge the "quality" or "made" a bad thing when a person touches, in a kind of comparison to say that this is worse and that's minor.
Evil, what with an expressive image, mene called "the stick", as in the name of an ancestral memory of servitude, punishment, sacrifice suffered unjustly, evil is always a wound, a mortification: and that is big or small it is difficult to know, because it depends on the person who suffers and who lives, rather than the causes from which or the seriousness with which it arrives. A
pain may be nothing for a man accustomed to hard work and tough, but it can also be an almost unbearable for a person physically or psychologically fragile already undermined by other negative components.
San Matie the vuit you send
pipit migrates to the San Mattia
useless, does not migrate anything from Friuli this poisoned by pesticides, herbicides e desertificato dai riordini selvaggi, di una migliore produttività agricola - che è diritto sacrosanto! - pagata ad un prezzo troppo cara: non ci sono pispole che a San Mattia, in settembre, un tempo se ne andavano in luoghi più temperati.
E sono sparite non soltanto le pispole, ma quasi tutti gli altri uccelli…, sono rimasti i passeri di campagna e i merli si sono rifugiati nei protetti giardini delle case e delle ville di città.
Al loro posto sono arrivati - anche loro in fuga da spiagge inquinate - i 'cocài' (gabbiani) che corrono sui solchi appena aperti dai trattori.
Che cosa e rimasto?
* * *
Quan'ch'e sune l’Avemarie… Cjase franchises in the baronies
dell'Avemaria ... At the sound at home the whole company
was customary, as the code of social behavior of past generations of our people, when the community life of the country had the rhythm of deadlines' shadows and sounds of the bell tower.
One day it opened in the morning with the bells and closed the evening, with the chimes that said to go home at night.
The Hail Mary play for all the "barons", as was said once the group of friends, relations between adults and young people, and it was customary for the sound of evening warned a retreat in the home that nobody heard to object .
One way of saying that reports models of coexistence of small centers closed in on themselves, they were all our countries of Friuli 50 years ago, almost yesterday.
St. Marc's evening bon TIMP hopefully
A San Marco, in the evening a good time hopefully
The rainbow, in Friuli, was also called "San Marco" and is difficult to explain why such a name tied to a specific name: perhaps it was not the Friulano hard enough to say "Red sky at night", one must be near, as a guarantee, the name of a saint.
And the rainbow becomes a good omen of good weather, much more than just red (but it is simplistic explanation, obviously).
But what remains constant in popular culture as a range of Friuli, this wire is a year-round or a day devoted to the names of saints from the calendar.
And the people of our countries, our poor houses of just half a century ago, were full of these annotations: starting from the naive paintings on doors to get to the altar-pieces at the crossroads of streets and even in those saints who did not feel out place when placed inside the barn door of the poor.
A life of fairy tales, fables, but lived a long time!
Cui no'l who know, do know ... no'l nancje commands
Who does not know fare… non sa nemmeno comandare
E’ l'insegnamento filtrato di ogni autentica esperienza di vita e di ognì responsabilità di cui si è sopportato il peso: obbedire, da figli, da dipendenti, da uomini, richiede sempre un concreto esempio di chi comanda.
E se chi comanda dimostra una sua incapacità per certe cose che invece vuole siano fatte dagli altri, certamente non otterrà mai quello che desidera.
E per dire agli altri di fare, bisogna saper fare: non è possibile chiedere nulla a nessuno se prima non si è dimostrato di sapere e di saper fare quanto si esige.
* * *
La femine 'e fâs l'omp, opûr lu disfe
La donna costruisce l'uomo o lo distrugge
Può darsi che ci siano altrove espressioni di questo stesso contenuto, ma nel Friuli di un'antica e non morta civiltà contadina, questa valorizzazione della donna, nel suo ruolo di moglie, ma anche di madre, di fidanzata, di compagna di lavoro, ha una sua radicata certezza.
Fino al punto di colpevolizzare, più o meno giustamente, il comportamento femminile come elemento determinante nelle deviazioni, negli insuccessi, nei disorientamenti dell'uomo.
La mentalità del popolo friulano esprime stima per la donna e per il suo ruolo sociale, attribuendo alle qualità femminili una fondamentale importanza negli avvenimenti sia family members of an entire village community.
And his relationship with man is always seen as an essential part of social life in all situations.
Nancje cjan to the intrigues of the code Bant
Not even the dog moves at all
is naive - and it must be said with a streak of pessimism that is not to be distrust total realism but only to be kept without weakness - and it's surface from an excessive belief in free selflessness, generosity without reason, solidarity does not offer as clear and pure participation.
almost always true that every action is apparently non toccata da interessi o da risvolti personali, nasconde una sana giustificazione precisa e ha, come secondo fine, un tornaconto che può essere anche accettabile.
Quello che vale è non cadere nell'illusione di trovare la bontà all'angolo di casa o appena usciti con il primo che si trova: all'altruismo perfetto.
E ogni gesto, ogni espressione, ogni segno di benevolenza e perfino di amicizia ha un suo prezzo. Per quanto triste possa sembrare, rimane purtroppo vero.
