Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oscar Molds For Chocolate


mortal combat with Santa Claus
If instead of gifts you have discarded with a finger-nail-Santa Claus, well, it was my fault. The bearded jailer of reindeer has endured to the end but then fell under the blows of my super-thomas Christmas. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, trying to escape in the back with an elbow but slide it centered in the spine, making it sink in a long long winter hibernation. Laughed the fat lying belly up, trembling with the buttons of his jacket as his rotten teeth. So I broke his nose with a stick of sugar. And laughed again: "It 's true" - I said - "Christmas is all a little kinder." Ingollai the last sip of whiskey before using the rest to set fire to the slide that inplose in a curtain of black smoke and caramel. "The gifts to good children!" - Christmas stammered, taking off from the mouth of the wicked grin and expanding the fingers of the hand toward the flames. So, while I was rolling toward him the coat of Rudolph scrambled, said: "Next time, before giving a laser gun without batteries, think twice." Slang - I closed the door and trunk sgommai wet snow. Then he started to snow .

The Last New Year humanity
You know, I'm an incurable troublemaker. But at least I do it with sympathy. It is why the story to say: "No I do not care about Christmas, it's just a gimmick commercial" - simply does not hold. It 's like to have the presumption to disclose to a child that Santa Claus does not exist and realize with surprise that the child already knew everything, pretending to "not knowing" just to make us happy and get adults gifts. We can not do without the pretense, the costume of the initiation rite: s exchange gifts, but let's do it with these damn knowledge. Forget being the most good (that is, a ploy to delude ourselves that in our Western society can be a kind of strategy-ethics-of-consumption that allows us to do charity by buying goods "Fair & "...) and Solidarity never mind the "spirit of Christmas." What in philosophy is called zeitgeist (spirit of the time), Christmas is ridiculous extremes and pasteurize the nth power. I mean, on the eve morning I saw an Indian go around the bars in the city to sell a rug to 500 € (later lowered at 50!). Hanging out with the rolled-up carpet on his shoulder, trying to crush with a bazooka, missed the last survivor of the war on purchases. I read in a book: "It 's fun at moments of obligation, that we realize their folly" - sounds more or less so in recent days. The clashes in the streets, the garbage, the cuts, the lies: it seems all but disappeared under un'anestetizzante blanket of gifts that propels us into a coma-drug boom until New Year's Eve (the largest prime TG5 that offers a service as not overdo it with the makeup on that fateful night). To give you a vivid picture of all my thoughts, I refer you to the story "The Last New Year's humanity" contained in Mud di Niccolò Ammaniti (aka il regalo che ho fatto a mio fratello). Un racconto corale e brutale di un ultimo dell'anno alla "romanella", condotto con maestria attraverso brevi salti-letterari da un personaggio all'altro fino a un countdown di mezzanotte veramente da cardiopalma.

Monseur Patrick Boivin
Sul fronte dello streaming video ho il piacere di segnalarvi  Patrick Boivin . Genialoide franco-canadese, è famoso nel mondo del b-boying per il suo gioco interattivo B-boy Joker , ispirato all'ultimo film di Batman: Il Cavaliere Oscuro . "Ah, si è quello con i pupazzetti che cioè si muovono ma cioè non si muovono da soli cioè cioè cioè..." - se non riuscite ad andare avanti con la formulazione di una definizione soddifacente, ci penso io: si chiama "stop motion". Non vi sto trattando da idioti, ma è bene sapere che ogni video è generalmente composto da 24 o 25 fotogrammi al secondo che mostrati in successione creano "l'illusione" del movimento. Lo stop motion applica alla lettera questo principio e scatta una foto per ogni unità di movimento. Così, rimontando assieme le foto con un apposito programma, si crea l'effetto di movimento a partire da una serie di posizioni statiche. I clip di Boivin vanno anche oltre, e si avvalgono di effetti di post-produzione and interactive links. It is also the same artist to create and modify his "puppets", through a job comparable only to the patience of a scribe Monaco. Memorable (and over-see) your clip on Transformers, all completely home-made. The most brilliant so far this video is literally "beyond youtube.
Incredible is not it? Mr. Boivin has now been ensnared by international brands such as Google and LG and was also given a short crossover between animation and fiction. Coming from the culture underground that pleases us (and the soundtracks of his videos are clearly witnesses), Patrick Boivin is a vanguard in the field of audiovisual production. Author, producer and distributor of content "home made" that brought him to international prominence without the need for capital, recommendations or stage fake. Now, more and author, but with many more resources available and the possibility of directing a cast and collaborators. Is this the future but above all this for young authors dell'audiovisuale? With the example of Patrick Boivin you can not just say that the quality should be at the expense of speed of use. In my opinion, as long as we are getting that art circuit the most resource-poor, we are right, we are in the poetic. And if poetry means a stop-motion interactive on a song by Curtis Mayfield: too soon!

