The things that I do have my cross. My natural and ingrained laziness makes constant references that do not particularly like, with the result of seeing them accumulate inexorably, like the mountains of garbage that have plagued Naples, some time ago. Perhaps there are still ... but do not talk. So I do not speak, as if silence could solve the problems and hide in my place, but I have the misfortune not to forget, and I know that sooner or later I will face my own gauntlet, all together, with predictable results.
Things I do have all the necessary, indispensable, generally useful, sometimes substantially unavoidable. But back. It must be a form of self-punishment, masochism, a basking in self-justifying and provides an alibi for guilt of dubious and uncertain origin.
Then, suddenly, make a decision and do something. One of those that just had to do. And you feel a bit 'better. Straighten your back, take a deep breath, you also flaunts a bit '. And, but that looks strange, makes you want to do another. Because that feeling was just beautiful, fulfilling, liberating. You gave the impression of being the master of the steam l'omino Black&Decker, Wolf, quello che risolve problemi. Perché non ripetersi? Fanne un'altra, e poi un'altra ancora, in un parossismo di attività che riscatti una volta per tutte gli anni di ignavia consapevole e colpevole.
Questi due ritratti sono le mie due facce, i due lati di una medaglia non particolarmente meritata che gira come una trottola impazzita, frullando nell'aria in un bagliore confuso prima di ricadere a terra.
La parola chiave è "confuso". Ammetto di esserlo, forse più della media, e reagisco alla mia confusione con un vago senso di irritazione che mi porta verso posizioni anarchiche, quasi a staccarmi the duties to be imposed, to feel free to do what I believe is right. And things I do in the end. Hardly, however, are the things that I do.
But this, after all, is only an alibi.