* * *
No l'è nissun matrimoni che no 'l jentri il demoni
Non c'è nessun matrimonio che non vi entri il demonio
Risultato di un'esperienza who can truly be said to be inherited from generation to generation, this age-old proverb can also be found in other cultures and peoples. But in Friuli
should turn particularly to the all-encompassing symbiosis that has always linked the daily life of a family with the timing of a religion practiced more in terms of gestures and statements and facts of the case of chemical formulas.
And in the house where the wedding takes place and grows in the union of the two protagonists, of course there is always some disagreement disagreement, tense moment, and sometimes even entire days of silence, silence and bad incommunicative.
"Demons" is this: the bad as opposed the good, the defect and the lack of completeness as a negative sign that should prevail.
The expression of the "demons" wants to give everything I can not pragmatic in terms of religious root.
Chel ... it not there on a never fat cun debiz Nô
What is above us ... never made debts with us
Sano realism of a people, deeply religious and far from child fatalism to what they imagine to be a Providence that children should think for all as if man enough "to believe", here we want to draw the right amount of faith that is, of course, knowing how to ask help to those who can do everything, but is also convinced that the fate of a future good or bad, for a bountiful harvest or thin it should not be claiming to God
There are elements of a work that can go evil or good, but will never be useful to recall that it is not possible to assign rights and much less demand from those who have given to the nature of all the skills for a man who knows how to exploit them. Call other
concerned, almost one in charge of rain or drought, it means to have forgotten that "the above" has no debt with us and we will not boast possimo claims against him.
at Val pluie a cent to do that in controls
Vale più uno a fare che cento a comandare
Per una gente che ha sempre guadagnato tutto, fino all'ultimo centesimo, con il lavoro delle proprie mani, senza aspettare che qualcosa venisse dall'alto, perchè, tanto, non era mai successo a memoria d'uomo; per una serie di generazioni che si son visti cambiare padrone e amministrazioni pubbliche ogni quaranta o cinquant'anni, l'affermazione vale quel notissimo slogan che, qua, bisogna sempre e comunque rimboccarsi le maniche e lavorare: in molti o m pochi, da soli in compagnia, non è il capo che conta, ma sempre quel paio di mani che sanno costruire.
Allora e comprensibile quella diffidenza verso "chi comanda" anche se è capace, verso Who has the "power" in the sense of government even though it may benefit from consideration.
What produces, seems to be saying goes, is not the be on top, to give orders, which can be many, but also because only one able to operate with his will, knowing where it will arrive.
Uèlin classified ago in walls
It takes stones to build a wall
seems a repetition of the previous year, but has a hard concrete that is repeated in other proverbs Friulian This and even entered into villotta of a people who are centuries behind us and uninterrupted time for comparison with the reality of a context where material i was able to build their homes and give birth to their own countries.
In this comparison, is always difficult as a kind of struggle to win a margin of more space and horizon, the inhabitants of Friuli has understood that there is nothing that is given without a price and without finding what Nagare 'exact element that helps give shape to his will.
To make a stone wall we want: easy to say, but will try someone groped any adventure without getting so calculated. Friulian has too many experiences groped for these risks.
Quan'che the gjâl Pizzul cjante ... to grant to the ZA cjantàt
When the small cock sings great ... has already sung
may have many senses, until you reach a kind of clarity most foul-mouthed, but is especially true for those who believe they have discovered some kind of novelty in many things in everyday life of our people have already been made and tested.
happen, particularly r young that one day they realize for the first time and we can prove them: and the euphoria of being born first, as if there had been previous efforts in these or those joys.
But just a little 'good to see that realism, from time allegedly never did, and others are always many have already tried the same thing, even better: but it is not pessimistic warning: it is only to say that is always difficult to do something really original.
St. Catherine ... FRET par every Aine
St. Catherine ... the cold for each knuckle
To hear older generations, those who today are in good health the most distant witness of our long lost civilization, the seasons are actually changing, and this saying it would be a test. For
Santa Caterina - November 25 - was once so cold as to paralyze his fingers in every "Aine" (it is the knuckle of the finger).
Today un po’ diverso: anzi, decisamente diverso se appena ci si affaccia in Giardin Grande a Udine, per tutto il mese di novembre.
La gente che affolla la piazza, non sembra particolarmente impaurita dal freddo che, stando agli ultimi decenni, con rare eccezioni, colpisce molto meno di un tempo.
O forse quel leggendario "frêt" (ed è spiegazione più razionale e fondata) si sentiva tanto perchè non c'era il facile cappotto o il maglione di marca, nè tanto meno guanti di protezioni: e mancavano le proteine alimentari anche per le mani!
* * *
Ta che lum che no à ueli… no covente meti pavêr
In una lampada Oil-free ... no need to wick
There are, unfortunately, situations of human life, determined by economic conditions or contingencies of moral character, which can not be correct: there are some things, but more importantly, the main missing and there is no way to have it.
then it is useless to waste even the smallest effort: you have to give up what they could create.
