Sunday, November 29, 2009

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SEMINAR Rebirthing
Sunday, January 10, 2010 from 9:00 am to 18:00


Farai intense transformative experience through
the practice of circular breathing and conscious of Rebirthing.
'll be able to get in the game and bring more
clarity and understanding specific aspects of your life.
will become aware of what your personal and lie
how the experience of your conception, gestation and birth
profoundly conditions and negative in your life.
discover how through your conscious thoughts and unconscious
create your life and manifest your reality.

for info and registration 3472310185

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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The Big 5

According to Leonard Orr there are 5 major causes of unhappiness in the lives of a person. These cases also represent the five moments of our lives in which they can be internalized negative beliefs, limiting and often destructive to ourselves. They are:


- Disapproval PARENTAL

- THE DEATH OF unconscious drives

- negativity 'SPECIFICATIONS

- the influence from past lives

Through the practice of Rebirthing is possible to work deeply on these five aspects, dissolve the negative emotions associated reprogram our unconscious and our lives with new positive beliefs and empowering.

free ourselves dall'imprinting received during our birth experience, to forgive ourselves and our parents and recognize them for the love you have given us, free us from the deep fear of death, to abandon the collective social and cultural conditioning ... this is the work that gives us a real and important change to the core. Individual Rebirthing Sessions.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

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The Silence of the Lambs

Beautiful movie and beautiful way, which I hacked to be able to effectively synthesize the long months of absence from this blog.
The innocent in this case, are people like me, the unsuspecting enthusiasts and deep rivers of energy throughout, only to be emptied when it comes to things relating to themselves. My pleasure, my recreation, my passions, my interests, however, are minor compared to the duties, as needed, to daily life, work, the other in general. It is my choice, and I did it with joy, but it is also a choice that involves leaving the second floor in seemingly trivial things, such as this blog, in order to devote all the time I have left to other commitments. To others.

The innocent are the people like me who have no guilt but suffer the consequences, which "pull" in spite of everything and everyone but have a moment's rest from the yoke, so as to arrive at the question when your are at the extreme, "but who am I doing this?". And then feel guilty. Why the innocent, like me, obviously self-esteem issues, they underestimate the value of what they do and, since they are innocent, they are happy only when they can make someone else happy. Of course, renouncing their own happiness. Paradox? What paradox?

But the innocent are also people who are angry. Especially when the absurdities become custom, rule and law: when you see the rights (other, of course) walked and laughed when the law of the stronger becomes the law of the country, piece by piece when you see everything you subtract whole generations have labored to build, when their basic rights, natural to every human being is denied and offended dall'arrogante arrogance of those who believe they have the levers of power, when in reality he only on loan and use that must meet of it. Must answer to the innocent. Which are many, seemingly passive, and generally very intelligent, all'incazzatura very dangerous when they allow to come out. "Beware the wrath of the good," quotes a proverb: history tends to repeat itself, it is clear.

The corollary to this is: make the innocent harmless. Take advantage of their innocence, their innocence, their good faith to convince them that their anger is a sin, that all is well, that there could be no better world and that small difettucci that occasionally appear here and there are fixed now: just work harder, give more, to bend a little more 'head and crank it up with enthusiasm, because we can not stop now, one step away from the goal, the Promised Land, the paradise lost. Creates feelings of guilt and spread it, build artificial paradises of cardboard, chemical and CRT, you houris dance every time someone looks up, and do not look at each other. Do not think of anything else. Do not think. Never again.

stepmother Nature is at times.

The counter to this is deceptively simple: just think for themselves, sharpen their senses, understand all the languages \u200b\u200bthat go beyond the barrage of useless words and grasp the true meaning of things . A no-brainer.
Sufficient to be trained from an early age ...

This speech on the Two Chief World Systems is expanding too. Obviously, not writing for so that I blurted out a sea of \u200b\u200bwords is not too consistent, without a strict line of reasoning, but so I had decided to resume, and I resumed. Riprendetemi not for my inconsistency, will come with time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

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Otto Rank and the trauma of birth

The birth trauma is a psychological concept developed by Otto Rank, who argues that the basis for all development psychopathology there is an unresolved traumatic experience during the birth ( stands out in this paragraph from Freud, who maintains that all disease is due a failure / faulty overcoming the Oedipus complex).