Ah yes, Happy New Year to you and blablabla. On 29 January at Floor Wars Italy will pull the money in the circle ;-)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gastrectomy Gastroparesis

The Italian Xmas 2010 Compilation Burns Bboy

You cartridges loaded with salt to center in the middle of the ass' hated Barbie dressed in red? If you are still undecided about how to hurt Santa, take a look in this video. Here, the crème de la crème breaking the Roman wrestling with "burns" (or the gestures of attack dall'Uprock derivatives) will give you some hints. Then, here and there, a sprinkling of Italian comedy style Scazzi and finally a lesson in testicular massage offered by our bboy Blinky (De Klan race). Thanks to the magic of Frank Sinatra and assembly of attraction, I hope to suggest to what are our idiotic and stupid fights (and "tele-fights"), how much emotion we sometimes kidnap and like a Chinese shadow enlarge the shape of the mask that everyone wears on the dancefloor . Then finally we laugh, we shake hands, and yet just reviewing a video like this that we realize that maybe it was all a joke right from the start (but no less real and less worthy of being lived). Why we Italians (the time of the municipalities) like arguing, but even more (the time of Plautus) we like to laugh doing satire. What else? To paraphrase the song - "The summer is ending, the heat goes, I'm going great and I still do not ... BUUURN!"

Wishes "burn" Christmas to all bboy, bgirl, and the massive following the blog.

Symptoms Of Prolapsed Womb In Dogs


Path emotional rebirth

in 10 sessions


What is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is a very powerful and effective,

that allows us, through the use of circular breathing

and connected and creative thinking, to heal deep

emotional conflicts stemming from our childhood and

our experience of birth. The benefits of Rebirthing produces

are truly endless, but most of all permanent .

The particular way that you practice breathing, triggers a

natural process of self-care that enables reworking

Spontaneous of our lives leading us to experience unresolved

moments of intense well-being, openness, inner clarity and insight

deep . As we practice all our Rebirthing

anxieties, fears and tensions will melt, feel more serene and happy

with a mental clarity and creativity greater. The way we

of perceiving the world is changing and improving our relations

considerably, leading to a large inner transformation.

Rebirthing also promotes a physiological detoxification process

body, deep cleaning our physical, etheric

and emotional. The results and benefits become obvious

in everyday life from the early sessions.

The 10 individual sessions

Attending a course of 10 sessions with

rebirther an expert, you take

un importante processo di cambiamento, che può

condurre ad un’autentica rinascita emozionale .

Durante ogni sessione il partecipante avrà la possibilità

di scegliere una tematica su cui lavorare in relazione

a ciò che di conflittuale sperimenta nella vita.

Si partirà dal presente, andando a rintracciare nel passato le

cause, i condizionamenti e le impressioni emozionali limitanti

che stanno bloccando l’espressione del proprio potenziale.

