mortal combat with Santa Claus
If instead of gifts you have discarded with a finger-nail-Santa Claus, well, it was my fault. The bearded jailer of reindeer has endured to the end but then fell under the blows of my super-thomas Christmas. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, trying to escape in the back with an elbow but slide it centered in the spine, making it sink in a long long winter hibernation. Laughed the fat lying belly up, trembling with the buttons of his jacket as his rotten teeth. So I broke his nose with a stick of sugar. And laughed again: "It 's true" - I said - "Christmas is all a little kinder." Ingollai the last sip of whiskey before using the rest to set fire to the slide that inplose in a curtain of black smoke and caramel. "The gifts to good children!" - Christmas stammered, taking off from the mouth of the wicked grin and expanding the fingers of the hand toward the flames. So, while I was rolling toward him the coat of Rudolph scrambled, said: "Next time, before giving a laser gun without batteries, think twice." Slang - I closed the door and trunk sgommai wet snow. Then he started to snow .
The Last New Year humanity
You know, I'm an incurable troublemaker. But at least I do it with sympathy. It is why the story to say: "No I do not care about Christmas, it's just a gimmick commercial" - simply does not hold. It 's like to have the presumption to disclose to a child that Santa Claus does not exist and realize with surprise that the child already knew everything, pretending to "not knowing" just to make us happy and get adults gifts. We can not do without the pretense, the costume of the initiation rite: s exchange gifts, but let's do it with these damn knowledge. Forget being the most good (that is, a ploy to delude ourselves that in our Western society can be a kind of strategy-ethics-of-consumption that allows us to do charity by buying goods "Fair & "...) and Solidarity never mind the "spirit of Christmas." What in philosophy is called zeitgeist (spirit of the time), Christmas is ridiculous extremes and pasteurize the nth power. I mean, on the eve morning I saw an Indian go around the bars in the city to sell a rug to 500 € (later lowered at 50!). Hanging out with the rolled-up carpet on his shoulder, trying to crush with a bazooka, missed the last survivor of the war on purchases. I read in a book: "It 's fun at moments of obligation, that we realize their folly" - sounds more or less so in recent days. The clashes in the streets, the garbage, the cuts, the lies: it seems all but disappeared under un'anestetizzante blanket of gifts that propels us into a coma-drug boom until New Year's Eve (the largest prime TG5 that offers a service as not overdo it with the makeup on that fateful night). To give you a vivid picture of all my thoughts, I refer you to the story "The Last New Year's humanity" contained in Mud di Niccolò Ammaniti (aka il regalo che ho fatto a mio fratello). Un racconto corale e brutale di un ultimo dell'anno alla "romanella", condotto con maestria attraverso brevi salti-letterari da un personaggio all'altro fino a un countdown di mezzanotte veramente da cardiopalma.
Monseur Patrick Boivin
Sul fronte dello streaming video ho il piacere di segnalarvi Patrick Boivin . Genialoide franco-canadese, è famoso nel mondo del b-boying per il suo gioco interattivo B-boy Joker , ispirato all'ultimo film di Batman: Il Cavaliere Oscuro . "Ah, si è quello con i pupazzetti che cioè si muovono ma cioè non si muovono da soli cioè cioè cioè..." - se non riuscite ad andare avanti con la formulazione di una definizione soddifacente, ci penso io: si chiama "stop motion". Non vi sto trattando da idioti, ma è bene sapere che ogni video è generalmente composto da 24 o 25 fotogrammi al secondo che mostrati in successione creano "l'illusione" del movimento. Lo stop motion applica alla lettera questo principio e scatta una foto per ogni unità di movimento. Così, rimontando assieme le foto con un apposito programma, si crea l'effetto di movimento a partire da una serie di posizioni statiche. I clip di Boivin vanno anche oltre, e si avvalgono di effetti di post-produzione and interactive links. It is also the same artist to create and modify his "puppets", through a job comparable only to the patience of a scribe Monaco. Memorable (and over-see) your clip on Transformers, all completely home-made. The most brilliant so far this video is literally "beyond youtube.
Ah yes, Happy New Year to you and blablabla. On 29 January at Floor Wars Italy will pull the money in the circle ;-)
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