Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pokemon Yellow Ipod Touch Source

Collect ideas

stop and collect my thoughts is, as many already mentioned in other posts, a classic luogo comune. Oggi, però, ho verificato che molti luoghi comuni, questo in primis, hanno una loro valenza, una effettiva realtà che spesso, data la connotazione negativa di "luogo comune", viene dimenticata.
Oggi, in un intermezzo, in uno iato di tempo libero, ero qui, seduto al computer, senza fare niente, ed ho iniziato a fantasticare. Non pure e semplici fantasie, no, ma effettivamente un "raccogliere le idee", raccattarle qua e là nella mia testa, soppesarle, provare a svilupparle, a guardarle con occhio critico, etichettarle e riporle in buon ordine.

Nulla di strano o di particolare, tuttavia ne ho trovate un couple of good, and I got lost for a while '. I will not tell, too long and too hard for the moment, but the most surprising thing was not ideas as such, because the fact of having more! In fact, I had reported missing my imagination, the ability to invent something that I have not seen you round, starting from the scraps of information, feelings, images that usually crowd the corners of the heads of everyone. I was now resigned to being "old" for creativity as such, as I had been taught, and instead I have the chance. What heartened me somewhat.

heartened and a bit scared ', as the ideas alone are not realized ... need to get busy, and much, much more, the more the idea is new and apparently sock. And this, above all, those are a lot of socks, but that will come into his head, hang on every corner, and you do not give up more ... Mother Meets promises!

is true, are pigrissimo, just the idea of \u200b\u200bfatigue me tired, but adrenaline can give you an idea that is priceless. Do you charge, I am heartened, gives you energy you did not expect to still have, it gives you a way to deal with the newspaper in more than a hope, with something extra, con una prospettiva diversa, con la voglia di fare, costruire, inventare, sperimentare, crescere.
Forse, non tutto è perduto...


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