Le tematiche che normalmente vengono affrontate

durante gli incontri sono:

- conflict in relationships

- conflicts in the workplace

- devaluation and distrust of himself

- low self-esteem

- Economic

- adversarial relationship with parents,

children e partner

- rapporto con il proprio

corpo e sessualità

- senso di colpa, vergogne e paure

ansia e stress

L’importanza delle sessioni individuali è rappresentata

dalla complete presence and availability of Rebirther ,

that will be totally oriented to facilitate assisted

in becoming aware of his behavior patterns

in the integration process and support it while breathing.

cycle of 10 sessions is an intense process,

intimate and delicate, which enters deeply

in touch with themselves i. You learn to listen to their

feelings, their emotions and look at their thoughts,

letting the energy activated by circular breathing produces

of intense experiences of transformation and

connection with its own essence .

often happens, the re-emergence of memories arising from

their childhood and often from their own experience of birth.

These memories are manifested in the form of sensations

physical, emotions, images, memories and thoughts.

During breathing is an expansion of consciousness

allowing spontaneous rielaborazine of her own life

sprimentare and leads to moments of great openness,

well-being, clarity inner and insights.

Each integration is being experienced is final

and permanent and occurs at all levels: physical, emotional,

mental and spiritual . At the end of each session are

delivered tasks and statements AutoSuggest

to consolidate and integrate particular life

the awareness raised during the sessions.





What is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing and personal growth

Acknowledgements participants

courses and evening

Rebirthing Association Project

cell. 3472310185

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

24i Flashing Reset Light

Nexus 2010 - "Freestyle on the beat" Dexter

you expect from a mega-trailer assembly and the crackling music impertinent: but no. This is just (and especially) bboy Nexus taken raw and torn to pieces. Warning: this is not reality, and as you can read at the end of the clip if you want to see more: go to see the circle. " But even in that case, one of the circles, you will see the real Nexus. The real, or rather the sublime, a moment occurs nell'affiorare. Yet this time on (the video clip above), as Deleuze would say, is both an absolute whole (all me revenue) because it is not a photo, a piece of static image, but a matter-flow, a ' movement-image. "Nexus Ah, do not understand I've got a damn" - you say. I know, things are complicated. Again following the example of Deleuze, I just think every scene in the video represents a single wing-beat that makes up the flight of actions and movements that go to make my style of dancing. Why Breaking, like cinema, moving-image works for : the "step" of footwork like the frames of the film, go to compose an organic whole made up of "non-privileged moments", which added (and not juxtaposed) create what is called an open set, open the. One Poe's why he always says: "Perform the movement as if every moment you were to take a picture" - and of course, each photo should be "beautiful to watch." The freestyle, improvisation-programmed feature of b-boying, will always have a value more than the pattern (discrete, privileged, pre-organized world) steps in succession. In freestyle manifests the sublime dance, what a romance would call the "flash of genius" or what Daniel Goleman calls "flow": a state of mind where the technique is sublimated into the body giving the subject an breve, creativa e decisamente emozionante. Vabbè: godetevi il video.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Invitation Wording For A Black And White Party


Dexter 5
Showtime (FX Italia) - 2010
Leggi qui la mia recensione

E' finito Dexter 5: è meno male! Peccato perchè era il mio serial preferito and now must leave the prestigious title to Breaking Bad (which is still going strong into its fourth season). If you visited this blog for a while, you learn to know our Dex: forensic agent specializing in "blood spots" as well as serial-killer and father-husband-lover-brother and a little sociopathic. In truth until the second / third season of Dexter was a serial more psychological and "slow" (cinematically speaking) of all time. And now - Puff! - Have squeezed the cult series of the last 2000 years and well, now all that remains is to grate the peel to flavor the pasta in white (I put hunger?). Anyway keep up on Dex as it will be subject one of my next articles on the b-boying. It is because even Christmas nexusmoves continue to churn out delicious essays, videos and articles to help you kill time waiting to smash the head of that old white-bearded drunk every Christmas that tries to violate your home through the chimney. I recommend you guys: no mercy for Santa!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Clip Art - March Break