This vision implies a hypothesis scientifically important fetal mental life.

Otto Rank was absolutely convinced that the source of the most important emotional conflicts of his patients were attributable to the traumatic experience of birth and that they could be solved only through the elaboration of that experience.

Unfortunately Rank has never been able to scientifically prove his hypothesis, nor to develop an effective therapy.

Fortunately, there is the pre-and perinatal psychology which is the branch of psychology that studies the scientific method with the mental and emotional life of the fetus.

You could for example be observed with absolute certainty that already between the second and third months of gestation, the fetus reacts to emotional stimuli experienced by the mother altering heart rate and making the micro-movements.

addition to react to stimuli in the fetus is able to process and interpret them to form deep emotional impressions.

With the advent of Rebirthing and thanks to its wide dissemination by Sondra Ray and Bob Mandel was able to see how these reactions profoundly affect life in the adult , which conforms his personality around these negative impressions often conditioned existence.

Today, thanks to Rebirthing we can relive these impressions smoothly and pain free primary education, by reprogramming our subconscious and changing our lives.

Course Rebirthing and Individual sessions in Milan.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Rebirthing: the cycle of 10 sessions

Attending a course of 10 sessions with an expert rebirther means undertake a process of change, which can lead to a real turning point in the life .

During each session, the participant will have the opportunity to choose a theme to work on, in relation to what the conflicting experiences in life.

We will start from the present, going into the past to trace the causes, the conditioning and limiting beliefs that are blocking the expression of their potential.

The issues that are normally addressed are: conflicts in relationships, conflicts at work, impairment and self-confidence, low self-esteem, financial problems, difficult relationship with parents, children and partners, relationship with their bodies and sexuality, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, stress .

The importance of individual sessions is represented by complete presence and availability of Rebirther, che sarà totalmente orientato a facilitare l’assistito nel prendere coscienza dei suoi modelli comportamentali e supportarlo nel processo di integrazione durante il respiro.

Il ciclo di 10 sessioni individuali è un processo intenso, intimo e delicato, in cui si entra in contatto con sè stessi. Si impara ad ascoltare le proprie sensazioni, le proprie emozioni e osservare i propri pensieri, lasciando che l’energia attivata dal respiro circolare produca delle intense esperienze di trasformazione e di contatto con la propria essenza spirituale .

memories that are activated are manifested in the form of physical sensations, emotions, images, memories and thoughts. During breathing is an expansion of consciousness that allows the elaboration of its spontaneous lived unresolved and leads to experience moments of intense joy, harmony, peace, enthusiasm and trust . Each integration that is experienced is final and permanent, and occurs at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The route goes further in depth with Rebirthing in hot water and then in cold water.

3472310185 For information

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Rebirthing and personal growth

