Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tofd Level Iii In India

Decline and Fall of Roman Empire

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: a volumone I've only heard mention, I do not remember if in a movie, a comic book or where, but the title fits well with the current situation. Ongoing decline and fall short of expected, you might say, given the situation that you are envisaging. Many economists have said the current crisis can and should be an opportunity for radical change, a serious and profound review of the systems that support the economy and politics of the Western world. State of the art nell'italietta ours, it seems that the opportunity has been taken up by the wide boys of the neighborhood used to force a definitive system for their own benefit.

Ronde, interception, living will, tremontibond , are just some of the icons that are hidden behind some of the most absurd Filth and severe in decades, which were already in their prodigal of colossal stupidities ... not to mention the absolute desperation of the people who are overwhelmed at first by these "government responses" to the crisis times in which we live.

Yet nothing transpires. Events of thousands of workers handsomely "splashed" by TG, hell on earth that are not taken into account in any way, the resurgence of "law and order," echoing ominously pieces of history dramatically already lived and we would like to leave behind, what else do not only increase the frustration and suffering, without in any way affect the real crime ... the list could go on and on, but get boring.

Perhaps the key to understanding any reaction from the common people, the infamous "man in the street and a lot of nonsense is so dramatic in their boredom, nell'assuefazione the worst, in willing, in having to close the eyes, mouth and ears to be able to survive in a sort of "syndrome of the three monkeys" induced to maintain a high control of slaves.

course, slaves without chains on their wrists, not flogging the back, but still slaves, considered as non-free, unable to express their personality, talents, tethered in a spider's web evil done laws, rules, regulations, procedures, bureaucracy, inefficiency, dishonesty and complicity that effectively blocked any attempt at renewal, construction of a different system, the association between people to solve problems of their everyday life, and I'm not talking about the patrols, prevent the entry of people to say something, anything, to redirect the systems of government. Slaves, in fact.

vouchers only to generate consensus, true or false, strictly decerebration, naturally or artificially, as an intelligent slave is a slave dangerous, useful only to legitimize the power (the "vote", the 'unit of power, has nothing to do with democracy), like lemons squeezed economically, morally, physically ... slaves, then.

Oh, sure, try to say such a thing on a talk show and you will jump to the throat, as from left to right: slavery is illegal, immoral, has been banned from our society for hundreds of years (sic), but how dare you, we a free democracy, all citizens are equal ... and so on.
Try a little 'thinking, however, how many synonyms for the word "slave" exist and how many forms of unfreedom, and then try to think how many synonyms for "free" there are ... the difference is obvious. To me, for example, do not come to mind, synonymous with "free" ... freedom is one, and only one. But it can be destroyed in many ways ...

I have a vague sense of bitter taste, a disgusting taste that takes the stomach and leads to depression. But I do not want, I can not bring me down. There are still about half of my life, if health is my help, and I still have time to build something. And, gosh, I'm going to build something, in spite of all the chains that are imaginary or real. I just have to find a way.

After all, someone is really also escaped from Alcatraz ...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pokemon Yellow Ipod Touch Source

Collect ideas

stop and collect my thoughts is, as many already mentioned in other posts, a classic luogo comune. Oggi, però, ho verificato che molti luoghi comuni, questo in primis, hanno una loro valenza, una effettiva realtà che spesso, data la connotazione negativa di "luogo comune", viene dimenticata.
Oggi, in un intermezzo, in uno iato di tempo libero, ero qui, seduto al computer, senza fare niente, ed ho iniziato a fantasticare. Non pure e semplici fantasie, no, ma effettivamente un "raccogliere le idee", raccattarle qua e là nella mia testa, soppesarle, provare a svilupparle, a guardarle con occhio critico, etichettarle e riporle in buon ordine.

Nulla di strano o di particolare, tuttavia ne ho trovate un couple of good, and I got lost for a while '. I will not tell, too long and too hard for the moment, but the most surprising thing was not ideas as such, because the fact of having more! In fact, I had reported missing my imagination, the ability to invent something that I have not seen you round, starting from the scraps of information, feelings, images that usually crowd the corners of the heads of everyone. I was now resigned to being "old" for creativity as such, as I had been taught, and instead I have the chance. What heartened me somewhat.

heartened and a bit scared ', as the ideas alone are not realized ... need to get busy, and much, much more, the more the idea is new and apparently sock. And this, above all, those are a lot of socks, but that will come into his head, hang on every corner, and you do not give up more ... Mother Meets promises!

is true, are pigrissimo, just the idea of \u200b\u200bfatigue me tired, but adrenaline can give you an idea that is priceless. Do you charge, I am heartened, gives you energy you did not expect to still have, it gives you a way to deal with the newspaper in more than a hope, with something extra, con una prospettiva diversa, con la voglia di fare, costruire, inventare, sperimentare, crescere.
Forse, non tutto è perduto...