Flavor on the Floor of Phisics

Flavor on the Floor
2vs2 breakdance battle
Rome, December 19, 2010

The first Roman Christmas presents if they bring home the De Klan. Rohan Walrus & The couple won the final against Jeky and Kidstar (back to revel away from Belgium), following a much crackling semifinal against the Free Stepz (see video). There was also good "popcorn" in the contest won by the smallest Banana Flavor (to whom I renew my invitation to leave the final series B). Maiko and Fabiola de Simone do their all to organize a good event that falls within the time and runs smooth without any major hitches. The flow of the workshop is high, comparable to that in a bit low. We are "those Anagnina" means a group of boys and girls aged between 15 and 30 years who train regularly at the gym near Rome-Harmony Anagnina. Currently this is the place of training citizen (the so-called "b-boy spot") par excellence. Here you can find Urban Force, De Klan, Free Stepz and some of the old school b-boy Roman Jerry "Shea99", also among the protagonists of the battle yesterday. From summer to winter to Anagnina you breathe a warm space that certainly does not preclude challenges and rivalry. The event yesterday confirmed the existence of a habitat "unstable equilibrium" which in my opinion is the hallmark of any self-respecting hip-hop scene. Friendship, respect, sharing go hand in hand with antagonism and confrontation and attitude to the challenge. Last but not least, a special dimension bboy Ino (Urban Force) that stands alone 2vs2 to take home (with a lung less) mesh of the best b-boy event. So after the awards and shouldering backpacks and the b-boy b-girl do not do cards, but say they are giving themselves a fist "if beccamo Monday to Anagnina."

But I take this opportunity to wish all the b-boy or not. Thank you for continuing to read this poor virtual pages, contributing a diffonderne l'epidemia anche oltre lo schermo. Knowledge and practice: Babbo Natale sarebbe fiero di voi!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hottest Of Vimi In Mera Nam Joker

bread and circuses MC

I like this video (1:58 apart in the fall of the laughter of the passers-by doing a little unlucky).
It has nothing in common with "normal" skate video of all soundtrack pumped weights and tricks, to do the shopping in skate? why not?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Brown Polka Dresspreety Woman

The Hip Hop

"It ain't about keeping it real, it's about keeping right"
Dj Kool Herc

To say that the Hip Hop culture was born in America is right. To say that it is an American culture is wrong. The concept of the Universal Spirit of Hip Hop promoted by the Zulu Nation starts from this assumption. That is, the spores of the culture spread around the globe, infecting and contaminating it, and then come together in one great source from which it can renew his process of diffusion. The Hip Hop as the Earth: a great mother who donates her belly to fertilize new life. The mechanisms governing the evolution of culture are complex, and the boundaries between what is inside or outside the "context" are hazy, dense and viscous products. Yet the machinery of evolution, of this Great Sun, has a solid core. From here we start to talk about "Physics of Hip Hop." Back to the Big Bang, rewind the analog tape and re-mastered it into the present.