It 's a pessimistic finding, or perhaps better bitter and our people has experienced, noting with enough courage.
It is not resignation, and even less of weakness, but sometimes you have to admit that all the alternatives prove to be unnecessary, despite appearances can bring to life the hopes that, ultimately, are nothing but illusions. A
"Paver" is a simple and commonplace that string, to become light, it needs oil, if this fails, even a whole ball of string is unnecessary.
It 's a sound rule of conduct to avoid disappointment always suffered the most.
to Your Excellency the moros 'and JE une cros; to Velu no' and son dos
Having your boyfriend is a cross not to have there two
Maybe the girls of today, by a cunning reversal of customs that have radically changed a life model, did not give importance to this sort of philosophy throughout the material.
But the substance remains intact: a girl and uninhibited, as they say, modern open to all experience, will eventually see that if a boyfriend is a limit to their freedom, because it is always a reference to the value of responsible true love ourselves, not having to always be available for all or none, is, after all, a newspaper that selfishness will not give any result.
Each day through Friday Gnote
Every day is followed by night
obvious, so they seem childish, but if people use its own vocabulary to express some beliefs, it means that it is not so obvious comparison of a given reality.
say that each day follows night, is all too easy and almost superfluous, but to understand the fate of a persecuted victim who thinks he's some kind of malignancy of fate, show him the night after the sun returns, which at Everything has an end and that only death - so to speak! - Has no cure, is anything but easy, and often becomes a difficult task, if not impossible.
fatigue following rest: yes, but if such a s'intestardisce not believe it is as if he were convinced that the night never comes. And we groped to try reasoning with this type of mentality.
It 's like beating my head against a wall and often and wasted effort.
Cui, who to him not to Crot sanz ... who at the Croda meracui
who does not believe the saints ... at least believe in miracles
We are used to thinking that accentuates the of a people unwilling to give his confidence and to believe at first sight: the Friuli cry very important thing at all, much less a miracle and are willing to accept a faith in "holy (but it's all too easy for things to be taken seriously).
Yet there is something that he places himself as an incontrovertible fact: if it is not a miracle, it has all the cards in order to be seen and observed and studied.
Then there is the possibility of rejection: do not believe what you say?
You must still bend to the things that you show up before my eyes and you can be put in his hands.
You can not be blind to what happened even if you do not want to hear the explanation.
We are made like this: reach out and touch a "meracul" to accept.
Each MES fas ... the moons of each one strives to
Every month the moon .... every day we learn a
(The moon returns every month and every day we learn to live)
old wisdom that has the flavor of an authentic philosophy of life against all presumed to have arrived to conquer the full knowledge, he had nothing more to learn.
people say and shows a shocking realism of intuitions, possible only to the accumulation of collective memory, which is never finished his apprenticeship to the knowledge of the small and big world that is like the sea for those who live in it. Every day, while remaining true that everything is repeated, there is something to learn, not because it is new or original, but for what it is for a man.
who may commit one serious deficiency in the assessment of things to know everything and always.
It 's too always too short and closed its horizon to claim to have seen and known everything.
There is always something for him, you will find new.
San Valentin ... to the cjante odulìn
For Valentine sings ... Lodoletta
Month after month, perhaps I should say every season, every peasant culture had marked deadlines by the saints of the calendar and these images and simply drew from these names and make appointments with the eternal cycles of farming, animal life, the passage of time and its fixed returns.
Today, the industrialization of the countryside - and God only knows how much there was no need - he humanized the strain of the sub-human world, but the loss of an age-old, have fallen phrases, references and all expressions of wisdom that were passed down from generation to generation.
And with them have gone even larks.
that Ta lum with Ueli that no ... no covent methyl Paver
In that light that has no oil ... no need to put the wick
(do not add oil when there is insufficient wick)
Vale for many: for those who do not have sufficient quality. to give the desired results. We make
only one case but can be used for so many others today, all parents want their children to far exceed the level of compulsory schooling try to be there at the end of academic courses. Doctors
everyone and experience to understand.
But all that can help throw the money and put a lot of concern, to acknowledge the inability of teachers if the child does not have that oil that is indispensable to make a light that always wants more light and instead appears more and more unable to burn?
To achieve certain goals not just the will: we need good quality if there is no "oil" (which is essential to intelligence or other) it is useless to waste so much wealth.
Mai Pluie tant zovins
No more so young
Perhaps, in these few words, there is all the soul of the people of Friuli: free speech, but without unnecessary duplication above all, with typical terseness of the Friulian language, you can hear all the flavor of life in its exploration of resignation to the desperate Spring and sunsets.
may seem obvious, when it is translated into Italian, but said that, with a finding that smacks of bitterness conscious and lucid life experience, that beats the harshness with each passing moment that will never come back together and even the folly and ignorance of those who do not think.
Not the "carpe diem" hedonism that would steal every day life, much less a call to the effort to stop the passing hour.
E 'recommendation, an invitation, a kind of heartfelt learning to live with intelligence and wealth, for everyone who wants to be wise.
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