Every time I have to explain and tell What is Rebirthing, I realize how absolutely simplistic to define and label it as a simple scheme for developing human potential, that the infinite variety of benefits that it produces.
It could be called Rebirthing, a very powerful and effective tool that allows us to experience states of infinite well-being, pleasure, harmony and healing and that leads us to a rebirth and transformation, both in terms of physical, emotional , mental and spiritual.
Through a special type of circular breathing, deep, relaxed, no delay between inhalation and exhalation, allow us to get back in touch and heal those thoughts in unconscious self-limiting, these belief systems and how those behavioral che creano nella nostra vita, sofferenza emotiva, ansia, depressione, bassa autostima, relazioni distruttive, insoddisfazione professionale ecc.
Molti di questi pensieri sono stati interiorizzati nel corso della nostra infanzia, ma in particolare durante il nostro trauma di nascita, che pur nella sua sacralità, rappresenta l’esperienza piu sconvolgente e dolorosa per ogni essere umano, tanto da essere immediatamente rimossa nel più profondo del nostro inconscio.
Per trauma (o scenario) di nascita si intente il periodo che va dal concepimento, i 9 mesi di gestazione, la nascita e i primi 6 mesi di vita.
Durate questo lasso di tempo, il bambino che si sta conformando, inizia a trarre delle conclusioni e a farsi le prime idee su di sè e sul mondo in relazione alle esperienze che vive.
Potremmo dire che s i forma una sorta di imprinting emotivo sul quale successivamente l’adulto svilupperà la propria personalità , con le proprie credenze e i propri convincimenti profondi.
Questi pensieri interiorizzati agiscono a livello inconscio e minano profondamente le nostre relazioni, il nostro modo di percepire il mondo e le scelte che facciamo, creandoci blocchi nel raggiungimento dei nostri obbiettivi personali.
La pratica del Rebirthing ci consente di ricontattare quegli avvenimenti, riviverli dolcemente e di liberarci dalle conclusioni negative tratte alle quali abbiamo scelto di aderire .
during a rebirthing session often happens that you stop judging negatively past experience and is naturally a point of view and innovative solver leaving a sense of freedom, confidence and inner peace.
To better understand how they can help the Rebirthing I like to make an example, a bit strong but effective. Suppose that after conception and during gestation in the womb, the parents of "Maureen" for a variety of reasons that are not going to deepen, filled with thoughts of rejection against him and even consider the possibility of abortion. The decision is not easy and the discussion will continue for a certain period, but ultimately chose to keep him and welcome him with love.
In your deep unconscious memories which affect the lives of Mauritius as an adult? How do you feel about life and others? And in relationships? What will be his constant thoughts? What will be your internal dialogue? What will he think of himself?
Mauritius will most likely someone who will not feel wanted by others, who hardly enter into intimate relationships and whether it will lead inevitably to re-experiencing the pain. Even when people will appreciate that he will not recognize them as focused in feeding their own personal beliefs. Needless
say that this is an illusion and not the essential truth of our soul.
during a rebirthing session after reliving and re-experiencing the primary emotions, which happens at some point you become aware that the truth is very different ...
... but I am loved and accepted!
The other I want and need to be with me!
I am a wonderful gift from God ..
... how did I have always believed the opposite?
Now I know what is the truth!
This awareness stems from the deep part and infinitely intelligent than us and know that everything that goes beyond our intellect and our personality. We could call our higher self, our consciousness, our soul, our divine spark.
Rebirthing As we practice and we drop all the emotional burdens that create suffering, we feel lighter, happier and serene, full of enthusiasm for life with a clarity of mind and a more creative, more aware of what really want and what is the purpose of our lives . Our relations are transformed and begin to interact and communicate with others in a spontaneous and genuine.
Obviously the call is to experience first hand the countless benefits that this practice produces.
Rebirthing is the most powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual evolution I have ever experienced.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Audience Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is open to all those people who feel a strong need for personal growth and need concrete support in solving problems related to: low self-esteem, sense of unease, distrust and devaluation of self, relationship conflicts and torque, job dissatisfaction, anxiety, stress, insomnia, etc..
Il ciclo di 10 Sessioni individuali di Rebirthing rappresenta un processo intenso e profondo alla scoperta di noi stessi, che può cambiare in meglio la nostra vita e il nostro modo di vedere il mondo. Investire in un ciclo di sessioni di Rebirthing vuol dire investire sulla propria crescita, sul proprio cambiamento e sul proprio futuro.

Monday, November 2, 2009

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Course in Milan

Si sta svolgendo a Milano il nuovissimo Corso di Rebirthing . Questo ciclo of meetings is a deep path to the discovery of ourselves and can lead to a great awareness and inner transformation.
During the evening each participant will have the opportunity, through the sharing of its themes, to bring clarity and understanding to a specific aspect of life in relation to the subject matter. This process will be through interaction with Rebirthers and with the support of the group. Circular Breathing Rebirthing is the instrument which we trust to the alchemical transformation occurs . The meetings will be held in the evening from 20 to about 23.00.

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Rebirthing What is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is a powerful and effective tool, which allows us through the use of circular breathing and connected and creative thinking, to heal deep emotional wounds that result from our childhood, but especially the experience of birth.
Rebirthing produces benefits that are truly endless, but also permanent. As we practice
Rebirthing all our anxieties, fears and tensions will melt, feel more serene and happy, with a greater mental clarity and creativity .
The way we perceive the world is transformed and greatly improve our relationships, leading to a large inner transformation.
also promotes a Rebirthing physiological process of detoxification , deep cleaning our physical bodies, etheric and emotional.