If we recognize that Hip Hop has a hardcore and it was grafted multiplying like a virus across the globe starting with the teenagers of Bronx in the 70s, we are already well advanced. Then let's jump now, or rather at the turn of the years 2000 and 90s. The b-boying timidly back into the limelight thanks to two related factors: the promotion of a variety of contest (or bboy battles) that are disseminated on the Internet or via DVD. Born a new generation (mine) , partially linked with that of the 80s and 90s, but takes a solitary exploration beyond the boundaries of the discipline. The result is the increase of the technical possibilities of dance and the climb to the top of the international battle from countries unknown until a few years ago (South Korea, Japan and Eastern Europe to finish). The United States meanwhile reiterated the importance of the costitutive principles of b-boying (Foundation), influencing the aesthetics between the 2005-2007 and renewaling his position as a reference point on the world stage. Unfortunately, the lesson about "foundation" is accepted by many as a series of steps "fashionable", and after a first moment of success, foundation are now considered wrongly "off-range" by neophytes. In reality, the americans have tried to revive the "fundamental" to educate the new generations on cultural and artistic basis. Although on the commercial and visual side, it was a real operation of neo-colonialism of b-boying on a global scale, and the failure of it, is indicative of a trend of "counter-culture inside Hip Hop."
The counter-culture movements (that Hip Hop itself can enroll in the course of history) were born within a macro-culture reference (eg. Western, or European), promoting a lifestyle and principles tend to destabilize it. I believe that today's Hip Hop, at least nominally, has assumed the role of a real institution, creating in itself, upon general ambiguity of people, some internal movement of counter-culture. An example of all, is the recent spread of so-called Flexible style , whose practitioners are reflected in the punk or emo lifestyle rather than in Hip Hop, but claim that they belong in the scene of b-boying.
The most audacious acts of counter-culture, however, occur silently. They infect the cultural principles (from which derives the philosophical ones) that characterized the lifestyle of the b-boy and b-girl of the first three generations (70s-90s). Through ignorance of historical knowledge and the lack of connection to earlier generations, this new-generation against hip hop, from scratch, looking forward to the future and his gait burns bridges with the past. They do not recognize themselves in the past, because in the past they have only the image and not the track. As in the period of "fashion foundation" (2005-2007) we tend to look only at the outward appearance (the tecniques) and not realize that it (outside) is just the starting point to get to the content (the so called "inside"), the hardcore.

Our task is to unveil this deception.

If instead of reading a book, watch the movie that inspired, you're doing a double fault. First, the writing is linguistically more informative than audiovisual. Second, what you see is not a reality, but a transposition (ie interpretation) of it. Generation to generation, loss after loss, waste on difference, the kernel of Hip Hop is likely to crumble. The misunderstanding generates retroactively wrong interpretation of the principles foundation. The son believes he can judge his own mother from a photo album that shows. Without asking anyone who has taken and selected those pictures, he delves into a fantasy story in which he becomes the director: and here is his fault. The Counter-Culture Hip Hop, I think, starts from a misunderstanding fantasy.
The ghost appears on the network, between the comments of the br-boying videos. The b-boy, or what purports to be, it is now a "columnist for breakdancing". He is like "Gomer Pyle" (Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket ) with his eyes already in the afterlife, who shot himself in the mouth sitting in the toilet, after killing the sergeant. Like that movie, the psychosis of the most ignorant of the soldiers comes from revenge of his fellow soldiers and not against the treatment, hard but fair, of the authority. In countries where cypher's battle are rare (like Italy), the web is populated by "Gomer Pyle" which pricked, without realizing it, the cardinal principle of discipline: mutual respect from direct confrontation. The b-boying is an aggressive expression, "hard but fair", which bases its peacefull right on battling . That's right: it is when you talk instead of fight, that trigger violence. The web has made public a private moment of our lifestyle: criticism and fierce exchange of words took place between two or more b-boy just before or during a challenge. At the end, the words were zero, everyone went home with his own idea, it was no use talking "after". Today ask yourself: would we have the same guts to say those things, with that tone, in the face of the b-boy concerned, and ready for the battle? If so, why do not we? Why can not we live this divergence of views as a time of growth, of respect, of real Hip Hop? Why leave offensive comments on thw web ( speak publicly ) and continue to mind our own (dancing in private)?
This "world wide web", as other practices, seriously go against the "Physics of Hip Hop."

So, here we are: second translation into english. I hope you enjoy and start posting comment and reflections about it. I've wrote this article one year ago and I think is still up-to-date. Before any kind of polemic: no, I don't say that flexible style is not hip hop. I say that "flexible-emo-metal-fad" is not Hip Hop. If you do flexible style on hip hop way (like Benji or Thesis) I think you really risk to be one of the best b-boys innovator in the world. Check this out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Make Flour Baby Project


Ridiamoci a bit about! I was inspired by the program 610 Lillo & Greg to make this trailer on the world of "biboying" I'm sure you will enjoy. So: cooked and eaten. Enjoy the second round of heading NexusTube .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Xd Rockstar Wheels Canada

The deceiving Being - for a revaluation of appearances in Hip Hop Dance Jam

Since childhood we led with the story that the "being" is more important than "appear". The growth of our inner life is more important than external, artificial. We grow to the sound of Cinderella , Beauty and the Beast and Superman : all heroes whose appearance deceive us. Everything that appears is thus an illusion. For Plato, our reality was a copy of the universal supercelestial apparent; for Kant, our senses themselves prevented us from accessing the "thing in itself"; the concept of avatar itself (the virtual representation of ourselves in cyberspace) is derived from religion Hindu, which is linked Schpenhauer speaking of reality as a "veil of Maya", which covers access to the knowledge of truth. We Grew up watching The Matrix , The Thruman Show and, of course, Avatar : everybody to tell us what our true self is overshadowed by the evil society of appearances.
Then something changes: the first disappointment in love ("but how?! I'm much better than other one!"); the first political delusions ("they are all corrupt!"); the first existential disappointment ("what a world of shit! I'm going abroad very nearly ..."). The appearance wins the essence, where "appearance" are associated to the others, and the essence are necessarily linked to us. Is the Other's fault if things go wrong, but luckily we can take refuge in the ego, the healthy kernel of our true being, the soft-white-kid in us and that the world still has not fouled. "To be and to have" is the title of the famous book by Eric Fromm, very popular in the 70s.

But today, after reading Paulo Cohelo or devote ourselves to Buddhism-Zen, one of the most common way to discover ourselves, is to dance. We used to say: "Dancing, I express myself" - evoking the gruesome image of our soul  crushed on the tip of a transcendental kind of juicer. Invigorated by this metaphysical orange juice we can go back to our dreary, artificial appearance. Yes, because the world goes like this; because, to paraphrase Fight Club, we can always take refuge in the "hidden cave."
According to the philosopher Slavoj Zizek, the idea of an "innocent me" (like the idea of a "glorious past") is the imaginary construction of our mind, to avoid dealing with emptiness kernel of our existence and to justify our conduct "artificial". The fact is that although we all know that "being" is more important than "appear", however, we continue to behave as if we didn't know. How do we do? Simply believing in the purity of our inner selves, that despite our conduct in the impure world of appearance, will remain a safe haven for our souls. It's the old military justification: "I only followed orders". We do not want to behave like that, but it is the Other that obliges us to do so. 
Which centers around this with the Hip Hop culture and b-boying? Mine, is not a a materialistic critic to humanity, but an humanization of matter that make up our appearance. If our being (the meaning) turns out to be a justification imaginary (a signifier), then the case will be to reassess the importance of appearance. Tarantino explains it well, when at the end of Kill Bill Vol.2 tells us his interpretation of Superman: Clark Kent is Superman's image of humanity. The real Clark Kent is Superman. His costume is made with the clothes he had been found as an infant.

In the world of Hip Hop we usually play as a character, a character different from what we are in everyday life. Like superheroes, we wear a costume and use our combined "super-skills" to win the battle, the challenge. Hip-hop is aggressive, but in the Latin term "ad-gredior" which means "to go to". Reach out to others, confront, express through the superficiality of our movements. Understand then how trivial is likely to be the phrase: "I express myself." If we really believe to express "ourselves", then there would be no need to do this through the metaphor of the artistic discipline, it's all already "expressed" by living our lives. What is at stake, in my opinion, is instead to embrace the so-called "appearance" to find on its surface a reality of our being that we do not normally express. That's because to be "ourselves" sometimes we have to become "other than us," and indeed, as Superman, thinking that the "superhero character" is real and that our "Clark Kent ego" is the idea that we give to the world.
Avatar, the Hindu's etymology, is the earthly incarnation of a god (the "meaning" that is embodied in a "significant", the concept embodied in the word, the substance that is poured into a glass) and the same is the case of cyberspace: the man (the meaning) that virtualizes a signifier (the accout of a role-playing game or a social network). Well in the case of hip hop, is exactly the opposite: it is the everyday person to be an empty signifier in search of numerous meanings to contain. Let me explain: it is our true self (the everyday) to be an empty glass while it is the character that we take dancing, to fill with content that void, our void. This is not to say that our life is worth nothing and that only art can give it meaning. In this case, go some way to take refuge in the idea of another imaginary "true self" hidden in the realm of art.
Zizek's solution is to find the sense on the surface of appearances, and not behind them, bacause in appearance there is already a part of our ego. Perform movements, gestures, attitudes away from us, means wearing the cloth of appearance that is already part of us (as in the case of baby-superman) and turn it into a superhero costume, not expressing what is in "ourselves " but what Lacan called "what is in us more than us". Much more honest.

  Yo! That's my first post in english. It's a translation of an italian one published one month ago. I hope you like and share it and maybe, one gloroius day, my blog will be bilingual (negative, bilingual reguard Does anything about oral bisexual or experience). PS: For the Italians, you can find the original version by clicking here .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hack Gba Pokemon Avec Mac

Bootleg Skateboards Bikes for Africa

's Christmas and we should all be a bit' more good, we all know that the bike is a means of transport is excellent and even more in places where you can not use anything, because there 'is gasoline, spare parts, let alone roads.
The Bootleg Bikes for Africa project aims to provide bicycles to the St. Kizito Hospital Matany, Uganda, with which to reach patients.
this need has been supported to provide wheelchairs and tricycles to transport patients in the hospital itself.
To fund this initiative just buy a simple shirt online or, better yet, a charity organized by 10Cento aperitif, to be held on Friday 17 at the Grocery Torino Piazza Vittorio 15 from 19.30.
For more info:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome Full Letöltés

Fluid & Power Cinema 5

fluid Jam 5
5vs5 Breakdance battle
IALS, Rome - December 13, 2010

You win and lose, in which case you lose. With us, to fall into the abyss of the selections, other veterans of the scene: Bandits, Ormus Force, Sons of Wars. Then they fall in the semifinals, too All Area from Japan, including "boo" to the public and the smiles of Skill Methodz (USA) who also won the final. Instead, the youngest winning selections (Raw Muzzles, Free Stepz, Abruzzo's Flava) while Flavor Kingz (in connection with Spain) and resurrected Natural Force, serious damage to a hard foreign crew already selected for the knockout stages. Loses location: sahara metropolitan that has made us for a moment doubt that the evolution of Taisuke fenomiraggio were due to the heat. Pardon the hoops (which do not participate in the nessuan bboy-star), but win the IALS rooms that allow everyone to warm up (and a little ghetto, as happened in the room for bboy high Po, dubbed "Milano3). Wins the Box Office: great numbers, all represented Italy. Maybe lose the organization (will be able to return to our Loop with the high costs for international guests?), Surely win the organizers: Hooch (Uk Bboy Championship), Tyrone (IBE), Lamine (international court). All invited to attend this circus bboyxploitation , each with its own role more or less guessed (see Hooch refusing the entry of the jury because of bboying .. well simply because he does not bboying, it was not the best) will certainly have had the opportunity to observe the scene, discuss and plan the new schedule of 2011. That's why it loses a little Italy, sentenced to host international fairs within which are brought to light everyone except the Italians. Whose fault is it? Ours, of course, but divisbile two factors: the first purely pragmatic (our average level is good, but we have no crew or no bboy who has achieved a major international) the second of a psychological nature (the so-called "subordination" to other countries, as in this event, put "American" on a pedestal and we all elbowing below). Of course, even the model narcisitico-French nationalist and shared organize a contest, calls for the foreign crew, put in three French judges and proves that France is the most powerful nation in the world. It would take a middle path, and certainly among the crew put 5 more "seasoned" in Italy in the same group selection does not help to make us stand out from the third world in which our situation is bboying. The consolation is that the very young but have had a chance to collide with some heavyweight. We hope they find their way at least that part of the punches have arrived. Italy loses, America wins. E 'from 1918 that is so, we want to give us an alarm clock?!